Friday, August 27, 2004


Gov. Jeb Bush's rising Republican star will be temporarily eclipsed next week -- by his son.

As the governor stays behind in Florida to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Charley, Republican National Convention planners said Thursday they've awarded the governor's first-born a coveted evening speaking spot at the convention, which is scheduled to begin Monday in New York City....

--Miami Herald

..."P" was involved in a troubling 1994 incident described in this Metro-Dade Police Department report. On December 31, 1994, Bush showed up at 4 AM at the Miami home of a former girlfriend. He proceeded to break into the house via the woman's bedroom window, and then began arguing with his ex's father. Bush, then a Rice University student, soon fled the scene. But he returned 20 minutes later to drive his Ford Explorer across the home's front lawn, leaving wide swaths of burned grass in his wake. Young Bush avoided arrest when the victims declined to press charges.

--The Smoking Gun (go to the link for the police report)

"P." would've been about 25 when the Twin Towers fell, right? Guess he never volunteered for military service, did he?