Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Sorry, kind of busy today -- though I'm amused to see, via Matt Drudge, that the Bush twins will be atttending a gay wedding* in the next couple of weeks. (One half of the happy couple is the guy who does their eyebrow waxes.)

What Drudge fails to note is the date of the wedding -- according to the New York Daily News story he cites, it's going to take place on September 11.

Hey -- I say mazel tov. Knowing how much jihadists hate gay people, I think a gay wedding is a great way to affirm our values on 9/11.

I'm not sure supporters of the twins' dad will agree.

*(Non-wedding, of course, in the eyes of the state; the two men were wed in San Francisco las spring, but the marriage was, needless to say, declared legally invalid.)