Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Local veterans call for attorney's resignation

OREGON CITY, Ore. - Clackamas County veterans are calling for the resignation of an assistant district attorney who appeared in television ads attacking Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's military record.

In the ad, and a sworn affidavit, Al French says he served with Kerry and that the Purple Heart medals Kerry received were obtained under false pretenses.

However, French admitted later that he did not witness the events mentioned in the affidavit and was relying on what his friends told him....

The Oregon State Bar says they have received enough complaints to look into the matter, with the main question being whether French violated ethics.

--AP/KATU, Portland, Oregon

Here's the affidavit, which states flatly that "Kerry obtain Purple Hearts under false pretenses from negligently self-inflicted grenade wounds in the absence of hostile fire"; the first paragraph of the affidate asserts that "all facts and statements contained in this affidavit are true and correct and within my personal knowledge or belief."

And via Atrios, I see that Media Matters for America is exposing Steve Gardner as another Swift boat non-eyewitness eyewitness....