Monday, August 30, 2004

After the first night of the Republican convention, it's impossible not to conclude that the GOP loves September 11, wants to wallow in September 11, wishes it could be September 11 (or the days and weeks afterward) forever. The story Republicans tell themselves about 9/11 and what they as a group have done, through the instrument of the mighty and sage George W. Bush, is so soul-nourishing that if they had the power to turn back time and watch the hijackers arrested at the gate, it's not at all clear that Republicans would do it. Don't believe me? Read tonight's speeches; watch the rerun on C-SPAN. 9/11 is a force that gives Republicans meaning.

UPDATE, TUESDAY MORNING: Was I exaggerating in what I wrote last night? Check out the front page of today's New York Post.

"IT'S 9/11."

I suppose that's meant to mean "We're still at war with the same bastards," or "What's the key issue in this election? It's 9/11, stupid." But the scent I'm picking up is "Rudy's back, and it's 9/11 again, baby!"