Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Book: Thomas next chief justice?

White House lawyers have interviewed Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as a possible choice to be the next chief justice, the author of a new biography says.

Thomas says he isn't interested but could find it hard to turn down an opportunity to be the first black to lead the court, said Ken Foskett, author of "Judging Thomas," out last week....

Rehnquist, 79, is not expected to retire before November but might do so during a second term by President Bush....


Don't say I didn't warn you. And warn you again.

And don't say I didn't warn you if Rehnquist, "in a surprise move," resigns between now and Election Day, thus allowing Bush to choose Thomas as his replacement, after which, if Democrats mount a challenge, Bush (or at least his surrogates) will make Alan Keyes-like pronouncements about Democratic hostility to "independent" blacks who stray from the Democratic "plantation."

(AP link via Cursor.)