Thursday, August 05, 2004

Is anyone connected with George W. Bush capable of being gracious?

Joe Hagan, in The New York Observer's NYTV column, points out that you can watch the president on cable tomorrow night trying to catch some bass on Fishing with Roland Martin. Hagan interviews Martin, a Bush family friend, and the conversation seems to be rolling among smoothly, until Martin turns into just another nasty Bushie:

A lot of reporters have been asking Mr. Martin and his Florida-based business associate, Walt Reynolds, about fishing with the Bushes. Mr. Reynolds told NYTV he had just about had it with liberal snoops.

"We fish and we love to fish, and George Bush fishes and that's the end of it," said Mr. Reynolds. "There's always some dirty little Democrat trying to be nasty out there."

Where the hell did that come from?

Then, shortly after that, there's this:

What about Mr. Kerry?

"I don't think the man has ever held a fishing rod in his hand," he said.

Well, that settles it -- Kerry must be half a man.