A few weeks ago, just back from Boston, Tom Frank attacked the Democratic Party from the left in an L.A. Times op-ed ("Clueless Democrats Trot Out Hollywood") for their appalling elitism. His main evidence was the guest list at one pro-Dem party he attended:
The father of a famous comedian was there. A star from a favorite TV drama. A guy from a celebrated Broadway musical. And a member of the famous acting family whom everyone referred to simply as "the Baldwin."
Now there's this, from yesterday's Washington Post:
Yesterday a convention planner proudly informed us that those swingin' twins Jenna and Barbara Bush will host "R: The Party" Aug. 29 at Manhattan's Roseland Ballroom, with a celeb invite list including (drumroll, please): born-again Christian and actor Stephen Baldwin, known among Republicans as "the good Baldwin"; actress Barret Swatek of "7th Heaven"; Angie Harmon, late of "Law and Order," and her husband, former NFL cornerback Jason Sehorn; Aaron Buerge of "The Bachelor"; country music vets the Gatlin Brothers; the ever-lovely Bo Derek; and our favorite pro wrassler of all time, Ric Flair.
A Baldwin here, a Baldwin there. Here a TV drama star, there a TV drama star. So why is only one party appallingly elitist, Tom?
(Post link via Roger Ailes.)