Friday, September 19, 2003

The conservatively correct eat one of their own:

Gay Leader of Anti-Tax Group Is Removed

PHOENIX - A conservative anti-tax group on Thursday dropped an ex-legislator as president of its first state affiliate. The dismissed man said it was because he is gay, which the group denied.

The Washington-based Club for Growth had been criticized by some Arizona conservatives for its selection of former Rep. Steve May as head of the week-old Arizona affiliate....

Club for Growth spokesman Kevin McVicker said the group "categorically denies that they are separating from Mr. May because he is gay. Rather it has to do with policy issues."

...McVicker had acknowledged earlier that May's role as state president was under review because of complaints prompted by a social conservative, Len Munsil, president of the Scottsdale-based Center for Arizona Policy.

On Monday, Munsil urged supporters in an e-newsletter to contact Moore with e-mails to protest May's role.

"Politely let him know conservatives will not support an organization led by a liberal gay activist who has declared war on social conservatives in Arizona," Munsil wrote....


"Liberal gay activist"? I doubt it. He doesn't think he'll burn in hell for having sex with men, so he's not allowed to continue fighting to demolish the social safety net so rich people can have more tax cuts. Har-de-har-har.