The right-wingers at NewsMax say that the new Iraqi prime minister is a believer:
New Iraq Chief: Evidence Linking Saddam to 9/11 Is 'Genuine'
The man tapped to head Iraq's new interim government has vouched for the authenticity of evidence that links Saddam Hussein to the 9/11 attacks.
...newly appointed Iraq Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said in December that a document purported to be from Saddam's intelligence service that places lead 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta in Baghdad two months before the attacks was indeed "genuine."
"We are uncovering evidence all the time of Saddam's involvement with al-Qaeda," Allawi told the London Telegraph at the time. "But this is the most compelling piece of evidence that we have found so far. It shows that not only did Saddam have contacts with al-Qaeda, he had contact with those responsible for the September 11 attacks."...
Here's the story NewsMax is quoting; it's from the 12/14/03 Telegraph. The quote is accurate.
But you might like to know a little more about the document Allawi certified as genuine:
The handwritten memo, a copy of which has been obtained exclusively by the Telegraph, is dated July 1, 2001 and provides a short resume of a three-day "work programme" Atta had undertaken at Abu Nidal's base in Baghdad....
The second part of the memo, which is headed "Niger Shipment", contains a report about an unspecified shipment - believed to be uranium - that it says has been transported to Iraq via Libya and Syria.
Was the new Iraqi prime minister a participant in the Niger fraud? Or was he just a dupe?