Friday, September 12, 2003

Well, this made me laugh:

At the height of a solemn moment on a solemn day, a little bit of personal sunshine crept onto the floor of the Atlantis Casino Resort in south Reno.

It was signaled by the bells of an ordinary slot machine, dinging out the familiar celebratory notes that a gambler had hit a jackpot.

The mini-windfall came during a two-minute moment of silence at noon, in honor of the thousands of people killed by terrorists in New York City, Washington, D.C. and rural Pennsylvania two years ago Thursday.

...nobody moved until the period of silence was over, including the jackpot’s winner, an unnamed woman of about 65 who walked away with $375 after playing just two quarters....

--Reno Gazette-Journal

Yeah, that's the kind of tribute I think the 9/11 dead would have wanted -- a moment of silence at the slots in Reno.

I'm pleased that the casino paid this woman and that, apparently, nobody tried to lynch her. Me, I don't blame her one bit. I say if we stop playing the quarter slots, then the terrorists have won.