A couple of weeks ago I wrote about a forthcoming book by Dee Dee Benkie, an assistant to Karl Rove and former president of the Young Republican National Federation. I cited an item in Publishers Lunch that said she'd been the first female president of the YRNF when, in fact, several women had been president of the organization before her. I also snickered at her name and at her book title, Red White, and You: How to Be a Better American.
Well, I've just received an e-mail from Ms. Benkie's agent. He says the misstatement about her presidency
came from a third party ... Dee Dee was the first person to call and insist that it be corrected and it will not show up in further releases.
OK -- duly noted.
The agent also adds (emphasis his),
For your information, Dee Dee Benkie's official title is Special Assistant, Office of the Senior Advisor ( Karl Rove ) and the book is tentatively titled Red, White and YOU: 9 Slam-dunk Strategies to Win in Life and Politics.
Again, duly noted.
I think this means I still get to snicker at her book title -- whoops! tentative book title. And her name.