Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Every blogger in America has linked this denunciation of the Harriet Miers pick by George Will; many of the liberals who are delighting in it are choosing to overlook its concluding paragraphs, which, reduced to plain words, would read, "One broad on the Supreme Court is plenty!"

...Under the rubric of "diversity" -- nowadays, the first refuge of intellectually disreputable impulses -- the president announced, surely without fathoming the implications, his belief in identity politics and its tawdry corollary, the idea of categorical representation.

... playing the victim card clarified, as much as anything has so far done, her credentials, which are her chromosomes and their supposedly painful consequences.

For this we need a
conservative president?

In The Family, her book on the Bushes, Kitty Kelley notes that Will was a bit less polysyllabic in his patronizing sexism twenty years ago:

When George F. Will reported that [Geraldine Ferraro's] husband, John Zaccaro, had not paid taxes, Ferraro proved Will wrong and suggested he publicly apologize. Instead, Will sent roses with a card, which read: "Has anyone told you you are cute when you're mad?"


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