Interesting news about Bush's partner in war, Tony Blair:
THE jottings of ... Peter Foster and his ex-girlfriend Carole Caplin will soon put besieged British Prime Minister Tony Blair under further pressure.
A newspaper serialisation of Foster's autobiography is set to be published in Britain this week amid reports Ms Caplin, "lifestyle guru" to Tony and Cherie Blair, is also threatening to write her memoirs after being banned from visiting Downing Street.
Foster, who was at the centre of last year's Cheriegate furore which rocked Downing Street, has reportedly been paid $1.2 million for his memoirs....
The book is claimed to be a "literary weapon of mass destruction" that will further rock the shaky foundations of the Blair Government, reeling over the war on Iraq and the death of weapons adviser David Kelly.
It is said to lift the lid on the Cheriegate scandal, in which Foster secured a discount for Mrs Blair on a real estate deal.
After initially denying her links with Foster, whom she met through her friend Ms Caplin, Mrs Blair made a tearful public admission that Foster had indeed acted on her behalf.
Mr Blair has distanced himself from Foster but his 140,000-word autobiography is said to contain a "smoking gun" with the potential to topple his government....
At the weekend, The Daily Mail reported the Blairs were working on a strategy to end their association with Ms Caplin, 41, a former topless model who has advised them on fashion, diet and fitness for more than a decade.
But friends of Ms Caplin said it was increasingly likely she would spill the beans on her relationship with the Blairs for up to $1 million.
--The Courier-Mail (Queensland, Australia)
Funny, I see no mention of this story here.
(First link via Publishers Lunch.)