What excites Arnold Schwarzenegger these days? It’s not gangbangs, or even what seemed to excite him during summer interviews promoting Terminator 3—shoving an actress’s face into a toilet bowl. No, these days, what excites Arnold is learning about "all those issues" he would deal with as governor of California—at least, that’s what he told Oprah Winfrey during his recent appearance on her show. Drawing on her journalistic background, Oprah asked the tough follow-up: "Like, are they at your house to—teaching you stuff every night?"
They are. Like, every night. Oprah was impressed by Arnold. Arnold was impressed by Arnold. The audience dutifully applauded.
--Paul Brennan in Orange County's OC Weekly
Yeah, Arnold's getting a lot of mileage out of saying he now spends his evenings boning up on policy -- he also told Maureen Dowd he's been reading
"Things about electricity. `California Electricity Crisis.' And another one about how the schools work. I'm trying to educate myself and get up to speed with a lot of things that I'll need for the future...."
So is it too much to hope that some reporter might actually read The California Electricity Crisis (presumably this book, published by the right-wing, pro-supply-side Hoover Institution) and ask Schwarzie, for example, what he thinks of this or that argument laid out in Chapter Seven?
Or would that be "unfair," like expecting candidate Bush to know the identity of Pervez Musharraf?