Buddy Davis is a multi-talented christian speaker for Answers in Genesis (AiG).... Other than speaking, Davis is well known as an author, singer/songwriter, illustrator, and dinosaur sculptor....
Answers in Genesis produces and award winning set of videos called the Creation Adventure Team. Buddy Davis appears in all DVD's along with "proto" the anamatronic dinosaur and Dr. Noah Tall (know it all). These videos take young viewers on adventures throughout God's creations in "Six Short Days", and offers answers to the mystery of dinosaurs in "A Jurassic Ark Mystery".
...Buddy specializes in life-size dinosaur sculpting. Buddy has completed more than 60 sculptures and some have been placed in the new Answers in Gensis museum....
...Upon booking, Davis will attend your church and perform folk/Appalachian style music. Afterwords, the service concludes with Davis re-telling hunting stories and reading from the Bible. Along with Davis' contributions, the night is usually completed with the locals cooking and preparing wild game for dinner. This could be a unique opportunity for your church to reach out to the community....
(That's from Buddy's entry at CreationWiki, "the encyclopedia of creation science." More Buddy info here; his Web site is here. Buy his merchandise here -- and yes, the album 7 C's of History does include a song entitled "God Created the Happy Moose." Oh, and those biblical wild game dinners? I sure hope he prepares them following Jewish dietary laws.)
By the way, I didn't realize that the exhibits in the Creation Museum touch on more than the Genesis story. This is from an NPR report by Barbara Bradley Hagerty:
Hagerty: It is the Culture in Crisis exhibit where the museum makes its obvious moral point.
Voice of actress in exhibit: I just want to go and get this fixed. I can't be pregnant. I w--
Voice of narrator in exhibit: One in three pregnancies ends in abortion.
Hagerty: On one video screen in a darkened room is a distraught girl calling a clinic about having an abortion. On another is a boy looking at pornography on the Internet. Nearby, a church edifice is being destroyed by a wrecking ball with the words "Millions of Years." The Riccardellis [first-day attendees] get the intended point: that if you doubt Genesis, you can ignore the rest of the Bible, and where, they say, does that leave society?
Mr. Riccardelli: I think the first eleven chapters of the Bible is the whole foundation for life. My personal belief is, sin easily entangles us.
Mrs. Riccardelli: I just believe that as soon as you don't have truth, as soon as you get rid of absolute truth, that you just start to rationalize away the rest of your life.
Yikes. And over at the Answers in Genesis site we get this in easy-to-digest form, in an excerpt from The Lie: Evolution, a book by AiG's president and the Creation Museum's guiding spirit, Ken Ham:

A lot of believers think that morality is impossible without belief in God. These people believe morality is impossible if you believe in evolution:
...if you reject God and replace Him with another belief that puts chance and random processes in the place of God, there is no basis for right or wrong. Rules become whatever you want to make them. There are no absolutes -- no principles that must be adhered to. People will write their own rules.
Scary. And the Riccardellis (and lots of other people like them) believe this. And they can vote.
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