Monday, May 07, 2007


From New York magazine's mini-interview with Christopher Hitchens about his new me-too! atheism book:

Have you ever prayed in your life?

I probably once did pray for an erection, but not addressed to anyone in particular. Nor completely addressed to my cock.

I'll let you click on the link if you really need to know how that turned out. (Go to page 2.)

And I'm not particularly interested in this revelation:

Has anyone in the Bush administration confided in you about being an atheist?

... Karl Rove is not a believer, and he doesn't shout it from the rooftops, but when asked, he answers quite honestly. I think the way he puts it is, "I'm not fortunate enough to be a person of faith."

I don't want Rove on my side, but I'm left-handed, too, and if you told me Hitler was left-handed I wouldn't try switching hands.

All I'll say about this -- assuming it's true, of course -- is that Rove is clearly one of those atheists who believe that everything is permitted if there's no God. I know a lot of atheists, yet none of them feel that way -- they all try to be decent and moral. Rove clearly doesn't, and if it's because he's accepted the right-wing believers' blather about the impossibility of morality in the absence of God, then he's swallowed even more dangerous nonsense than I thought.

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