Tuesday, May 13, 2003

A small ray of hope, from this Ipsos-Reid poll conducted in mid-April (just after the Great Patriotic Saddam-Spanking War ended) and early May:

Attitudes toward reelection [of George W. Bush] have stayed the same among Republicans and Democrats. Among swing-voting Independents, however, attitudes change significantly after the conclusion of the shooting war in Iraq. The net change for those who would definitely vote to reelect George W. Bush is -6, and those who would consider someone else is +8....

A similar pattern exists with regard to generic Congressional vote....

Among Independents, the net change among those who would want to see the Republicans win control of Congress is -6 and among those who would want to see the Democrats win control of Congress, the gap is +4.

The percentage of Independents who currently would like to see the Republicans win control of Congress is roughly comparable with early March (18% versus 21% in early March). However, the proportion of Independents who would like to see the Democrats win control of Congress has increased 10 points since early March, when 21% of Independents favored the Democrats winning control of Congress.