Wednesday, August 07, 2013


There have been plenty of racist signs and slogans at tea party rallies over the years, but some who've looked at tea party rallies have determined that racist slogans actually aren't all that prevalent. If that's true, it's probably because shrewd political insiders -- FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity -- guided the teabaggers from the movement's early days and urged participants to tone the offensiveness down a smidge.

Those same insiders also provided lots and lots of money, along with networking opportunities and free publicity. And so the tea party became a real force in American politics.

What about newer grassroots anti-Obama movements? Well, they don't seem to be getting the cash and advice. Especially advice:
Hundreds of protesters wielded signs, chanted slogans and argued with each other Tuesday outside Desert Vista High School in Phoenix, while President Barack Obama spoke about housing and the economy inside....

Racially-charged sentiment infused the protests and split the crowd....

Obama foes at one point sang, "Bye Bye Black Sheep," a derogatory reference to the president's skin color, while protesters like Deanne Bartram raised a sign saying, "Impeach the Half-White Muslim!"

... “He's 47 percent Negro,” shouted Ron Enderle, a 77-year-old Chandler resident....
What group was behind this protest? It appears to be a little-known one:
A grassroots group with thousands of members is planning nationwide protests August 6 calling for President Obama’s impeachment.

The group, "Overpasses for Impeachment," has gained steam since launching in mid-June and now appears to have a presence on all 50 states....

The organizing has been done mainly via the group's Facebook Page, which has spawned Facebook groups in all 50 states....
The group also has a non-Facebook site. The list of rallies at the site includes a link to a video of this Phoenix protest. (None of the nasty stuff shows up in that video.)

The group may have racist elements, but it seem, well, pathetic. The crowd in the video is sparse; the chants are at the level of "Obama sucks!" And when you click from the group's site to its gofundme page, there's this bit of sadness:

Wow ... only $999,076 to go to reach that $1 million goal!

Sparse crowds, racist slogans, and no money. The tea party minus Koch and Fox News would have equaled this.


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Unknown said...

You on the left, putting it nicely, are disingenuous,delusional,we have your M.O.,Masterminds,elitists, All the empirical evidence of human history will not move you from your perverse positions on political philosophy. You are ideologues, no reverence for the past or tradition,for there you will find what has worked and what has not, you always looking forward, moving forward aimlessly for you do not look to a strong foundation to build upon. Moral equivalency, reality is subjective, all cultures are equal yea yea yea what a bunch of crap.. I don't know about other Tea Party conservatives.. But I just about had enough, I lie low and wait for the clarion call,and am ready to do my part to restore this once great nation.your time will come

IknowyouBO said...

How much do you get paid to put this crap on the Internet? Lie your ass off now but the day is coming when you will lose it all if you are not a Muslim yet. It IS coming and you will deservedly rot in hell. Now, if you really believe it is all lies about him even as you listen, if you dare to educate yourself about what is really going on, then SHAME on you for being the traitor that I think you are. May God have mercy on your soul for what is coming.

ThinkOutLoud said...

I've posted numerous times on my FB page articles with prominent African-Americans supporting and agreeing with the Tea Party and vice-versa, not the least of which is the fact that Herman Cain was the Tea Party's presidential choice until his scandals broke. The Tea Party is not concerned with skin color. The TP is not perfect, neither are the Dems or Reps., but the Tea Party is not racist. Just doesn't even make sense to make such a claim.

Jim Stringer said...

Tea Party weak? Racist? Not hardly. And if you find ANY foul language or unsavory threats in these posts, you can bet they were posted by a fraud. Look at videos of the Tea Party events -- and other Conservative gatherings -- and you'll find almost no indecency of any kind. We tend to stick to facts and results -- not ginned up emotions and hatred. Read the Declaration of Independence through a few times. Read the Bill of Rights. Start THINKING and realizing what is necessary for a people to become and remain free.

Unknown said...

You blind and mindless liberals crack me up. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, for you are helping BHO destroy this great nation. Among all the reasons already given for Impeachment...of an illegal president, I may add....let's not forget about his supplying Mexican cartel's with weapons, weapons that were used to kill many Americans. Let's not forget about the mosque that was erected by ground zero, you know, the one in which he was too busy attending to recognize our own National holiday. If you idiots really think this is about racism, then why don't you question the non-white Tea Party Members. You all need to stop being a part of the problem and man up to your mistakes and misjudgments and do something to make it right.

Unknown said...

So tea party members are racist? Is it racist to want eveeyone to succede no matter their race. Or is racist to say that brown skinned people cant do it without help and they need a handout? Is it racist for people to work hard and earn that promotion or job? Or is it racist to promote or hire someone because of the color of their skin. Is it racist to expect the same rules and laws for everyone or is it racist to say that white people have one set of laws and eveeyone needs their own laws? Is allen west and mark rubio racist or are sharpton and jackson racists since they feel black deserve free stuff just cuz they are black?

Unknown said...

So tea party members are racist? Is it racist to want eveeyone to succede no matter their race. Or is racist to say that brown skinned people cant do it without help and they need a handout? Is it racist for people to work hard and earn that promotion or job? Or is it racist to promote or hire someone because of the color of their skin. Is it racist to expect the same rules and laws for everyone or is it racist to say that white people have one set of laws and eveeyone needs their own laws? Is allen west and mark rubio racist or are sharpton and jackson racists since they feel black deserve free stuff just cuz they are black?

TheTruthHasNoAgenda said...

Conservative or Liberal, agree or disagree, there is no place on this planet you will feel safer than at a Tea Party Rally. The people you're railing against are the salt of the earth. You would like to pin a belief in our country and our core values on us as if we're the ones that are out of line. We are not attacking the country and its constitution and we're not accusing liberals any more of it than we are so called conservatives. Our government is out of control and if left unchecked history can provide all of the object lessons you can submit yourself too. This isn’t a race matter but to keep you informed we’re not all white! Would you like to know why? Because this isn’t about skin color or right or left, it’s about right and wrong. Brush off your investigative skills and go to a Tea Party Rally. Look at who’s around you and notice that they are nice to you. If you’re looking at the color of their skin you’re the racists no matter what that color might be. Look at the content of their souls, they will share with you their love for this country and all it was founded on. Any one of them will. To say that we don’t have answers to your questions is to say that the questions are not being asked or the answers are not being heard. Not that we won’t proudly meet you on the field of truth and as long as we can agree on what’s truth, we can argue about what that truth means like men, like patriots. Your article is a myth from start to finish and you should be ashamed of yourself. Go, get the truth and come back and report it. If you can’t bring yourself to report the truth, may God have mercy on you. Call us when we can help you.

jimmy said...

You Liberals would just LOVE to see the Tea Party show signs of weakness. That's when you Liberals would come out of the darkness and dance, but I hate to ruin your victory party. It's NOT going to happen in my life time. The Tea Part is the way of the future. It is my hopes that the "Give Away Liberal Democratic Party will dwindle into obscurity as a "Has-Been" political group. The way I see it . . .the only difference between the Liberal Democrats and the Socialist is the spelling of their names. "LONG LIVE THE TEA PARTY"

Unknown said...

Why are you so afraid of the Tea Party? We are nothing but All-American Patriots who want our Constitution & Amendments to stay the way they were designed. We want our freedom to not be compromised in any way. We want our President & Congress leaders to work "for" & "with" us, not "against" us. We want our President & Congress leaders to be honest with us, not lie to us like we don't know any better. We are not racists. We don't like bad people of any race. If you are a good, honest, hard-working person, we are on your side. Now you tell me what is wrong with anything I've written here. It is your kind who make something from nothing. You find fault with everyone & everything. I think you really understand what the Tea Party stands for. You just can't admit it!

Bill said...

It is pretty sad when they have no answer to the problems they face, that the left has to resort to name calling, like racists. There is no racism here. There are problems that have to be addressed. But name calling to try and win an argument will not address them. I am not a republican or Democrat. And since neither party cares about the country, but only their own power. I suggest we start fresh. Any Congressman or Senator who has served more than three terms, Democrat or Republican, needs to be defeated and taken out of office.

One final thought. the Tea party was raised up because the abuse of the congress and Presidency of both parties. You may or may not agree with them, but to attack them by name calling is not only absurd but very childish.

Unknown said...

Preferring freedom over government is not racist. It isn't even hateful, but it sure is hated. The hatred is the cornerstone of the left. The cornerstone of The Tea Party is freedom. It's a message that doesn't require fueling by hatred.

Unknown said...

Oh the tea party is racist? Is it because we are fiscally conservative and have our own family to support so we dont want to support your spoiled ass or is it because we are actually the ones that have a real job and dont write stupid fucking one sided posts for $100/week? Im not racist. I would supprot Herman Cain or Allen West in a heartbeat for any office they decided to run for. But im racist because I dont support Obama because of his policies destroying this country, which is something completely irrelevant to the color of his skin or his muslim faith. If I am racist, you are a terrorist. Dont worry, im basing my judgement on the same principle you are. Get a real fucking job and do something productive for society hippy fagot.

Unknown said...

No prejudice here, I would be happy to vote for Allen West to replace BHO. And Mr. West is actually totally black, not half white and half Kenyan and he can prove his citizenship. There are others who I would vote for who are not white. Prejudice goes both ways, and BHO is one of the biggest bigots.

Anonymous said...

Those of us who call ourselves members of the Tea Party believe in protecting and defending the United States Constitution and the civil rights ensconced within it--nothing more, nothing less. We stand for the same values the American founding fathers did. There is nothing racist or weak about it. Every government official swears to do exactly the same thing, they just don't keep their word as well. Come to a Tea Party meeting and see what it truly is about and how millions of American have started to stand together to protect their country; and, incidentally, your right to free speech. You are welcome anytime.

Griff said...

Sorry, dude, you're a schmuck. Do you know any real conservatives? I mean, not the caricatures you see on SNL or The West Wing or in Doonesbury, but real folks. I'm guessing not. And if you want racism, look to your own party first. Plenty to go around there.

Unknown said...

Just like a liberal to throw the word "racist" against the Tea Party in the hopes it sticks. You obviously know nothing about those of us who want nothing more than a return of our once great nation. Can you not understand that we hate obama's policies, not the color of his skin!

Unknown said...

Steve, I would actually say that the Tea Party will only continue to grow. The more people that become dissatisfied with Democrat vs Republican partisan politics, the bigger this movement will become. It saddens me that some have bought into race-divisiveness and hate-mongering and I think they should think about what they stand for. This, for me at least, is purely about the law and government policy. As far as what Obama's done that would invite impeachment? I could go (and have gone) through the Constitution clause by clause and explain how Obama has violated most of it through events that are public knowledge. For the sake of brevity I'll condense it down to things that can be quickly typed into search engines: attacks on 2nd amendment, homeland security buying up ammunition, dept of homeland security accountability, granting weapons to countries with terrorist links, guantanimo bay, Yemen drone strikes, Obama family annual budget, justice dept operation fast and furious, attack on benghazi consulate, aid to Syria, fbi failure to investigate suspects in Boston bombing, IRS targets conservative groups, NSA snoops Fox News, NSA project Prism, Affordable Care Act individual mandate, 2012 voter fraud, amnesty for illegal immigrants will influence elections.

My Dog Fenway said...

It was formed by the masses who decided enough is enough. The tea party is growing by hundreds everyday and will not slow down. The more the left liberal social communist impend on the nation, the more people that join the Tea Party.The great accomplishment for the left, dubbed 'ObamaCare' has already began it's destructive path in tearing down this great Nation and with it pushed more small business (the heart of America) out of business, It has caused massive layoffs in every business, and yes a small business having only 8 employees and having to layoff 5 due to the economic impact of Obama care is massive because it isn't just one business, it's thousands, it isn't just small business, it's corporations and industries. You speak of a weak Tea Party, i say to you, If the Tea Party is so weak, then why is it that the leftist media feels the need to bring them up everyday in news and commentary? If the Tea Party is so weak, why do you feel that this is an important enough issue to waste time blogging about, since you so admittedly disagree with the tea party? I choose not to engage you in a battle of name calling, for i do not feel the need to lower myself and the populous to that level. I merely attempt to engage in intellectual exchange, but that has always proven to be one sided against any liberal as most do not have enough fact to engage with. I would suggest to you that before you began accusing any one of anything, that you first investigate and prove your facts, and post not only the result but the source and fact itself, otherwise you have done nothing to credit yourself or your statements. God be with you, and yes, i know saying that offended you completely, but if you are so wise as to even begin to practice what you say you do, then it will be tolerated. Good Day.

Clan Wu said...

I geting sickening tired from bullys use blogs blogging powers for scares peoples!!

SO, you name 'NO MORE MISTER NICE BLOG'? You to use that ass fake name butt - use real name for all each peoples you slam on ass fake blog- you being GIRLY MAN!! WEASEl man!!

Tea party peoples no have stuff for hide!! Tea party peoples use REAL NAME for responsing GIRLY MANS ass fake BLOG pack of BALLS FACE LIES! Girly man need for to get JOBS!

To stop taking whole long days and all times to use blogs blogging powers so peoples- AMericans peoples- read ass fake Balls FAKe LIES from GIRLY MAN who is name 'NO MORE MISTER NICE BLOG'

GIrly man WEASEL Man for being ONE ass big things- VICTIMS! What in hell for being this total shitts?

TEA PARTY STRonger day to DAY- more for EVER from GIRLY MANS ass fake blogs!!


Unknown said...

Omar nailed it on the head.

Not to mention his constant slandering of our Constitution, his incessant lies and using the IRS to target those who oppose his agenda.

Unknown said...

Oh and the newest one, Syrian rebels are on our govt payroll. While he is using our hard earned money to fund their war of slaughtering innocent women and children.

He has the nerve to tell Americans what guns we can own while supplying Syrian rebels with our military's arms... The out right and blatant abuse of power and corruption is overwhelming. How can people still not see this?

Unknown said...

Omar nailed it on the head.

Not to mention his constant slandering of our Constitution, his incessant lies and using the IRS to target those who oppose his agenda.

Unknown said...

Omar nailed it on the head.

Not to mention his constant slandering of our Constitution, his incessant lies and using the IRS to target those who oppose his agenda.

Shelly said...

How about I am paying an additional $5,000/year in taxes and I make far less than $200,000/year. Wait, he also said $250,000. Impeachment? what about Benghazi; Fast and Furious; NSA to name a few. Obamacare is a joke and will destroy not only small and private businesses but this country's health care. Wait, wait, wait, these are all of his goals. He wants to move to full socialism and tyranny. He is a joke and were he not half-black, he never would have been elected. Wait, he really wasn't - so much voter fraud out there. How someone who has no experience and who lost his law license could become President can be explained no other way. There are so many ignorant voters. I am proud to be an American and am proud to support the tea party movement because they are FOR AMERICA.

themightytyphlosion said...

Not all Tea Partiers are Republican. But all liberals are closed minded. You call Tea Partiers 'racist' and say they don't like Obama because he's black. Tea partiers are taking a page from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (remember him? He had a 'dream') and judging Obama not by the color of his skin, but by the (lack of) content of his character. Time to wake up and smell the reality...

Unknown said...

My prediction: The Tea Party will soon rule over the Liberal class and everyone else in this nation. That's right. Liberals need a permanent underclass to be successful. The Tea Party is not weak, and they are not a doormat, but leaders in their communities. Sarah Palin is a patriot and a great American. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and others will soon take the reins and turn this beast around. Just watch.... God Bless America.

timas said...

We are not dead, we are not racist, we are Patriots who love this country and we are not giving up!! This is the most corrupt administration since the birth of this country. If you can't see that you are blind.

Unknown said...

" . . .all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurptions, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government . . ." ~Thomas Jefferson; July 4, 1776
It's real simple, the evils of this administration in particular and libprogs in general are no longer sufferable--hence the birth and growth of The Tea Party.

Lion's Roar - Quiet no More said...

If you saw videos of a raciest, nasty protest, you must have been looking at an Occupy Wall Street video. The Tea Party is far from dead. We are growing in numbers - quietly for now. When the time is right, you will see the power of ordinary citizens who are tired of all the crudeness of people like you. Just waiting....waiting....growing stronger.

Unknown said...

Tea for me!!!

Anonymous said...

The Tea Party is about citizens of the United States of America who want to live according to the Constitution of the United States of America. We don't want a utopian society, we don't want the government trying to do everything for us and protect us from every perceived ill. We want freedom from a nanny-government that thinks they can legislatively force people to be nice to each other. That doesn't work for the government any better than it worked in nursery school when the teacher turned her back.

Unknown said...

Amen sister!

Unknown said...

There you go again! You are that low information voter we chat about! The Tea Party is alive and well and ready for a fight. Keep in mind that we do our homework and arm ourselves with facts before we speak! You, on the other hand just speak from emotion (a tyrannical master).
But Jesus loves you as do I!

Unknown said...

As you have probably received several comments that may refer to your misunderstanding of the validity of the presence of the TEA Party as an active political organization let me remind you of a famous quote "...The report of my death is an Exaggeration." And so it is with your insinuation that the TEA party is no longer and active organization. It is a ill conceived hope of the Faithful Obama followers that they have sufficiently extinguished this group but as with all the other pronouncements, it too is a lie and a weak lie at that with no bases for justification.
Gerald Hallman

Liberty4US said...

Oh yea of little knowledge, oh yea of little intelligence, oh yea of little faith... The Tea Party is the party of the future. We honor and support our God, Our constitution, and the country of our fathers and grandfathers. The same country we must preserve for our children and grandchildren. Ahh yes! We are United, we are Strong, we are Growing by the minute and You and others like you are running scared...We are going to take Our country Back! But don't worry. We will still let you live here because misguided as many liberals are, you are still an important part of our great country. Perhaps then, we can join together and heal the social wounds inflicted by the current administration, but the economic blunders may take decades to resolve. This is OUR country and anyone who fails to recognize the power and resourcefulness of the American people is simply a fool. Blessings...

Unknown said...

Liberals always play the race card when trying to argue against facts. The Tea Party is alive and well despite the POTUS trying to categorize them as domestic terrorists. The media needs to be held accountable for their part in trying to brainwash the US population.

What every American should be concerned about is the Unconstitutional executive orders this administration has put through. Be careful what you wish for Liberals, most of you enjoy your FREEDOM like the rest of us. Below are some of the most hideous executive orders.

Executive Order 10990 allows the Government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
Executive Order 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
Executive Order 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.
Executive Order 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
Executive Order 11001 allows the government to take over all health education and welfare functions.
Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
Executive Order 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
Executive Order 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate and establish new locations for populations.
Executive Order 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.
Executive Order 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issues over a fifteen-year period.
Executive Order 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
Executive Order 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute Industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
Executive Order 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit, and the flow of money in U.S. financial institutions in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when the president declares a state of emergency, Congress cannot review the action for six months.
These executive orders are a blueprint for the takeover by the government by White House fiat, by-passing Congress.

By declaring that “international tensions and economic or financial crisis” or a “national emergency” exists, it puts all powers of governance in the hands of one man, Barack Hussein Obama.

Lets not forget Rules For Radicals has been implemented with Valerie Jarrett pulling the strings.

Unknown said...

What a tool the author is. Still trying to foist the TP is racist mantra? You are clown shoes.

SF Architect said...

Sorry to hear you have no clue as to what it is about or who is in it. Color has nothing to do with the Tea Party, only those who desperately wish it would get out of the way of their agenda to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights being left in place. You have to be working for the monopolists destroying the country for power and greed = and you may not know it. Check your racism before accusing others of being what you are, and explain to the many like Ninja News and others actually holding signs they made at the Obama Impeachment rallies going on now who are people of color in your estimation. Tea Partiers simply don't care about color, like Dr. Ben Carson, they know that what counts is under the package wrapping.

Cheeks said...

The Tea Party is not racist. If anything this president is a racist. He continues to use the constitution as toilet paper. He should be impeached for about over 20 things that he has allowed to happen in his administration. One question I would like answered is what was he doing in the 8 1/2 hours during the Benghazi terrorist attack and leaving for his fund raiser in Las Vegas? Four Americans died and he did nothing???? Where was he?

Anonymous said...

Why are you so scared of the Tea Party?
Because they hold the truth that you don't want your blind liberal followers to find out!

dodi55 said...

B"H. So sorry to bust your bubble, but the Tea Party is not going away. It is growing. People are praying and waking up from the intoxication brought on by the elixir of "Hope and Change". "Yes we can" has worn off, the hangover is making it's point and now we must say, for America and the Constitution - "NEVER AGAIN!!!". Stand long, stand strong. If we are with G*d and our founders, the battle is already won!

Unknown said...

Funny, I wad there at Desert View HS this past Tuesday and didn't hear or see anything as you suggest happened. The Tea partiers and Overpassers were very civil and left little to now litter behind. I've been told you don't get that at liberal rallies.

Unknown said...

Funny, I wad there at Desert View HS this past Tuesday and didn't hear or see anything as you suggest happened. The Tea partiers and Overpassers were very civil and left little to now litter behind. I've been told you don't get that at liberal rallies.

Unknown said...

The Tea Party is the only "hope" way to change from this "change". Black, White, or in between the Dems and the GOP have been selling us out for quite some time.

Black guy who sent Zimmerman cash ;-)

Unknown said...

For this being a liberal site there sure are a lot of Conservative posts.

Impeach Obama. 100% agreed .....

roblog said...

Racist? I that the word of the day at liberal school? Every time a lib opens their mouth a fool speaks.

Micupoftea said...

At a Tea Party rally in 2010 one researcher (Ekins) photographed 250 signs being held by attendees. Only 5 percent of the total mentioned the president's race or religion, and slightly more than 1 percent questioned his American citizenship. Ekins's conclusion was not that the racially charged messages were unimportant, but that media coverage of tea party rallies over the past year have focused so heavily on the more controversial signs that it has contributed to the perception that such content dominates the tea party movement more than it actually does! It is a fact that 'plants' not only attend these events but are bussed in by community organizing organizations, among others. Time to consider that your news source is biased? No matter how much prominent liberals talk about rampant violence at Tea Party rallies, the facts on the ground tell a different story and reporters end up leaving with rather dull footage - no police clashes, no tear gas, no images of people being carted away in handcuffs. Despite nonstop media warnings about hateful protests, violence from TEA party attendants is so nonexistent that police feel safe allowing them to bring large items, like flagpoles, and sometimes even guns. Contrast this with Occupy Wall Street crowds.

Unknown said...

I have been to three Tea Party rallies and witnessed none of what you wrote in your article. People were jovial and kind and caring. We all wanted less Gov in our lives. What could be wrong with that? Conversely, I have been to countless Pro-life, anti-war rallies and there is nothing but anger and resentment from those folks. I have also noticed that the mall is cleaner after a tea party rally than after a left wing anger-fest.

Unknown said...

Liberals are so stupid! Your B.O. exempts himself and his lousy family from Obozocare and you still worship at his altar.

Why don't you all move to a socialist country where you belong and leave this one alone.

Here is a repost of a previous comment for you because you were more than likely too stupid to see it the first time:

We are racist if we don't agree with your idiotic liberal views? Please obtain some intelligence (liberal and intelligence are oxymorons I know).

I am so sick of the "racist or bigot" mantra of the left. You know your facts are wrong, yet you consistently defend them as if they came from God himself! Oh wait, I better not mention GOD or I might hurt your sensitive feelings!

Stupid libtards!

in&odds said...

It is obvious this blogger is ignorant regurgitator of wall graffiti to tantilate justification of ignoring the words contained in the Constiution against collective assignation.

He doesn't realize his seditious words could be construed as a incitement to insurrection.

Attacking his fellow citizens for their endeavors to uphold the 27 Amendments to the Constitution is the responsibility of every citizen as his allegiance to calling himself an American.

Other than the immaturity displayed in his rhetoric I would excuse his behavior as the impertinence of a child that needs to have his bottom warmed with a switch as one who lacks appreciation for cost of those things most dear to maintaining good government.

piper said...

Actually Auntie, the grounds for impeachment, now listen carefully is ...INCOMPETENCY....
How does the leader of a nation not know whats going on with his cabinet?
Let's start with Susan Rice, out and out lying to the world the day after Behghazi.. Oblahblah's response.. "It wasn't me who said that."
Then there was the AP wiretapping by the DOJ.. Obama's response, "This will not be tolerated. We will do an investigation and bring the guilty to justice"
IRS Targeting of conservative groups.. Oblablah "We will get to the bottom of this and justice will be served"
On top of the scandals, which are real and just from the responses above by your almighty, he has proven they are true, We also have the presidential duties to the "People of the US".. Failed policies such as the Stimulus, the auto industry bailout, have you seen the deficit lately? And the big one, which I can't believe even the sheeple don't see... Obammacare... Now without knowing what between the 18,000 plus pages, don't you find it odd that if this was such a great policy, that everyone would want it? Why has the house and senate refused Obamacare, why has the IRS refused Obamacare and why are the unions fighting againat Obamacare? You know why Auntie, because they have had a chance to read and scrutinize it.
Impeach Obama? Hell can't think of ONE reason..

Jack said...

I know of NO racist support of any Tea Party group. We only want to protect our Constitution, The Rule of Law, Free Markets, and Smaller, less expensive Government. We love our country and ALL her citizens. Our movement is not about race, it is about Every Americans rights being protected. Who else is defending our way of life?

in&odds said...

It is obvious this blogger is ignorant regurgitator of wall graffiti to tantilate justification of ignoring the words contained in the Constiution against collective assignation.

He doesn't realize his seditious words could be construed as a incitement to insurrection.

Attacking his fellow citizens for their endeavors to uphold the 27 Amendments to the Constitution is the responsibility of every citizen as his allegiance to calling himself an American.

Other than the immaturity displayed in his rhetoric I would excuse his behavior as the impertinence of a child that needs to have his bottom warmed with a switch as one who lacks appreciation for cost of those things most dear to maintaining good government.

SouthLand said...

The movement does not require vast sums of money to be a sucsess, it only requires participation. We have participation. Just look at history, the Boston Tea Party was not largely attended and look at the result.

Thank you for bringing more attention to our cause. And though you print false alligations of which you even state are not recorded only gossip our cause will move on.

As to cause for Impeachment it's simple he lied to the American People about Benghazi, IRS, DOJ. WE as AMERICANS do not allow our Fellow Citizens to be Murdered as they were in Benghazi! We had dozens of Highly trained CIA within 1 mile and they were told to stand their ground. WHY? And now nearly 1 year later all we know is what we've herd from someone on the phone to Benghazi. 20+ survived and they are hidden from the public and forbidden to talk about what happened for fear of reprise from the most powerful man in the free world. Does not sound so free anymore now does it?

News media the American people all being spied upon under geist of security it's WRONG and a violation of The Constitution.. Everyday more comes out about this PODUS the FISA COURT and how he ordered it to issue a broader order to collect and read the email and text messages of Americans without Cause.

In closing, the list is to long. But he did state he was going to change the face of America, he has and WE THE PEOPLE DON'T LIKE IT. AND WE WILL CHANGE IT TOO. It's about what he has done not about what color he is.

Unknown said...

If not for fox news and the internet the dictatorship would be complete.

Her said...

I became a Tea Party member after I voted Obama in his 2nd term. I am so sorry I did that, as I finally saw how Obama is weak and won't defend our country. Often times I think he's a Radical Muslim by his actions helping Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood with out tax dollars. Enough is enough. The Tea Party is strong and I love them for their stand on the Constitution. Obama is scared of them, that's who ordered the IRS to hurt them.

Unknown said...

I personally know ZERO racist conservatives. When I think of the union members I know, who are racist and vote democrat ONLY EVER. I can start counting.

Conservatives love freedom and you hate us for it. Puke on the lot of ya.

I hate no one based on their skin color. But I hate Stupid REGARDLESS of it.

Unknown said...

Linda, I'm just goi.g to say "ditto" instead if repeati.g that short list. This man and his supporters have done more harm to race relations and the American way of life than soany people realize.

Sure seems odd how all the black ormiginating racism seems to go unreported. Plus, while there are always going to be ignorants in any group, my disgust and dissagreement with Obama or any black person does not mean I'm a racist.

Oh so much more...


ruppertq said...

What is the definition of a racist. Anyone who disagrees with a liberal!

This guy is off his rocker. There will always be some small element of racism in any group. I'm sure there are some awfully small minded Tea Party members. But, let's look at the left side. What says he about Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et. al., who are doing more to damage this country than the Tea Party ever did.

naski said...

you may think they are dead, you would be sorely mistaken. they just don't bitch and whine like liberals. they just quietly go about their business. they have sure made huge inroads where i am. -T. (incidentally, the tea party here is 23% democrats...just sayin')

Unknown said...

I believe in the 'Tea Party' and that they are on the right track. IMPEACH obama and all his cronie's!

Unknown said...

The 'Tea Party' is Pro-American! IMPEACH OBAMA AND HIS CRONIES!!

Todd Bottner said...

Wow, looks like you thought the Tea Party was dead, doesn't look like it by all the great people schooling U!

Chris Humphrey said...

I have attended and photographed many Tea Party events, and have even spoken a couple of times. I have seen no racism, just a lot of people who care about the character of this country. When you are essentially right, people start coming round to your point of view, and that is what we are seeing.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This Admin. has been one of the worse ones in my life time, When have you EVER seen so many scandles too many to even mention. But to me the worse one is Bengazzi. 4 Americans died and where was the President?? He had plenty of time to send help. You lefties need to do some sole searching. This country will have nothing left for our children the way it's going.So keep up your BS, We don't want to hear it anymore. Your a bunch of Pusses.

Unknown said...

What is it about the simple goal of reigning in the bloated size and power of an overgrown federal government that so mortifies you socialists? We in the Tea Party will succeed or this republic will fail.

Unknown said...

Liberals, or progressives, or whatever your label is, I find it amusing how you continue to trash people who dont believe how you do, by belittling, and name calling. Yet, this is the same class of people calling to impeach Bush, based on...well, we dont really know, because, well, he went through Congress for the military actions in the mideast. He went off intelligence that was provided to him. He had unanimous votes on military action. Was the intel poor? Yup. Why? Clinton cut the HUMINT in the area down 90% during his tenure. You know what kind of intel is needed in the mideast? HUMINT. But, lets get back on topic. LEts look at how well we are, compared to 2008 (I know, you will blame Bush. Thats ok-we have been hearing that for 5 years now). Unemployment-stagnant at over 7%. Economy-our national debt has tripled. Human rights-our president, and the likes of Al Sharpton, and Jesse JAckson, have created a new racial divide in this country, by making statements that they have no right making. Fast & Furious-our own justice dept selling firearms illegally over the border-firearms then used to murder Americans, women, and children. The IRS targeting conservative groups. Outright SPYING on the US, electronically. The Patriot Act was WRONG-BUT, when it was established, there was no secret oversight court, nor was there a de facto gathering of intel. They still needed WARRANTS. No-we are at the point now, that the administration is using Stasi-like tactics, to keep us "secure". And, to justify it, they come and say "we are closing embassies due to very specific threats". Timing was PERFECT. So was the lie, as there was no SPECIFIC threat. How can one prove the existence of something that doesnt exist? I mean, we avert a threat-a threat that, 3 months ago, didnt even exist-and prove it didnt happen because we closed embassies??? We dont, we CANNOT.
So, yeah, keep calling those of us who see whats going on names. MAkes you feel good. I have been called names too. Baby killer. Moron. Gun toting anti government type. Shows the shallowness of the person calling names. As I have been a soldier, and a humanitarian, for over 20 years. I fought FOR gay marriage in my state. I have fought 2 wars overseas. I have donated countless hours to my town, and my state, to make the day just a little bit better for someone less priviledged than me. And, I dont have a lot. But, I DO have compassion. I do NOT call names. After all-the use of profanity and name calling, usually means that the person doing such, has no point, and just wants to be hateful. So, do your thing, keep being hateful.

Potters_Freedom said...

The tea party came into begin because of the socialist, communist, brain dead liberals who are running our country right now....the liberals have their heads so far up their rear ends they couldn't see the truth if they wanted to. Liberalism is without a doubt the result of a mental disorder....if we don't get the liberals out of office the entire US will look like Detroit.

Charlyne said...

From the White House to the Big House: 25 Impeachable Crimes and Counting

From the White House to the Big House: 25 Impeachable Crimes and Counting, Republican controlled House of Representatives uncovering Obama’s corrupt dealings and exposing this man as unworthy of the office of President

rw said...

Here's a few impeachable offences:
20) Blatantly violating bankruptcy laws to force through payoffs for unions.

19) Illegally refusing to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act.

18) Appointing members of a radical Islamic terrorist organization to sensitive advisory roles and giving extremist groups sweeping influence over U.S. policies.

17) Illegally forcing through speech-trampling attacks only on corporations (while leaving labor unions completely untouched) without Congress.

16) Illegally reversing wildly successful welfare reforms without Congress.

15) Suppressing military votes while vindictively targeting non-union workers and launching bogus "investigations" against Tea Parties during a major national election.

14) Illegally raising funds through foreigners and federal officials.

13) Abusing his power to silence dissent while protecting his corrupt campaign donors from prosecution.

12) Refusing to prosecute Black Panthers for armed voter intimidation at the polls.

11) Appointing dozens of unaccountable "czars" to influential posts without the Senate.

10) Illegally waging war against Libya without authorization from Congress.

9) Using drones to assassinate U.S. citizens without any due process.

8) Launching a blatantly illegal attack on our gun rights.

7) Bypassing the Senate to force through rejected leftist fanatics for positions of enormous power (under the guise of making 'recess appointments') while the Senate was still in session.

6) Refusing to enforce our immigration laws (see here, here and here), releasing captured illegal immigrants and joining foreign countries to launch lawsuits against Arizona for defending itself against a criminal invasion.

5) Illegally imposing endless, crushing EPA regulations without Congress while defying a direct order from federal judge to stop obstructing American energy exploration.

4) Illegally taking over health care (through open bribery and blackmail), Wall Street, the housing market, the auto industry, and student loans.

3) Staging deadly gun violence to manufacture evidence for attacks on our gun rights (Fast & Furious) and intimidating whistle-blowers.

2) Arming, funding, supporting Islamic terrorists...and even recruiting them, through the State Department.

1) Deliberately abandoning American officials and citizens to be savagely murdered in the streets in Benghazi, and silencing witnesses to cover it up...all to push a fraudulent ideological narrative

Anonymous said...

Boy are you misinformed. The Tea Party is stronger than ever. Alive and well.
You really need to update and check your "info". I can only guess that you get your info from liberal media.

Unknown said...

The Tea Party marches on and the politicians of BOTH PARTIES fear US because there is an article that states that even today the IRS is impeding on our constitutional freedoms 3 months after the initial SCANDAL erupted:-)

Larry and Jenny Jerdon said...

How's the Kool-Aid; you apparently drink a lot of it! If you had the ability to open your eyes and mind, you'd realize that America is still America because of freedom loving fighters for freedom! We don't expect you to change because you thrive on race baiting, anti-American philosophy!

Unknown said...

What "liberals" don't understand is that if they "win" they (and all of us) lose. They will cause the total destruction of this great country. We must not let them do this horrible thing.

Unknown said...

Truth is truth, but the Left does not deal in such. If it even starts with truth, the Left twists it into something it is not.

There will always be 'bad eggs' in any large group, but I have yet to see one in a conservative gathering where we've seen genuine love & concern. Yet you don't have to look far in a Leftist group to see all sorts of 'loons' (sorry, it an elegant bird).

Dude23 said...

Show me some non photoshopped proof of racism in the Tea Party. I believe Andrew Breitbart, before he died, offered up $100,000 who could prove racism in the Tea Party. Never happened.

Unknown said...

From a historical perspective, one of the building blocks of the liberal agenda can be found in Plato's Utopia. Time and time again it has been proven that this approach has failed. Hope I have sparked your curiosity so you will do some research and discover for yourself what I am referring to.

Dude23 said...

Also our chief strategist is a black man. Niger Innis. Give up guys. This is just sad.

Unknown said...

From a historic perspective, many of the liberal agenda can be found in Plato's Utopia. Time and time again this agenda has failed. I hope you are curious enough to do some research to learn what I am referring to.

Unknown said...

Yea, the Tea Party is dead, Like Obama's not a socialist.

Unknown said...

Yep, The Tea Party is dead and the occupy wall street movement was classy.

Concerned American said...

Aunt Snow you must try hard to look the other way.

As Omar stated if 4 dead in Benghazi is not enough then may 22 of our bravest Navy Seals killed in "Extortion 17". Have you heard what the parents of those brave Seals have learned about what happened to their sons? Probably not because that kind of press is bad for Obama.

What about "Fast & Furious"? Those guns sold across the border (and not tracked) are still killing innocent people.

These are just a couple of specific reasons I can quote but believe me I could go on and on with specific examples.

Maybe you Aunt Snow should open your eyes, do some research and stop taking everything you see on television as gospel truth.

Once you read verified facts you may see the light unless you are simply more interested in siding with one political party over the other.

I am not a member of the Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, Tea Party, etc.

I am just an American who wants to see the transparency of government (no cover ups, no lies, no empty promises) our President promised in his initial campaign.

I want to see ALL members of our government respect the Principals this country's founding fathers intended.

I want to see our government support the hard work ethic this country was built upon and has made it the greatest place on earth to live up until now.

I want this government to stop allowing "illegal" immigrants into our country and giving them free services that come out of hard working American's pockets. We have our own families to support.

And I want to see this government support the "American Way of Life".
After all, that is why people from all over the world have struggled to get here isn't it?

Unfortunately, we now have some coming here with the intention of changing the "American Way of Life".

There are those who want to throw out American Law and replace it with "Sharia Law". These immigrants have no desire to come here for the "American " lifestyle. Instead, they are on a mission to destroy our way of life.

I say "when you come to Rome, do as the Romans do". I would never fathom going to another country and expect them to change their culture to fit that of my homeland. What's the point of leaving my homeland?

Unfortunately, the beauty and the flaw of Democracy is the right of a county's citizens to vote.

When the citizens of a country become complacent in their happy lifestyle they forget what a valuable gift they have in being able to vote. 50% of Americans never vote. They think their 1 vote has no significance. They are so wrong!

Immigrants with "evil motives" understand the power of 1 vote multiplied a thousand times. They know in numbers they can destroy the "American Dream"

They organize strong lobbying groups and amass large numbers of people to vote for their objectives. Meanwhile, the "fat & happy" American citizens choose to sit home and watch reality TV rather than exercise their right to vote and save their country from demise.

The sad thing is they won't wake up and smell the roses until one day they turn on the TV and there will be no Reality TV shows. Worse yet, none of the shows on TV will be in English.

By then it will be too late. So if you love the "American Way if Life" wake up American voters or tomorrow it will be gone!

Concerned American said...

Aunt Snow you must try hard to look the other way.

As Omar stated if 4 dead in Benghazi is not enough then may 22 of our bravest Navy Seals killed in "Extortion 17". Have you heard what the parents of those brave Seals have learned about what happened to their sons? Probably not because that kind of press is bad for Obama.

What about "Fast & Furious"? Those guns sold across the border (and not tracked) are still killing innocent people.

These are just a couple of specific reasons I can quote but believe me I could go on and on with specific examples.

Maybe you Aunt Snow should open your eyes, do some research and stop taking everything you see on television as gospel truth.

Once you read verified facts you may see the light unless you are simply more interested in siding with one political party over the other.

I am not a member of the Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, Tea Party, etc.

I am just an American who wants to see the transparency of government (no cover ups, no lies, no empty promises) our President promised in his initial campaign.

I want to see ALL members of our government respect the Principals this country's founding fathers intended.

I want to see our government support the hard work ethic this country was built upon and has made it the greatest place on earth to live up until now.

I want this government to stop allowing "illegal" immigrants into our country and giving them free services that come out of hard working American's pockets. We have our own families to support.

And I want to see this government support the "American Way of Life".
After all, that is why people from all over the world have struggled to get here isn't it?

Unfortunately, we now have some coming here with the intention of changing the "American Way of Life".

There are those who want to throw out American Law and replace it with "Sharia Law". These immigrants have no desire to come here for the "American " lifestyle. Instead, they are on a mission to destroy our way of life.

I say "when you come to Rome, do as the Romans do". I would never fathom going to another country and expect them to change their culture to fit that of my homeland. What's the point of leaving my homeland?

Unfortunately, the beauty and the flaw of Democracy is the right of a county's citizens to vote.

When the citizens of a country become complacent in their happy lifestyle they forget what a valuable gift they have in being able to vote. 50% of Americans never vote. They think their 1 vote has no significance. They are so wrong!

Immigrants with "evil motives" understand the power of 1 vote multiplied a thousand times. They know in numbers they can destroy the "American Dream"

They organize strong lobbying groups and amass large numbers of people to vote for their objectives. Meanwhile, the "fat & happy" American citizens choose to sit home and watch reality TV rather than exercise their right to vote and save their country from demise.

The sad thing is they won't wake up and smell the roses until one day they turn on the TV and there will be no Reality TV shows. Worse yet, none of the shows on TV will be in English.

By then it will be too late. So if you love the "American Way if Life" wake up American voters or tomorrow it will be gone!

Unknown said...

Wereeeee Backkkkkkkkk! Obama does not lead, he parties!

Unknown said...

We who stand with the Tea Party are alive, and you're going to find out exactly how much life we have -- very soon!

Go Navy Mike said...

It's a sad day in America when people get bought out by a crooked politician like #Obama. And to think that you people believe in him is truly sad. It shows that you can't or won't think for yourself. The grassroots that this Country was founded on is fading away because of the likes of Obama. Our Constitution undermined. The TEA Party racist? No, many minorities would disagree with you on that. The Progressive Liberals of the Left, yes, they are definitely racist and antagonist. No, not all. Many are just pawns in the Democrat Party and they don't even know it.


Why do you impose your left-wing ideas and morality on us? Do you want to destroy our nation? You're the folks with the demonic mobs.
We are happy and content with our lives. Stop imposing your agenda on us silent majority folks.

Dark Avenger said...

Thanks for sharing, Clara the Putz.

Unknown said...

Just keep drinking that O-Cool-Aid... and never mind the glow out of the corner of your eye... That's just your constitutional rights going up in flames.

Kepha said...

Apparently, our blog host believes that only people on the Left have the right to organize and make their voices heard. Before the Obama administration came along with its IRS harassment of opposition, imposition of paying for abortion and contraceptives on religious employers by executive fiat, and blaming our problems in the Islamic world on an obscure film clip by an obscure Coptic immigrant, I thought that the Left shared a commitment to the First Amendment. This misadministration, however, has proven me mistaken. Go Tea Party!

Unknown said...

It appears to me that name calling and such is the tool of the Obama supporter. I'm a tea partier, anything BUT racist and just because one can see past the hoopla and the lies one isn't an ignorant cracker. My quote is "there are none so blind as those who will not see". America is dying before your eyes and all you can do is attack those who are trying to restore some of her former greatness. Shame on you.

Unknown said...

Watch and learn something. THIS is who your leader really is:

Tea Party dead? I really don't think so. And it will be the downfall of the left if they underestimate the power of pissed off American Patriots!

exmexifornian said...

The Tea Party is alive and well and Liberals and Progressives like to call names and make accusations of racist or homophobe but never put up facts to support their beliefs. They are afraid and they damn well should be. We are just not going to take it anymore. Enough Rights and Freedoms have been trampled in the name of progress. The author fails to believe any of the scandals this administration has been involved in deserve impeachment. Benghazi by itself is enough!

Islander said...

This is very interesting. I am not a Tea Partier. But I am an American. Married bi-racial. And the delusions of the mindless Progressive followers of the most destructive administration this country has ever seen is downright chilling to me. We haven't seen such mindless devotion since Hitler's effort to take over Europe and cleanse the earth of Jews. You Progressives with your vitriolic hatred of all that America and the Constitution stands for are what drives me toward the Tea Party.

Attie K said...

Don't be afraid of truth and use to be what this country stood for. It may be very frightening to the left because only their immediate needs and wants are involved...not the nations. But we'll blow the dust and cobwebs off of the bible and the constitution and get someone in there who cares again and you can crawl back into the shadows and wish to control things as if wrong is right...and down is up again

Groenhagen said...

"If that's true, it's probably because shrewd political insiders -- FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity -- guided the teabaggers from the movement's early days and urged participants to tone the offensiveness down a smidge."

It has been my observation that those who use the term teabaggers are either effeminate men or unattractive women. I have seen few, if any, exceptions to this observation.

Travis said...

How in the world is the TEA Party racist? There are plenty of minorities involved in the TEA Party and the TEA Party has no problem standing behind minority candidates who have conservative values. Look up Brian Sandoval, Suzanna Martinez, Marco Rubio, Nicky Hailey, Tim Scott, Bill Flores and Francisco Canseco - they all won their elections because of grass roots TEA Party support.

Unknown said...

I am so very thankful that the Tea Party is alive and well. They are the only thing standing in the way of total ruin of our once great nation. It amazes me that so much disinformation is out there and actually believed! What opened my eyes to this was when my own sister told me the most destructive thing to the country was the Tea Party...imagine that!! The only people that are trying to get our country back to the Founding Father's principles and values. What's wrong with wanting life, liberty, and the PURSUIT (not the guarantee) of happiness as a goal?

Unknown said...

I agree with most of the tenants of the "Tea Party". Conservative thinking is alive and well in America. The present administration needs to know people do not agree with their policies and will take this country back at the poll's. I hate to refer to this party(Democratic) as the enemy but the word fits. We need a special prosecutor for "Benghazi". Obama and Clinton have American Blood on their hands and need to answer for it. Bankrupting future generations is second in my mind. God Bless America!

Unknown said...

I don't consider myself a Tea Party Member but ignorante articles like this keep leaning me towards that way...

The Travelers Two said...

If the Tea Party is such a joke, why has Obama had the IRS and other government organizations throw up roadblocks to their existence? Do not mistake respectfulness for weakness. We are no weaker than those who rebelled against unfair taxation in 1776. We are patient. We are thorough. We are not going away. Obama has awakened a sleeping giant - the American patriot.

Dark Avenger said...


Beams and motes, folks, beams and motes.

UnkyD said...

What a LOAD!!! Typical liberal misdirection, bait and switch. The Tea Party Message is so focused and well grounded that its very difficult to assail it on its merits. So you just wanna make up, from whole cloth, some relationship to a fringe (apparently) racist crowd, and maintain that if the TP weren't so brilliant handled by its "masters", this is what it would look like. That's a clown comparison, Bro... I've been to the rallies. You won't find a nicer, more well behaved bunch of grass roots patriots anywhere. Hand made signs, mostly referencing the Constitution, as opposed to the bussed in, "here's your sign/here's your script for chanting" rent-a- crowds evident at so many left-wing demonstrations. Shame on you! Grow a pair of Honest 'Nads, and base your arguments on their own merits, instead of desperately and dishonestly smearing your opponents!!!

Anonymous said...

I just read a very appropriate definition of a liberal: a person so open-minded their brains have fallen out. And in my opinion, their common sense has fled also. I'm thankful for Americans (like those in the Tea Party) who want common-sense decisions and less government. Obama has the potential to be great, but he is proving himself to be a great tyrant who doesn't care about the people he "governs".

Dark Avenger said...

I didn't make up the illiteracy demonstrated by many of your fellow TP supporters, UnkyD.

You guys couldn't work up a caboose, let alone a real train of thought.

Tell us exactly what freedumbs you've lost over the last 4 and 1/2 years. Show your work.

Unknown said...

The Tea Party movement is anything but weak. The only thing I see weak is the moral fiber of the takers who care only about what they can get even if only to give someone they feel is more deserving than the person who actually worked for it.

Gigi said...

Amazing, isn't how quickly American citizens supported the concept of impeachment this incompetent blockhead in the white house. And, hey, stupid liberals, note I said "blockhead," not "blackhead." I don't hate Obama because he's black. I don't even hate him for being a Marxist communist. I hate him because he's deliberately and systematically destroying my country. If that makes me a somehow backwards, I'd have to suggest that you're facing the wrong direction.

Gigi said...

By the way, read a much better blog at: www.endofenlightenment.blogspt. com

Unknown said...

IF we in the Tea Party are racist how do you explain Col. Allen West? We do not care about skin color. What we care about is an out of control government. A president who should be impeached for Benghazi, for choosing not to enforce the laws of immigration, for not following the oath of office he took.

Unknown said...

By stating disapproval of president Obama's policies, we are treating him as an equal. He is equal in every way to George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and all the other Presidents that came before him. That means he should be tough enough to shoulder disapproval.
Liberals poured out their venom on President George W. Bush, criticizing his every move. I did not like President Bill Clinton. I, among many, disagreed with his liberal agenda--to the very core of my being. Liberals gave President George H. W. Bush a difficult time for many of his policies, and they continue to quote him, even today, “Read my lips. I will not raise taxes!” Obama made a multitude of promises that have fallen to the wayside but the media are so afraid of being labeled ‘racists’ that they will not call him on his failures.
None of our presidents were perfect, and each of them was criticized by a great number of people. Being afraid to disagree with President Barack Obama means that he is being set apart; that he’s different, which is the very essence of racism.

Unknown said...

By stating disapproval of president Obama we are treating him as an equal. He is equal in every way to George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and all the other Presidents that came before him. That means he should be tough enough to shoulder disapproval of his judgments.
Liberals poured out their venom on President George W. Bush, criticizing his every move. I did not like President Bill Clinton. I, among many, disagreed with his liberal agenda--to the very core of my being. Liberals gave President George H. W. Bush a difficult time for many of his policies, and they continue to quote him, even today, “Read my lips. I will not raise taxes!” But he did. Obama made a multitude of promises that have fallen to the wayside but the media are so afraid of being labeled ‘racists’ that they will not call him on his failures.
None of our presidents were perfect, and each of them was criticized by a great number of people. Being afraid to disagree with President Barack Obama means that he is being set apart; that he’s different, which is the very essence of racism.

J. said...

I don't understand where these race comments keep coming from. This is not a tenant of the tea party any more that I hold the racist rantings of Jessie Jackson, Charlie Rangal or any of the Democrat Race Warlords against all democrats or that old Democrat KKK leader Robert bird. The Tea Party movement spontaneously formed in 2009 from the reaction of the American people to fiscally irresponsible actions of the federal government, misguided “stimulus” spending, bailouts and takeovers of private industry. Within the first few weeks of the movement, Tea Party Patriots formed to support the millions of Americans seeking to improve our great nation through renewed support for fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free market economic policies.

Dark Avenger said...

Google "racist tea party signs" and then get back to us, J.

Racinrick said...

Sour grapes over the sale of WP and the impending sale of NYT, and I predict within 5 years, MSNBC. As Rush said, trying to invoke "Liberal Privilege" is not going to work any longer.

Unknown said...

I spoke to a Greek business man who explained the Greek political system, why it failed, how it affected his business and Greece as a whole. I personally saw the devastating effect as I visited Stalis on the North Coast of Crete.

He explained that the Greeks use to be very pro-active and if government stepped out of line they would go to the streets and Government would back off but politicians learned that if they give hand outs and use socialistic methods the people would become more accepting and be too lazy to react to any wrong government officials might engage in.

Today once flourishing banana and vegetable farms stand empty on Stalis, buildings wind and torn with no effort to repair them, business is in decline my friend himself having had to close two business.

When people awoke to their governments failures it was too late and they were faced with riot police in the streets and a government in no way interested to hear what the people think.

I disapprove of racism but except from a few fringe fanatics I have not seen any racism from the Tea Party group. I hope the tea party folk push those folk out but realistically they do not represent the organisation.

I have seen terrible racism from the left which is a surprise seeing that they are always preaching to others how wrong it is, one example being the George Zimmerman case. How idiotic have some people become as they listen to race baiters? How they are very much pushing for injustice and mob justice. How they are becoming the very evil they claim they abhor.

I am not sure if Obama should be impeached, if he broke a law then yes but so have many leaders before and to today they are adored. Of course not a reason to stand back and allow men to do as they please but consistency would be nice.

Of course there are many here criticising the tea party based on a clearly biased article written with no level of fairness , balance, objectivity and full of halve truths, they are in fact the weak link in society because they are the ones who do not take notice, who will not stand up if government steps out of bounds.

The tea party should move forward but it must not align itself to the republicans in any way but rather stand against all injustice in the future.

Unknown said...

Funny. I attended several Tea Party events. I saw THOUSANDS of people of all colors participating. I saw racial harmony and not a single "racist slogan" anywhere. I don't recall Fox News or the Koch brothers, whoever they are, funding ANY of it.
Perhaps you only saw Tea Party events put on by the Obama Administration? That's the only organization I've seen lately promoting racism.

Jim V said...

The tea kettle is on the stove and the water is starting to boil. The Tea Bags are ready and we are going to have a major party the likes of which you have never seen before in November of 2016. We will be heard.

Dark Avenger said...

Funny, none of the news photos covering the numerous TP rallies and demonstrations since 2009 don't comport with your claims, davemundy.

Unknown said...

Funny how racist, bigoted leftists always call the other side intolerant racists...So let me get this straight, if I don't agree with you, I'm an intolerant, racist bigot. If you don't agree with me, you're enlightened and I'm a racist intolerant bigot. Is that how it works? Sorry comrades, you can't be intolerant and be the movement of tolerance and acceptance of all. The Tea Party is alive and not going away anytime soon.

Unknown said...

What can I say, if you like the situation that the USA is in, then your head is up in someones butt. How many of our elders have to live on the street because Obama has lowered there Social Security monies so low that they can't afford to rent. And what about this Obama care. A bunch of hog wash. There are still so many people who can't even afford health insurance, or dental insurance, people die on the street because they cant be seen in an ER with out insurance, and they sure as hell can't see any MD. I could go on and on but what we need to do is to change. And how is that done? Impeachment, thats how. I honestly don't think that we as Americans can take this much longer, let alone laying down about these situations. Get active, make change. PRAY. Let's see if it isn't to late.

Dark Avenger said...

So let me get this straight, if I don't agree with you, I'm an intolerant, racist bigot

No, the signs at the Tea Party rallies that are racist are what give you away.

Unknown said...

What can I say, if you like the situation that the USA is in, then your head is up in someones butt. How many of our elders have to live on the street because Obama has lowered there Social Security monies so low that they can't afford to rent. And what about this Obama care. A bunch of hog wash. There are still so many people who can't even afford health insurance, or dental insurance, people die on the street because they cant be seen in an ER with out insurance, and they sure as hell can't see any MD. I could go on and on but what we need to do is to change. And how is that done? Impeachment, thats how. I honestly don't think that we as Americans can take this much longer, let alone laying down about these situations. Get active, make change. PRAY. Let's see if it isn't to late.

yanki161 said...

Advice to writers has always been: Write what you know about. Apparently, you didn't let that stop you. If you want to investigate something good, how about the Department of Justice financing and organizing Trayvon protests. Now THAT'S outrageous!

The Junkyard News said...

Obama is not even a natural born citizen, the BC that was posted on the white house website has been PROVEN beyond any doubt to be a fake and that is a FEDERAL CRIME in itself, when you swear an oath to uphold and defend the constitution, even "to the best of your ability ha ha" that doesn't mean you try to find ways around it! The only thing "phony" here is Obama himself!

Unknown said...

To a Democrat lazy is not screwing the American people.
To a Democrat it's not giving a crap about people but themselves.
To a Democrat they forgot about voter.

Democrats should fear voter this year.

Unknown said...

What can I say, if you like the situation that the USA is in, then your head is up in someones butt. How many of our elders have to live on the street because Obama has lowered there Social Security monies so low that they can't afford to rent. And what about this Obama care. A bunch of hog wash. There are still so many people who can't even afford health insurance, or dental insurance, people die on the street because they cant be seen in an ER with out insurance, and they sure as hell can't see any MD. I could go on and on but what we need to do is to change. And how is that done? Impeachment, thats how. I honestly don't think that we as Americans can take this much longer, let alone laying down about these situations. Get active, make change. PRAY. Let's see if it isn't to late.

Str8Nar0 said...

Dude, You've opened a gigantic can of Tea Party whup-ass and you deserve EVERY adverse Post you get from every Tea Party member and supporter who posts here! This IS NOT going to end any time soon and you will see just how "dead" the Tea Party is! I can't wait until November 2014 and if we lose that battle it will be the result of another dictatorial Liberal voter fraud scheme! Sadly, if that happens a new civil war will soon follow, but it won't be about slavery or race this time. It will be about the Constitution of the United States and WE will WIN that one!

Unknown said...

Quit trashing Obama's accomplishments. He has done more than any other
President before him. He has an impressive list of accomplishments:

First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States .

First President to violate the War Powers Act.

First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .

First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

First President to spend a trillion dollars on "shovel-ready" jobs when
There was no such thing as "shovel-ready" jobs.*

*First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the
Deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.

First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.

First President to terminate America˜s ability to put a man in space.

First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.

First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.

First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.

First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date.

First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.

First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

First President to go on multiple "global apology tours" and concurrent "insult our friends" tours.

First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayers.

First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.*

*First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.*

*First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.

First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they "volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences."

Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.*

*First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states ( Mexico vs Arizona ).

Did I fail to mention, Bhenghazi, IRS, fast and furious, ad infinitum

How is this hope and change working out for you?

Unknown said...

I support the Tea Party...mainly its because I look at the amount I pay in federal income taxes every month...and by all means I'm blessed...but I've done everything on my own...I've never had any government entire life I've been told that my parents income or my income was too high to qualify for any government assistance. Last year I had to liquidate both my wife's and my own retirement savings...just to pay bills.

At first when Benghazi...I thought..."how horrible" and now with everything that has been made public...they lied to the american people to cover something up...if he knew he and biden need to go...

When the IRS first hit...its hard to imagine that the president didn't have something to do with that...

And yes the Patriot Act was put into place by the Bush admin...but not one of his shining moments...but spying on american citizens is just plain wrong

I support Tea Party Republicans...I am NOT racist...and I AM offended by your assumption that we all are...that is NOT what the Tea Party is about...

Anonymous said...

The Tea Party is alive and well!!! Tea Party supporter here and proud of it! Chicago, IL.

lucky said...

The real racists are the people that use race as a weapon. Blacks and all races deserve better than what libearals have been feeding them. Fortunatly there are many blacks that have taken the blinders off and realize that the liberal hate speech and liberal policies are a boat anchor not a life jacket.

Unknown said...

I've been to dozens of Tea Party meetings over the last five years and never have I seen a racist sign nor heard a racist comment. I guess the author thinks anyone who doesnt like Obama is a racist. Did ever occur to him that we may just not like the fundamental transformation he is foisting on us?

phoebe said...

Well, you can count me in as a
Tea Partier. Proud to have that moniker. Love the principles and the people. Good, honest people. Been to many rallies, never have seen anything racist there. Just folks who care about the country and want to take care of their own with their own pocketbooks.

Anonymous said...

WOW.... Love all the Tea Party members who here.... Do I notice any "Liberal" comments in response???? WHAT'S THAT WE HEAR???? **crickets**... LOL So the Tea Party is dead??
You wish... Thank you to all who have commented before me... Our day is coming!!

Morgan D said...

Pirsig said (to wit) 'no one is going around proclaiming the sun will rise tomorrow morning' your blog is proof enough that the Tea Party is not dead, and the grounds for impeachment against Pres. Obama (where was he during the Benghazi attack again? Where?) have substance.

Unknown said...

Never has a President divided our nation as much as this one with his "racists" rhetoric. The Tea Party has brought to the forefront the divide that will lead this nation down the slippery slope of dissension and possible internal war with the stripping of our Constitutional rights as this administration seems intent on doing. God help us all if we don't stop this insanity.

BB said...

Weak....weak like a diesel electric locomotive.

G said...

Tea Party stands for hard work, self reliance, honesty, integrity, fiscal responsibility. We're horrible people!

Unknown said...

Your hateful, slanderous, filthy, unoriginal misrepresentation of tea party patriots as "teabaggers" leads me to suspect that, if you were honest, instead of "no more mister nice," you would have called yourself "never was mister nice." The fact that you feel the need to attack good, honest patriots with a pack of lies and slanders about racism only illustrates the fact that you fear them rather than understand them. The tea party is here to stay. Whether we win in the end remains to be seen, but we will not give up the fight. If you America hating, God hating, bunch end up destroying the greatest nation and greatest hope for the freedom of man on Earth, I sincerely hope that you will live long enough to suffer the consequences of your folly and to have the moral courage to repent of your sins before you enter an eternity that will make the hell you have created on Earth seem almost like heaven. I doubt if you will appreciate this very much, but I, for one, will be praying for you, and I urge all those who understand the truth of God's love to do the same. While I know that we can not change your wicked mind, and God will not change it against your wicked will, He is able to arrange things so as to at least get your attention. I will be praying to that effect, confident that you will be haunted by the thought as you are pursued by the hounds of heaven. Have a nice life.

Unknown said...

Tea Partiers are nothing more than Americans who love their country and are sick of the Marxist, radical throwbacks from the 60's in the Whitehouse Administration who just want to subvert this nation into their own sick, demented image. Tea Partiers want to unite the country, not divide it like Obama's Administration and their enabler & supporter Mr. Soro's.

Unknown said...

The racist card has been spent. It is no longer relevant. Tea Partiers could care less what socialist think. We will no longer apologize for being who we are. Find some other smear word to use. I would rather be a Tea Partier than one of you. When I told my Husband that according to Liberals I am a Racist he laughed out loud. He is a second generation Latino.

Joni M Fisher said...

Teaparty racist? Not any of the hundreds of Teaparty patriots I have met. We believe in less government and more freedom. Isn't it your prejudice that's showing by labeling an entire group?

Unknown said...

Tea Party members love this country, you guys should try that some time!!! You people are more worried about electing someone that is going to continue your handouts and destroying this great country! Once this country crashes, and it will, don't try to suck up to Tea Party members who know how to fight and live off the land! You reap what you sow people!

Unknown said...

I find this blog very divisive. I have been to a few TEA Party rallies but didn't see the signs you mentioned. Nor have I heard racial slurs from the crowd. In spite of that, you open your article with the baseless claims. Shame on you!

Here is another way to view TEA Party members. Trust is a fragile social element. Seems those who support a liberal agenda trust those responsible for earning wages will tolerate endless government-sponsored fleecing. They hold that their ideas are noble (spread wealth, reproductive rights, voter fraud) and "deserve" cooperation of hard-working citizens. Their unable to see their path destroys people, cities, and soon states. As a result, people who advance liberal agendas have lost the trust of wage-earners. The TEA Party is comprised of people of all races and ethnicities who no longer trust the people fleecing us. Pretty simple concept to grasp if you are grounded in American principles, clearly this author falls short of that mark.

Unknown said...

Isn't this fun libtards ?!? We Tea Partiers sit and watch as you idiots blindly follow Obummer off a financial cliff, spending money like there is no tomorrow, and I can't help but wonder, "What is it you think you are gaining?" Do you really think you are going to vote yourself into prosperity ? Spend yourself into prosperity ? Are you so stupid that you believe that this country can continue to spend at this rate and still be a country in 10 years ? How politically correct will China be when they start setting our policy for us ? Of Saudi Arabia ? Or any of our other major debtors that we owe so much to ? Can you not see that this is not a government you "elected", it is a COUP ?!? And you idiots are playing along with it, and then, when it's too late (Like for Detroit) you will jump up and down and scream "The Republicans did it ! The Republicans did it!" Get a clue, get a life, and then get out of the way because the Tea Party is going to take this country back, by force if necessary !

Shirley Schmuck said...

I was at first loathe to comment here not wanting to give you satisfaction of another one reading your blog, nonsense though it is. But I decided that there is one fact that I can provide that you cannot dispute, and I believe it is a fact to which thousands of others can also attest.

I, Mr. Steve, am a conservative, American, republican (seriously considering changing my voting affiliation to independent), totally sympathetic to the Tea Party views, anti-abortion, and evangelical Christian. I have many Africa/American friends. I have many Hispanic/American friends. I have many other friends that are of other descent other than Caucasian white. I am about as far from a racist as you can get. My focus is on right and wrong as is spoken of in God's Word. I do not hate those who do not agree with my views. I do not hate those who hate me. I do not hate this president of my country, though I admit that is a daily challenge. I hate what this administration has done to this country. I hate how I see our tax money being recklessly spent. I hate that our president and his administration sat by and watched fellow American patriots being mutilated and murdered. I hate that our citizens are being scrutinized every moment as traitors and terrorists. I hate that people are so blinded by the charisma and lies of a president that they are willing to turn away from such abominable acts of treason and murder and act as if these were normal, even moral leading of a nation.

These, Mr. Steve, are the facts. Therefor, I join the people of the Tea Party in calling for this administration to be held accountable to it's people.

Paul "Tea Party" Taros said...

I have been to many tea party rallies and haven't seen any racist signs. You are a great fiction writer.

DaveHeart said...

The obvious racists are not the Tea Partiers, true there may be some, but the truly intolerant race-baiters are leftists. Here's an example, that's not necessarily about race, but a favorite leftist group.

Unknown said...

Your comments lead me to believe that you have not nor do you intend to ever understand that the Tea Party is composed of We The People--of varying degrees of intelligence, some erudite, some not so.....The very diversity and sheer #s of people who wish for more reasonable taxes, the right to impeach elected officials of any stripe if they are not doing the job....much like leftleaners!
There are those in both camps that will do anything to "make their point"--but you must realize we are all Americans and should have civil discourse about the issues and not the smokescreens that are constantly put up by those avoiding the truth at any cost. God Bless America and may I add God Save America......

jingoist55 said...

The Tea Party lives and is stronger every day! Neither the IRS or the FEC will drive us out of existence because we are a true "grass routes" organization. Unlike the many Obama created community organizers whose only mission is to elect liberal democrats with an eye towards power. The Tea Party stands for the Constitution, and the will of the people. The governments all out assault on the Tea Party and affiliates just reaffirms that our fight is the right one which is to ensure that the limitations on governemnt powers provided within our Constitution are enforced!

Anonymous said...

It's ignorant dumb liberals like "Mr. Nice", that obvious is to big of a coward to post his real name that's a racist! Not only is he a racist, but a LYING Racist. I've been to several Tea Party rallies and NOT once have I seen any racist signs or heard anyone using the N word. This is NOTHING more than a pathetic excuse for
liberals to draw attention away from their pathetic IDOL Barack Hussein Obama! They make up these racist accusations because they can't justify what a horrible job their IDOL Barack Hussein Obama as President! However libtards, the entire world is seeing what a mess of a leader your IDOL Barack Hussein Obama is. Russians President Putin is demonstrating just what a clown Barack Hussein Obama is, and the only fools in this world that don't see it is you dumb ass liberal Democrats!

Unknown said...

Great thing about our Country is we do have a "choice" so for all you Social Agenda Liberals that don't want to uphold our Sacred Constitution and the Freedom it inspires and demand and whine if I don't follow your 'agenda" or nothing else and TRY and take away my Freedom and Liberties and to follow that Coward and "I'll tell you what you WANT to hear POTUS who's taking MY hard earned money to give to those who don't want to work but live off of those of us who do (yes there are those who do need help and assistance but the majority DOESNT) so I hear that Russia has openings for transfer into their Socialist Country, maybe after awhile you won’t think it’s so bad to live in a Country where Freedom is Choice like America. I've been taught to believe that if you can’t Stand for Something you WILL Stand for ANYTHING! You can live your life how even if it is pathetic or awesome the way you want, just DONT tell me how to live MINE! God Bless this County and the HERO'S that lost their lives to defend HER! TEA PARTY PATRIOTS ARE WHAT TRUE AMERICANS!!!!!

Unknown said...

Most Americans are sick and tired of the Obama regime destroying our country inch by inch.
Most Americans aren't racist, just fed up with what is happening our country.
Most Americans don't follow the Koch brother or Karl rove, but want a better America than what Obama has created in the last five years.

Unknown said...

Only racism is the president and the first lady which by the way both have a white blood line

hcb said...

This is so lame. There is nothing racist about the Tea Party. People who are not sheep and believe in the founding principles of our country based on FREEDOM for ALL is not about racism. If the Tea Party was going away you wouldn't have to write this lame article filled with untruths.

Unknown said...

The Tea Party is about re-gaining control of our county. The basic goals are the same on the far left and the Tea Party - the people have a voice and the status-quo is unacceptable. Instead of focusing on how we are different (which has stalemated Congress for 3 years now), we should join together and leverage our common goal of ridding governance of special interests and influences. How powerful would that be!

Unknown said...

It seems like there is none of your "intended audience" reading your "blog" unless your intended audience is the TEA Party! Do a little research (that doesn't mean watch liberal news outlets)and you might just find out that you are a conservative as well!

Jan C. said...

If the Tea Party is racist, then they never bothered to inform Ben Kinchlow, who was the featured speaker at the Tea Party gathering that I attended in Greensburg, PA. FYI--Tea Party members DO come in "all colors!"

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....there are already over 560 comments on this silly blog site. After seeing a few well-placed leftist supporters' comments, it seems that the vast majority of the comments are from those "crazy", pro-right, Constitution loving Tea Party supporters. Maybe they not be so dead after all.

Victoria said...

Idiot-that comes to mind as a comment!

A Ghost in the D said...

hmmm...part of me wants to make that witty comment but i just don't think that this blog is even worth getting upset about. its small, narrow minded and frankly pathetic.

Truth Wins Out said...

The Truth Revealed…

Did you know…
The Democrat party is the party that began the Ku Klux Klan. Frances Rice, African American author of the book, “KKK, Terrorist Arm of the Democratic Party,” explains how they used it as just that, the terrorist arm of their party. The first incarnation of the Ku Klux Klan emerged in 1866 soon after the civil war ended in 1865. The KKK was created by former confederate soldiers and developed into an organization seeking the end of Northern influence presenting itself through Reconstruction in the South after the civil war. The Klan was made up of decentralized, autonomously administered local units. It sought to limit black education, economic advancement, voting rights, political and social status, and the right of African-Americans to bear arms. “Black Codes” were enacted after the civil war that prohibited blacks from owning guns in order that they not be able to defend themselves. The Ku Klux Klan's effort involved intimidating the Southern African-American population, Northerners working in the South after the Civil War, Southern Republicans, and schoolteachers brought south by the Freedmen's Bureau. The opposite is true of the Republican party. The Republican party was founded by anti-slavery activists in 1854, and was created for the main purpose of ending slavery. Abraham Lincoln was their first president. Frederick Douglas, the African American civil war leader in the North was a founding member of the Republican Party. He called the Republican Party, “the party of freedom and progress.” All of the historical black heroes were Republicans including, Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, and Benjamin Banneker. Martin Luther King Jr. was also a Republican (Dr. King, Religion and Freedom, by Star Parker). In fact, none of these people would be caught dead voting for a Democrat. The Democrat party was the party of slavery and the Ku Klux Klan.

Truth Wins Out said...

Republicans are the party of liberty who freed the slaves and overpoweringly fought for civil rights. Hence it was named the “Grand Old Party” (GOP). It was the Republican Party that was created to fight slavery. Between the years of 1820 and 1860, the anti-slavery sentiment grew strong in the Whig party – so strong that it split the party. A new party was formed out of the Whig party, the Republican party, that fought slavery and its expansion into new territories in the West. However, during this time the Democratic Party, north and south, became intransigent. They became the party of slavery, championing such pro-slavery laws as the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the Fugitive Slave Law. Democrats supported and passed the Missouri Compromise to protect slavery, and the Kansas Nebraska Act to expand slavery. Democrats also supported and backed the Dred Scott Decision which in 1857 held that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the territories, and that people of African descent (both slave and free) were not protected by the Constitution and were not U.S. citizens. This is widely known as the worst decision the Supreme Court has ever made. The Democrat party will not tell you the truth about these pro-slavery positions or about the Ku Klux Klan because they want to gloss over the past. Did you know that there is not one reference to their shameful past or any apology whatsoever for it on the Democrat party’s website. This is reprehensible and arrogant. David Barton, author of “Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White,” shows in his book that Democrats worked hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, and that it was Democrats who began the KKK and endorsed its anarchist methods. He states that, “of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective.” And that “Republicans mostly led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings.” Furthermore, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention. Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil right laws enacted by Republicans. And no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves and, to this day, the party website ignores those decades of racism. “Although it is relatively unreported today, historical documents are unequivocal that the Klan played a prominent role in the Democratic Party,” Barton writes in his book. “In fact, a 13-volume set of congressional investigations from 1872 conclusively and irrefutably document this fact,” (

Truth Wins Out said...

During the Senate debates on the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, it was revealed that members of the Democratic Party formed many terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan to murder and intimidate African American voters. The Ku Klux Klan Act was a bill introduced by a Republican Congressmen to stop these Klan activities. It is very clear that the original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white. An estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964. And it was Democrats who were the ones enforcing Jim Crow segregation laws and poll taxes to keep blacks from voting in the 50’s and 60’s. Republicans on November 22, 1865 denounced the Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination.
However, history reveals that since 1870, the Democrats have always gone after the black vote. From 1870 to 1930, the party used fraud, whippings, lynching, murder, intimidation, and mutilation to get their vote. In the 1930’s through the 1960’s they switched from violence and intimidation to manipulation and false voter registration (sound familiar? ie ACORN). As recently as 1964, when the Senate debated the Civil Rights Act, Southern Democrats (including Al Gore’s father) voted no. While Northern Democrats voted yes with the Republicans, their votes were not enough. The deciding votes to pass this landmark bill were provided by Sen. Everett Dirksen, R-Ill., and the rest of the Republicans. Little taught today is the fact that it was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, who pushed through the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act. In fact, Dirksen was instrumental in the passage of civil rights legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968. Dirksen wrote the language for the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also crafted the language for the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which prohibited discrimination in housing. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. hailed Senator Dirksen’s “able and courageous Leadership”, and "The Chicago Defender”, the largest black-owned daily at that time, praised Senator Dirksen “for the grand manner of his generalship behind the passage of the best civil rights measures that have ever been enacted into law since Reconstruction.” The chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore Sr., and Robert Byrd, the former official in the Ku Klux Klan. It was the Republican Party, by the greatest percentage, even though they were not in the majority at the time, that passed the Civil Rights Acts of the 1950’s and 1960’s, without which these pieces of legislation would not have passed.

Truth Wins Out said...

It was the Republican Party and its first President Abraham Lincoln who responded to Southern, Democrat-led secession with a successful war that preserved the union and freed the slaves. After Lincoln’s assassination (by a Democrat), the Republican-led Congress (over the objections of the Democratic Party minority) amended the Constitution to confirm the liberation of the slaves (13th Amendment: slavery abolished), and declared that freed slaves are citizens equal to all citizens (14th Amendment), and made the right to vote guaranteed to freed slaves (the 15th Amendment). The civil war was started by Democrat secessionists, and just as President Lincoln was on the verge of victory, the Northern Democrats wanted to save the South and slavery with “peace talks.” Republican voters realized that they were just trying to preserve slavery, and in 1864 they re-elected Lincoln. But the Democrats weren’t through. In 1868, the democrat party condemned the Republican Party in its party platform as the “Radical Party,” and condemned Reconstruction in these unforgettable words: “Instead of restoring the Union, it (the Radical Party) has dissolved it, and subjected ten states (the former Confederate states) … to military despotism and negro supremacy.” Then again, to put it bluntly, today abortion has thinned the black community in ways the Ku Klux Klan could have only dreamed of – also courtesy of the Democrat party who vehemently supports abortion. In the 1960’s Democrats found that they needed a new constituency after generations of racists were dying out so they began promising bloated welfare programs to the black community to try and gain their vote. Democrats have perpetuated lies about the Republican party being racist to deceive the black community in an attempt to gain their vote. They know that the Republican party consists of people who would die to defend freedom of which socialism is the enemy, and this is why they detest Republicans – because socialism is the very hook the Democrats have used to manipulate the black vote. And Democrats unfortunately have most members of the liberal media on their side to help perpetuate these lies.

Truth Wins Out said...

Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, another Democrat racist, premiered the movie “Birth of a Nation” in 1915 at the White House. The movie is based on a racist book written by one of Woodrow Wilson’s friends from college. It inspired some Democrats from Georgia to revive the Klan, which again became a powerful force within the Democrat Party. The movie, in essence, spawned the modern-day clan. In 1924 at the Democrat Convention, the KKK was so dominate that the Republicans called it the Klanbake. In the 1930’s, Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt appointed a Klansman, Democrat Senator Hugo Black-AL, to the U.S. Supreme Court. And after the 1936 Berlin Olympics, the white American athletes were invited to meet Roosevelt, while no such invitation was made to the black athletes including even Jesse Owens, who had won four gold medals. A widely held misconception about the 1936 games was that Hitler had snubbed Owens, instead Owens stated that, "Hitler didn't snub me--it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram." FDR also stated many times that he would never have his picture taken with a black man. FDR is also quoted as saying, "I want my darkies behind my boys, not in front of them," regarding the use of black troops on the front lines. FDR was also firmly against the Tuskegee airman until massive public pressure finally made him relent.

Truth Wins Out said...

Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) was also a protege of FDR's and was as big of a racist as they come. In fact, not only was LBJ an absolute racist, but he was quite open about it. LBJ knew that Democrats could not keep blacks down forever and that should the Republicans be successful in pursuing the passage of Civil Rights and Voting Rights for blacks, Democrats would lose the black vote forever. So after passing the civil rights act he stated, "I will have those negroes voting Democrat for the next 200 years." Signing the Civil Rights Act into law was just a way for him to get votes. He didn't actually care about blacks. This is evidenced further by his statement, “These negros, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they’ve never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness.” LBJ biographer Robert Caro noted that prior to 1957, Johnson “had never supported civil rights legislation—any civil rights legislation,” including anti-lynching legislation. Passing civil rights legislation while president was just a means to an ends for him – he saw the end of segregation and began trying to secure the black vote. And his private behavior toward blacks was appalling. Robert Parker, LBJ’s longtime black employee and limousine chauffeur, claimed that Johnson blasted him daily with an onslaught of bigoted slurs. And even as LBJ was being praised by liberals for his appointment of Thurgood Marshall, the first African American to the Supreme Court, behind closed doors LBJ’s brand of “identity politics” became clear. As presidential historian Robert Dallek recounts, LBJ explained his decision to a staff member by saying, "Son, when I appoint a nigger to the court, I want everyone to know he's a nigger." It is clear that LBJ was manipulating the black community to gain their favor and more importantly their vote.
After the 1960’s it became in vogue for the Democrat party to decry slavery and discrimination. They were losing their constituency because old racists were dying out and blacks, through overwhelming efforts by generations of Republicans, both black and white, were winning the public argument for their rights. So, as a new strategy, they began appealing to the black community through different social welfare programs as a means of pandering for their vote. They knew Republicans were the party of fiscal responsibility and individual liberty, and that they would never agree to inflated social welfare programs. So the Democrats new tool to get the black vote became welfare. Republicans know well that copious amounts of welfare give way to generational poverty through dependency. Unfortunately, as Republicans predicted, Democrat policies led to the black community’s over dependence on government and the destruction of the black family (for example, in the 1960’s 75% of black children were born in a two parent home, now only 25% are. Government replaced the father in the home).

Truth Wins Out said...

The Republican party has always maintained a mandate for freedom of African Americans since its inception. In fact, this was the main premise for its creation – to free African Americans from slavery. The Republican party has stood by the conviction that slavery is always morally wrong and that fighting to end it was simply the right thing to do. History reveals that it was Abolitionists and Republicans such as Henry L. Morehouse and General Oliver Howard that started many of the traditional Black colleges, while Democrats fought to keep them closed. And many of our traditional Black colleges are named after white Republicans.
After the 1960’s, the Democrat party continued racism in more covert ways. For example, in the 1980s, the Democratic Party elevated Ku Klux Klan recruiter, Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), to third in line for the presidency. Robert Byrd, born Cornelius Calvin Sale, Jr, recruited 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, and held the titles Kleagle (recruiter) and Exalted Cyclops. In 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Democrat Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo; “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” In 1947, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, “The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation. As the civil rights movement of the 1960’s began stamping out racism, making it less and less acceptable, Senator Byrd became “repentant” and stated that he apologized for his ways. He stayed with the Democrat party however, knowing that their socialist welfare policies would keep the blacks on their economic plantation (C.L. Bryant, “Runaway Slave”), and that their pro-abortion stance would limit their numbers. In the 1960’s and 1970’s, the Ku Klux Klan found that racism was steadily dying out; not that it was gone, but that it was dwindling. During that time, the KKK’s connections were becoming lost, even to the Democrat party. Racists like David Duke attempted to infiltrate the Klan into the Republican party as a substitute, but that was not tolerated. He was soundly rejected and rebuked by Republicans who were not remotely interested in the Democrat party’s castaways. The Klan then largely faded into irrelevance. They are estimated to have about 5000 members as of today.

Truth Wins Out said...

Democrats Opposed the following Legislation while Republicans Sponsored and Passed it:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Freeman Bureau
The Civil Rights Act of 1957 The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission

Republicans sponsored and voted in larger majorities than Democrats for the following legislation:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Voting Rights Act of 1965
The 1968 Civil Rights Acts
The Equal Opportunity Act of 1972
Goals and Timetables for
Affirmative Action Programs
Comprehensive Employment Training Act of 1973
Voting Rights Act Amendment of 1982
Civil Rights Act of 1983 Federal Contract Compliance and Workforce Development Act of 1988

The Republicans:

Republicans enacted civil rights laws in the 1950’s and 1960’s, over the objection of Democrats.
Republicans founded the HBCU’s (Historical Black Colleges and Universities) and started the NAACP to counter the racist practices of the Democrats.
Republicans pushed through most of the ground-breaking civil rights legislation in Congress.
Republicans fought slavery and amended the Constitution to grant blacks freedom, citizenship and the right to vote. Republicans pushed through most of the groundbreaking civil rights legislation from the 1860s through the 1960s, and have voted in overwhelming majorities for every civil rights act that has been passed since then in the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s.

Truth Wins Out said...

Did you know that African Americans make up 12 to 13% of the U.S. population, but constitute 35% of the abortions in America. The Democrat party overwhelmingly supports abortion and advocates government funding of the largest abortion provider in the country, Planned Parenthood, which purposely targets minority communities. Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, a hero of the Democrat party, was a huge racist. She created Planned Parenthood for the sole purpose of exterminating the black race. In regards to blacks, immigrants and indigents, she called them “human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ‘spawning…human beings who never should have been born.” Sanger also stated that, “We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” That’s right. You read that correctly. Don’t worry though. The Democrats won’t call attention to this. Neither will their accomplices in the liberal media. They will however do everything to minimize and downplay it ( It actually gets worse than that and a lot more insulting. Sanger’s full quote is: “We propose to hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. And we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” Oh yes. You read that right. And this is the woman that the Democrats herald as the hero of a woman’s right to have an abortion. If this woman would have tried to associate herself remotely with the Republican party, she would have been blasted and decried so quickly it would have made your head spin. But the Democrats get a pass. Most Democrat agenda items that support the moral decay of America do get a pass from the liberal media. But have a Republican stand up and say that something is wrong, such as the extermination of the black race through abortion, and they are excoriated. Democrats can’t hide the fact, however, that 62% of Planned Parenthood abortion mills are located in African-American communities. And according to former Planned Parenthood employee turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson, women who turn to Planned Parenthood are only offered one choice; in fact 98% of their services to pregnant women are abortion.

Truth Wins Out said...

Planned Parenthood makes a killing off of abortions as revealed by its latest annual report, showing nearly one billion dollars in net assets. And data shows that over the last nine years, Planned Parenthood has taken in over $500 million in profits. Why then do they need government funding? Good question. Also, in NYC, where the nation’s largest population control chain, Planned Parenthood, is headquartered, more black children are aborted than born. For every 1,000 black children born alive 1,448 are eliminated through abortion. The black community will soon fall behind the Hispanic community from being the largest minority group in the U.S., to being the second largest. After all the struggles the black community has overcome, only to see it literally exterminate itself like this is a national tragedy. Don’t Democrats see how precious every single child is? Unfortunately, they do not. And evidently they do not have the fear of God in them convicting them that tearing a baby apart limb by limb from his or her mother’s womb is wrong. On the other hand, conservative Republicans have tried to draw attention to the disparity between black and white abortions through billboard campaigns in black communities, through social media and through legislation. For example, the Republican party has put forth legislation to limit abortions during the second and third trimesters, and to require ultrasounds so women can have every bit of possible information before they make the decision to have an abortion or not. Every one of these measures Democrats have fought against tooth and nail. The current administration has recently taken things one step further through the new health care law requiring religious institutions, such as religious colleges and hospitals, to provide the morning after pill through their insurance. What an insult and a violation of religious freedom. To actually mandate that people act against their consciences is unconscionable. The Democrat party has revealed that they are not inhibited by the religious freedoms of others to make sure their agenda is accomplished. After all, the current president, while a congressman in Illinois, not only voted for but sponsored a bill advocating infanticide of babies born alive during botched abortions. An act like that can only reflect a seared conscience and should surprise no one that he and the rest of the Democrat party are willing to violate the religious rites of others as well. Conversely, it is the conservative Republican community that has created Crisis Pregnancy Centers to try and talk young women out of abortions and to provide shelter, food and other services for their babies. They have also created unwed mother’s homes that provide financial and spiritual support to the African American community and anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy. Republicans are opposed to abortion and largely do not support abortion except in cases of rape, incest or life of the mother, which constitute less than 1% of all abortions. If the black community continues to abort themselves at the rate they currently are, social scientists estimate that their population in the U.S. will reach a low of 1.5% by the year 2150. That may seem far away, but in the larger scope of things, it is right around the corner. In the end, no other demographic has been more targeted or more deliberately failed by the Democratic party than the black community due to their advocating of abortion. In contrast, no other party has fought more for the lives of African American babies than the Republican party. Despite not getting a majority of the African American vote because Republicans refuse to support copious amounts of welfare, Republicans continue to fight for what is right because it is right, and not because it is politically expedient. And they will continue to do so

Truth Wins Out said...

As reported in, reporter Charlie Butts reported the following on July 15, 2013: “Statistics from the federal government now prove something that people who are pro-life have contended – and the abortion industry has denied for years: minorities are targeted by abortions. The numbers come from the CDC Abortion Surveillance report (published in November 2012) showing that 63 percent of abortions terminate the lives of black or Hispanic babies. It also revealed the presence of multiple abortuaries in many super-minority populated areas. OneNewsNow turned to Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics, who has been watching the situation for years. “That just tracks what we found in our research that we've done before; and that is that the American abortion industry targets the minority community. They’ve been doing this since Day 1,” he offers. The Life Dynamics work took a look at zip codes where abortion clinics are located and found they are largely in or near minority neighborhoods. According to Crutcher that confirms that the underlying purpose of the abortion industry is eugenics (which is a science that deals with the improvement, through control of human mating, of hereditary qualities of a race or breed). “In our documentary, MAAFA21, we fully documented that the real motivation behind the legalization of abortion was to eliminate what these people would describe as ‘dysgenic groups’ – groups of people they don't want reproducing and having children,” he says. “And of course, to no one's surprise these are generally blacks and Hispanics.”
Movie: “Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st Century”
Alveda King, “How Can the Dream Survive if We Murder Our Children?”

Truth Wins Out said...

The Democrat’s “war on poverty” has suppressed the black community and kept them dependent on government to meet all their basic needs. You know the old saying, “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” Well, the Democrat party has absolutely zero interest in teaching the black community how to fish. Zero. Blacks are deliberately kept as dependent as can be on social welfare programs, which keep them in generational poverty, which also incentivizes them to vote for Democrats. If they are independent, they are not motivated to vote for Democrats who advocate unbalanced welfare programs. They begin to see behind the veil of the Democrat party’s true intentions: negating the private sector and free markets for government control. This is socialism. ( Why else would they shun free market strategies and instead implement the government take over of student loans, the health care system, and the nation’s schools? They do not want the individual to have the power in these areas. They think that they know what is best for you and they will make life perfect and fair for all…by controlling every aspect of your life. And specifically with social welfare programs, one might say that the Democrat party is trying to buy the black vote. Quid pro quo if you will. We’ll give you free stuff…in return for your vote. On the other hand, Republicans believe that there should be balance to welfare. They believe that there is a need for a social safety net, one that helps people get back on their feet in hard times, but does not make them dependent. This would include job training programs, and welfare that would require the beneficiary to be actively looking for work. However, Democrats believe work requirements are degrading to the black community (even though it is also required of the white community who receives welfare). This demonstrates a fundamental and profound philosophical difference between the two parties. Requiring work and education is not degrading to Republicans. It affirms responsibility and the individual’s ability to take care of themselves. However, the current President put measures into the Stimulus Bill he passed in 2009 that killed the welfare reform of the 90’s so that tax dollars can no longer be used to help the poor become self-sufficient through job training and child care assistance. And he stripped the work requirement from the bill as well. Ask yourself, why in the world would anyone want to strip the work requirement from welfare? Isn’t it a good thing that someone actively looks for work so he or she could get off of welfare? Not to the Democrat party. Why help people become independent? After all, that does not incentivize them to vote for Democrats. As a result, welfare, once again, becomes a government handout that keeps poor blacks mired in generational poverty with no incentive to get off it.

Truth Wins Out said...

After the 1960’s, the Democrat party began pandering to the black community to garner new constituents and to try and absolve themselves of their racist past. Being more of a socialist party than a freedom loving party however, the Democrat’s policies did not actually help the black community. The Democrat party’s actions were dysfunctional and ended up tarring the black community apart, causing them to become more dependent upon government to meet their needs instead of becoming independent and successful. The Democrat party does not know how to use a balanced approach to welfare to help people get out of poverty, they only know how to create dependents. All the Democratic party really believes in is finding ways to allow government to expand and control more of people’s lives because they do not trust individuals to make the right decisions for themselves. They have a glorified view of themselves and believe that they alone know what is best for people. They do not think that an individual can be trusted to make decisions concerning their own future and what is best for him or her. On the other hand, Republicans believe people should have the freedom to succeed or fail based on their own merit. A free-market system where people and their businesses rise and fall based on demand and their own merit scares Democrats to death. They have no courage for it. They believe that they should protect people from failure in order to make life fair. Over-regulation and over-taxation are their favorite tools for this task. Ironically, over-taxation and over- regulation keep the little guy from being able to break his or her way into certain businesses because it becomes so financially out of their reach to do so. They are not even able to afford starting at the bottom and growing to compete with the big guys. This creates an even larger disparity between rich and poor. Under this system, the rich are unfairly enabled to garner all the business because no one is able to compete against them, or even have the means to get into the game. And when the big companies run into trouble of their own making, such as in Detroit’s case where companies allowed unions to coerce them into unbalanced pensions and benefits that they could never sustain and remain competitive, Democrats gave them bail outs and tax breaks the little guy could never get. Why? Because Democrats have now made these companies practically monopolies and they deem them “too big to fail.” This is truly dysfunctional.

Truth Wins Out said...

Democrats seem blind to the fact that over-taxation and over-regulation limit opportunity for small entrepreneurs. They refuse to comprehend that taxation and regulation need to be reasonable to make businesses as competitive as possible, not only with businesses in this country but with businesses in other countries as well, in order so they can grow and thrive. Also, over-taxation and over-regulation type of policies lead to bloated government and stagnation in the economy. Two more things that inhibit job growth. Incredulously, Democrats blame the Republicans for the negative results of their own policies. Mind you, their policies make those who are already rich become even more rich because it makes it almost impossible for little guys to compete with them. Hence the divide between rich and poor becomes even more stark. But they are not held accountable for this. And why do they get away with blaming Republicans for this? Because Republicans refuse to give them unlimited funs to prop up the companies they have sabotaged to fail.

Truth Wins Out said...

Democrats also do this with their dysfunctional welfare programs in the black community. They blame Republicans for not giving them unlimited amounts of money to “help” the black community. When in reality, they want welfare programs to grow beyond what the communities supporting them can afford in order to create more dependents, which in turn garners more support for themselves. But this only serves to subjugate the poor and give the Democrat party more power over peoples’ lives. Just look at the recent housing crisis for a case in point. The Democrats voted in the 1970’s for the Community Reinvestment Act, granting loans to people who could not afford them. (Notice that they are giving things away instead of creating more job opportunities in low income communities to help the poor be able to afford the houses on their own). Unfortunately, in the 1990’s President Clinton only exacerbated the problem. His administration went to ridiculous lengths to increase the national homeownership rate. It promoted paper-thin down-payments and pushed for ways to get lenders to give mortgage loans to first-time buyers with shaky financing and incomes. It’s clear now that the erosion of lending standards pushed home prices up because more people were buying them, which later led to waves of defaults by people who could never afford the home in the first place. This ruined peoples’ credit and wiped out money they could have been saving to pay for a down payment. The National Homeownership Strategy began in 1994 when Clinton directed HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros to come up with a plan, and Cisneros convened what HUD called a "historic meeting" of private and public housing-industry organizations in August 1994. The group eventually produced a plan which argued for creative measures to promote homeownership. On the other hand, the Republican’s answer to increased homeownership followed free-market principles. They advocated special savings programs and lower taxes to increase entrepreneurs and job participation which would allow more people to afford a home. In the early 2000’s, President Bush attempted to subject more regulation onto government sponsored mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but Democrats fought these measures vehemently and he was unable reign them in. By the time Congress finally acted in 2008 to provide the oversight President Bush and a majority of Republicans had been requesting over the years, it was too late to prevent the crisis that had its genesis in the 1970’s and which was exacerbated in the 1990’s. It created an unsustainable bubble that even a fifth grader could predict would pop. If the initial reform measures had been taken, much of the housing crisis could have been avoided. But when the housing bubble popped in 2005, the Democrats turned around and blamed the “big bad banks” for making the loans - the same loans the Democrat party coerced the banks into making under threat of shut down and burdensome audits if they didn’t. Can you say hypocrisy? This behavior is madness.

Truth Wins Out said...

Incredulously, after the Democrats created the housing crisis, they then turned around and blamed the Republicans for the current housing bubble because the Republicans held the presidency at the time. Notice the dysfunction. There are actual diagnosable terms for this kind of irrational behavior. A savior’s complex for starters, in that Democrats want to save people by giving them free things out of personal guilt and a desire to buy their loyalty. Notice that their policies are more about them trying to feel good about themselves and appearing good to others than actually about enacting policies that will help address the problem that they are trying to solve. For some Democrats, their motives are right in that they want to help those less fortunate, unfortunately, their methods only help themselves feel better about themselves through programs that give away free stuff but create more dependence for those in need. But don’t worry, they’ll find ways to blame the Republican party for not giving more money to the dependents that they helped create. Giving things to people without requiring accountability gives Democrats the appearance of doing good to others, though, which does help win votes. On the other hand, telling people that you will give them help but only if they are willing to help themselves, is not always the most popular thing to do. Republicans do not always have an easy time selling accountability. But isn’t this how a responsible government welfare program should be? Possessing reasonable, time-limited policies that have oversight and review? Otherwise, these programs will bloat out of control, which is what has happened. And bloated federal government is the root cause of our national debt, which also drives down our national credit rating, which in turn devaluates our currency. However, instead of concentrating on finding ways to bring more jobs to poor communities so that more people can afford a house and get off of welfare, Democrats try to give away the house by coercing people into mortgages they can’t afford, eventually bankrupting them. Again, this assuages the Democrat’s conscience and gains them favorability, but does not give jobs to the poor in order for them to afford a home. And it doesn’t matter where these policies are practiced or what the demographic of the population is, the results are the same. Just reference Sweden for example. The country of Sweden could not be more white, but their socialist policies over the past few decades have made 54% of the population dependent on welfare, which has exploded their debt, driven jobs away due to over-taxation and has been the overwhelming factor in successfully bankrupting their country. ANY population, be it black, white or other, over time, will end up just as dysfunctional and dependent on government with these types of something for nothing socialist policies. It makes the party giving away things popular with the poor, but it does little to help them, especially in the long-term. Countries go deep into debt racking up bills they cannot afford in funding these welfare programs, causing taxes to go up which causes businesses and people who have acquired any kind of wealth to flee their own country because, by necessity, taxes have become unfair and over-burdensome to finance these bloated socialist welfare programs. People take their jobs out of the country and the country’s credit ratings go down with the inflated debt.

Unknown said...

Left wing people may want to read Dian West's great book "American Betrayal" about documented soviet and fellow traveler infiltration of our government, media and academia starting in the '30s and continuing through WWII, Korean War, Viet Nam and the Cold War and what impact it has had on our culture in order to understand the false history being taught K - 12 and in universities.

Truth Wins Out said...

Why do Democrats always fast forward past free market ideas and go straight to government control and hand outs? There are creative and successful ways of helping people out of poverty without the government, but the real underlying truth is that Democrats don’t trust individuals to care for themselves. They are the worst version of the controlling and codling parent who never lets their little birdies leave the nest. These poor children are always seen as incompetent in their parent’s eyes and seldom have the drive to create things on their own, always expecting someone else to just hand them things in life, such as a job. Another identifier of the Democrat’s dysfunction is their extreme sensitivity to criticism. Their policies are of course cannot be supported, so they divert attention from the root causes of the problems and blame other things. Their favorite thing to do of course is to play the race card, which is unbelievable. The party of slavery and oppression blaming the party of freedom and liberation of the black community as racists. If it weren’t for the fact that they get away with this in the liberal media, one would just have to laugh at the absurdity. Unfortunately, the devastating effects of the Democrat party’s dysfunctional welfare programs only give reason to cry. Regardless of the truth however, the media gives them a pass. And forget about talking about what actually created the problem in the first place – their dysfunctional policies – they want to say it’s about race. Their policies are indefensible and therefore changing the subject is the only defense they have left - especially anytime welfare reform is mentioned. They can’t stand against the truth – hard facts and statistics that overwhelmingly point to their failure. They never talk about the fact that throwing money at these programs has not incentivized anyone to get out of poverty, but they claim racism toward anyone who dares to question their program’s ineffectiveness.
There are creative ways to get the black community out of poverty that the Democrat party won’t even consider. One free market example, is a program used in some poorer countries where people are given small loans of just a few hundred or a few thousand dollars to help them start up new businesses. They do have to pay the loans back but for minimal interest rates. And the pay-back rate has been great in these other countries. Why can’t we try something like that here? People in poverty cannot qualify for big loans through banks, so why not offer them alternatives for small loans from third parties. This will help the black community start businesses and create capital. And it would be available to anyone under a certain income level. This is just one creative, free-market way of helping poor communities. There are countless more – the government making taxes and regulation more reasonable would be the most helpful. And the mind set that only government can save the poor is ridiculous. This idea that it is the government’s role to provide for the individual lends itself to the idea that people are incapable of taking care of themselves and that the government alone knows what’s best. This is just not true. In fact, almost 100% of the time, government exacerbates the problem. This socialist mind set, however, is a poison and has been tried and failed a thousand different ways all around the world, and is now on display most prominently in Europe where an entitlement mentally has taken over and caused unsustainable dependence on government, bringing each country to the brink of bankruptcy and collapse (i.e. Greece).

Truth Wins Out said...

It should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. This has been confirmed by many including his daughter, Dr. Bernice King, and his niece, Dr. Alveda C. King. During the civil rights era of the 1960's, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought to stop Democrats from denying civil rights to blacks. Dr. King would not have joined the Democratic Party, the party of the Ku Klux Klan and segregation. Dr. King fought against Democrat Public Safety Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor in Birmingham, Alabama who let loose vicious dogs and turned skin-burning fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators. Democrat Georgian Governor Lester Maddox famously brandished ax handles to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant. Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace blocked the entrance of two black students at the University of Alabama in 1963 and thundered, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” All of these racist Democrats remained Democrats until the day they died. In fact, racist Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than a Republican because the Republican Party was know as the party for blacks. During the 1960’s, Democrats were relentless in their efforts to smear Dr. King and railroad his non-violent civil rights advocacy. In March of 1968, while referring to the fact that Dr. King left Memphis, Tennessee after riots broke out where a teenager was killed, former Klansman Democrat Senator Robert Byrd called Dr. King a "trouble-maker" who starts trouble, but runs like a coward after trouble is ignited, which motivated Dr. King to return to Memphis, Tennessee a few weeks later where he was assassinated on April 4, 1968 - by a Democrat. And it was Republican President Ronald Reagan who made Dr. King’s birthday a federal holiday, ignoring how the Democrats had smeared him. In reality, Dr. King was a Christian who held deeply religious beliefs and was guided by his faith and the Republican Party’s principles of freedom in his struggle to gain equality for blacks. He did not embrace the type of socialist, secularist agenda that is promoted by the Democratic Party today, which includes fostering dependency on welfare that breaks up families, attacking traditional marriage, advocating abortion and banning God from the public square. An understanding of who the real Dr. King was can be gained from a glimpse of Dr. King as a young man who participated in an oratorical contest when he was 14 years old. His speech included the following: "We cannot have an enlightened democracy with one great group living in ignorance…We cannot be truly Christian people so long as we flout (disobey) the central teachings of Jesus: brotherly love and the Golden Rule…." If Dr. King were still alive, he would be slandered by Democrats in the same way that they smeared him in the 1960's and how they demean all black Republicans today.

JB said...

It is their only defense!

Truth Wins Out said...

Here's another myth about a Democrat hero that the media refused to dispel. Democrat President John F. Kennedy was not a civil rights advocate. President Kennedy is falsely lauded for this. In reality, Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil rights Act while he was a senator. He and LBJ rewrote the bill, rendering it useless, after which the Democrats would only then sign it. After he became president, John F. Kennedy opposed the 1963 march on Washington by Dr. King that was organized by A. Phillip Randolph who was also a black Republican. Dr. King criticized Kennedy for ignoring civil rights issues. This criticism was one of the reasons that Kennedy, through his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a Communist in an attempt to undermine Dr. King. (Making “enemies lists,”, as the current President has tried to do and investigating those who oppose or criticize your party is indicative of what Democrats in the IRS have done to Republicans today). When the King family sought help with getting Dr. King out of a Birmingham jail, Richard Nixon knew that no individual Republican could have any control over the actions of the racist Democrats in the South, so he could do nothing to get him out. Kennedy’s civil rights advisor, Harris Wofford who was a friend of Dr. King, made a telephone call on behalf of President Kennedy without Kennedy’s knowledge that resulted in Dr. King’s release. Kennedy was angry about the call because he feared that he would lose voters in his constituency. History shows, though, that the call by Wofford eventually worked in Kennedy’s favor and is the primary reason why so many blacks wrongly revere Kennedy today. How many are aware that John F. Kennedy, failed to invite black entertainer, Sammy Davis Jr. to his inaugural ball, despite the fact that Davis worked hard in the electoral campaign of 1960 to get him elected? Racism was also demonstrated by JFK’s wife, Jackie Kennedy, who stated in an interview in 1964 with Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. that Martin Luther King Jr. was "terrible," "tricky" and "a phony." When trying to divert peoples' attention from something they don't want people paying attention to, Democrats often try to delegitimize and discredit opposition. This is much like President Obama today trying to call the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious and AP/Rossen Scandals "phony."

zamar said...

when any remark about Obama is labelled as 'racist' there is a problem... the left won't talk without throwing rocks at anyone who doesn't bow to the Obamaking. no one needs to say anything racist to be labelled one. if your only defence is claiming everyone is out to get you then the problem is YOU. Without the TEA party there would be NO AMERICA. The original TEA PARTY paved the way for the revolution!

Truth Wins Out said...

It was Republicans who worked to achieve the “Brown v. Topeka Board of Education” decision. Unreported today is the fact that the Democrat party supported the Topeka Kansas school board in the 1954 “Brown v. Topeka Board of Education.” The Supreme Court Judge, Chief Justice Earl Warren, who voted in favor of Brown in the decision, was appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower. This landmark decision ended school segregation and declared that the "separate but equal" doctrine created by the 1896 “Plessy v. Ferguson” decision violated the 14th Amendment. After the Brown decision, Democrat Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus tried to prevent desegregation of a Little Rock public school. Republican President Eisenhower sent troops to Arkansas to desegregate the schools and pushed through the 1957 Civil Rights Act – the same one Kennedy and Johnson watered down. In 1958, Eisenhower established a permanent US Civil Rights Commission that had been rejected by prior Democrat presidents, including President Franklin D. Roosevelt. And much is made of Democrat President Harry Truman's issuing an Executive Order in 1948 to desegregate the military. Not mentioned is the fact that it was Eisenhower who actually took the actions necessary to effectively end segregation in the military. So it was Republican President Eisenhower who was the one who pushed forth a policy to desegregate both the military and the public schools. The Democrats fought against this as well. They fought against it in the schools so much so that President Eisenhower was forced to call out the National Guard to enforce the public schools being desegregated.

JB said...

United we stand, James!

Unknown said...

The only racist I have seen has been on the left. Think of all the progress we could make if people like Al and Jesse and Obama and the rest of the idiots would let wounds heals instead of pouring salt on it. The tea party is alive and very strong which is why it is being attacked. The tea party scares the hell out of the left.

Unknown said...

The Tea Party & it's principles, less government, no illegal immigrant trespassing into our country, uphold the constitution, balance the budget and serve We the People have gotten stronger, louder and more frequent since it started in 2009! I'm a grandmother of 8 & don't want this moron of a President ruining my country for them so he can do whatever he wants. He's black, he's white, he's muslim...non of that matters as much as he is not qualified to lead our country. He has zero business experience, zero military experience, zero jobs except non-profits, and 4 years in the Senate w/zero reelection. That resume should never have passed for a leader of our country.

Truth Wins Out said...

After President Obama worked to end the school choice scholarship program in Washington D.C. which helped give poor blacks an opportunity to receive a better education, he produced a budget that, astonishingly, eliminated the $85 million designated for the HBCU’s (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). In typical hypocritical liberal fashion, Obama is sending his own two children to a private school that costs $30,000 a year, while kicking poor blacks out of that same private school and effectively sending the poor blacks back to the failing DC public school system (run by Democrats). Ending the voucher system upset hundreds of black families. Republicans on the other hand have been advocating vouchers and school choice programs for years on end in an attempt to get poor black children, and children of every ethnicity, out of failing schools. Democrats fight this tooth and nail because they support progressive education being thrust upon the nation’s children in the public schools and they greedily covet the teacher’s dues that overwhelmingly go to the Democrat party. Democrats make it very difficult to fire bad teachers, and they dumb down the nation’s curriculum to ridiculous levels making it easier for lazy teachers to pass students. President Obama has put the special interests of the teachers’ unions above those of poor black children and other ethnicities, and squashed efforts to get kids out of failing schools. His actions suggest that he cares more about forced teacher’s dues to the Democrat party than about the kids.

Truth Wins Out said...

It is Republicans who advocate for school choice to allow parents the freedom to take their children out of failing public schools in order to send their kids to the school of their choice. Notice the trend – Republicans advocate freedom, Democrats advocate no choice/control. This truth underlies one of the biggest differences between the two parties. Republicans will ALWAYS error on the side of freedom, Democrats will ALWAYS error on the side of control. Freedom allows for growth and innovation, while control squashes human ambition and leaves most people content with the status quo. This is why Democrats prefer to keep the schools under their dysfunctional failing control, and why Republicans prefer to give parents the choice of where to send their children. Senator Ted Cruz called the fight for school choice the greatest civil rights issue of our time. Republican Governors in Florida and Minnesota have been the first in the country to pass laws allowing school choice in their states. They are still working out the kinks since these are new programs, but it is already beloved by parents in Florida and Minnesota’s lower income communities. Supporters of school choice point out that choice creates competition between schools for students. Schools that fail to attract students can be closed. Schools that attract students with better academic performance will grow. School choice breeds competition for students and the education dollars that come with them, creating a catalyst for schools to create innovative programs, become more responsive to parental concerns, and to increase student achievement. And teachers need not fear. Not only will they be in high demand, but the best and highest achieving will be fought over by different schools. This will boost teacher’s salaries and encourage the ineffective ones to improve or leave. Democrats find all kinds of arguments trying to convince parents that school choice is not good for their children, when in reality, it’s not good for them. They live in fear that they will lose forced union dues coming from the teacher’s unions, which help keep them in power. Since children from impoverished families almost exclusively attend public schools, school choice programs would allow these students to opt out of bad schools and acquire a better education. School choice would grant the decision-making power of where to attend school to students and their parents, not to school administrators and politicians. This would level the playing field by broadening opportunities for low-income students to attend as good of schools as the middle and upper class instead of having their school determined by neighborhood boundaries drawn up by politicians deciding where the community’s children will attend school. However, this kind of freedom scares Democrats to death. Remember, they feel that they know better than you what is best for you. And if they have progressive liberal ideas that they want to force down your child’s throat through the public school system, (such as the current liberal school program CSCOPE or Common Core that President Obama snuck into Obamacare of all things) and you opt out, they cannot do it. This will infuriate them. Consequently, count on them to fight school choice programs wherever they are presented – and most likely throw the race card around as much as they can to see if anyone will bite.

Truth Wins Out said...

If you have a system that can give someone something for nothing, how long will it take someone in that system to learn independence from that system? All they are being taught is how to be dependent. There is no plan to teach them how to help themselves – how to be independent. However, if you give someone help, but then require something in return, like requiring them to seek a job or go back to school, that is teaching them how to be independent. Work gives people a sense of pride, self-confidence and direction. Never ending welfare checks that have no accountability attached to them train people to take it easy, to not try as hard and to stay complacent. President Obama is aware of this, and in the month of August 2012, he gutted the Healthcare Reform Act authored by Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich in the 1990’s that required a person to seek employment in order to receive welfare or food stamps. Why he would oppose this is illogical. Why, you ask, would anyone oppose this? The answer is because the Democrats need a permanent underclass dependent on them to maintain their power. Period. Getting off the welfare plantation and becoming independent of government assistance does not encourage Democrat voters. Democrats have absolutely zero interest in making the black community independent. ( Definitely the most insidious and deceitful of them all is the lie perpetrated by Democrats that overwhelming amounts of social welfare will help the black community. There’s a core misunderstanding by Democrats about human nature. They have purposely and deliberately ignored the truth that if you give someone something for nothing, they will become comfortable where they are and most likely stay there. It’s like the old saying, “if you give a mouse a cookie…he’ll want a glass of milk…” They also perpetuate the lie that Republicans want to take away all welfare and make people homeless and on the street. This is pure fear mongering and could not be further from the truth. Republicans advocate statistically proven programs that require work and reeducation.
The only money Democrats are liberal with is yours, the tax payer. In fact, nationwide Republicans give more than twice what Democrats give in charitable contributions. In 2008, Arthur C. Brooks wrote a book that included information on this very fact and found that even though on average Democrat households have higher incomes, the Republican or Conservative households donate more of their income. Republicans also donate more blood as well. Don’t worry though. The media and Democrats will NEVER inform you of this. It would contradict their propaganda about the Republican party.

Truth Wins Out said...

Democrats count on the African American community coming back and back and back for more handouts so they can, in essence, buy their vote. There is simply no incentive for the Democrats to make blacks independent and self-reliant. With over-taxation and over-regulation that Democrats plague upon society, it is virtually impossible for the poor to crawl out of poverty or start up their own small businesses anyways. Democrats require keeping poor blacks in the dependent and needy role in order to hang on to their power. It boils down to this - Republicans believe in a safety net, Democrats believe in a hammock. A safety net catches you when you fall, but does not leave you so comfortable that you have a deep desire to stay there. In fact, it does the opposite. It springs you back up, allowing you to get back on your own two feet again. On the other hand, a hammock does just the opposite. It encourages you to stay where you are and lulls you to sleep with the illusion that it is taking care of you, all the while making you idle and content to stay where you are. And it is very difficult to climb out of. Normally you fall flat on your face trying. So please do not be deceived. It is more loving and respectful to give balance to welfare and require a person to seek employment, retraining or reeducation than it is to give welfare requiring nothing in return. One teaches you how to stand on your own two feet, the other teaches you how to be dependent. In other words, Republicans believe in a hand up, Democrats believe in a hand out; Republicans believe that a rising tide lifts all boats, while Democrats believe that a rising tide is unfair to those who are not riding the crest.
Democrats have purposely designed the social welfare system to make whole groups of people dependent on the government with no clear plan to make them independent again. For instance, the war on poverty was declared by LBJ in 1964. And what have all their non-balanced, copious amounts of welfare done to improve the lives of the poor? Nothing. There are just as many poor today as there were then. In fact, they’ve made it worse. Today, nearly 50 million Americans are living below the poverty income line. That’s one out of every six Americans. And the black community’s unemployment rate as of July 2013 is between 18 and 19 percent, while the black youth unemployment rate is a shocking 41.6 percent. And incredulously, the Democrat party is trying to legalize over 11 million immigrants who will work for lower wages and will be competing for what jobs there are. After 48 years of failed policies and over $15 trillion in taxpayer money spent, America’s war on poverty has been an absolute disaster. Imagine if the government had given that money to help poor communities start small businesses, or job training programs, or to simply pay for students to get out of failing schools. Anyone of these ideas and countless others would yield better results than the Democrat’s dysfunctional socialistic utopian dream of creating bloated government programs so they can control everyone and make life fair. Their notion of fair is literally bankrupting America.

Truth Wins Out said...

African Americans are leaving the Democrat party in increasing numbers because it has betrayed their value system and left their communities in misery with it’s failed social welfare programs and war on poverty. Black Americans like former Alabama Democrat in the House of Representatives, Arthur Owens, have had their eyes opened to the hypocrisies and betrayals of the Democrat party and have switched sides. Louisiana State Senator, Albert Guillory, also switched to the Republican party from the Democrat party because he saw that the Democrat party was purposely keeping the black community down (
In September 2012, the Democrat party embraced homosexual marriage and tried to ban God from their party’s platform. The African American community is overwhelmingly socially conservative, and these radical stances demonstrate that the Democrat party does not represent them. The Democrat party’s efforts to try and help the African American community have created a culture of dependence that has left the African American family broken. The Democrat party has left the black community in shambles and all they have left to do is to try and play the race card to deflect any criticism of themselves and their detrimental policies. Democrats find Republicans an easy target because Republicans require work for welfare and in treating all population groups equally. Republicans believe strongly in not judging a person by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Considering the fact that Democrats have become morally, socially and fiscally bankrupt, this notion is completely foreign to them. All they have is the race card. Take that away, and you see them for what they really are – socialists.
Illinois Coalition of Black Republicans

Unknown said...

I was a Democrat that got suckered by the hype the first election. Voted against Obumer after that. We Patriots need to get this two faced, racist that uses his influence on the compliant media to distort facts and cause division in our country by playing the race card at every opportunity. I've joined the TEA PARTY. My entire family has joined the TEA PARTY. My friends and some co-workers have joined the TEA PARTY and we are gaining strength and numbers. We will back only Republican Congressmen and Senators that we trust in the Mid-Term Elections. AND when 2016 arrives "We The People.." will be ready to take back America!

Matt Martin said...

these pictures don't represent the majority of Tea Party members.
Why don't you try to have a real conversation with someone without jumping to name calling?

Doktor_Kuhn said...

I attended Occupy Bilderberg in Chantilly last year. There was not one Obama supporter among them. All those young twentysomethings were unequivocally for Ron Paul. Good luck you grey Democrat geezers. Your day has gone. You are dinosaurs.

Nick Pruitt said...

You leftists crack me up. Want to see racists? Go check out Congressman Charlie "Tea Partiers are white crackers" story.

You think the Tea Party is "dead" without your liberal boogeymen "the evil Koch brothers"? Then go check out The largest national tea party organization formed in 2009 with over 3 million active members and a 20 million social media audiece and a 1.7 million+ Facebook page. Oh and we raise $150,000 to $300,000 a month with the average donation being $43 from every day, Constitution loving Americans. Sorry no "evil Koch brothers" giving us a cent, but hey, if you can get them to give us a few million, we will certainly take it! And let's add that our group has a lobbyist now on Capitol Hill representing the people and freedom and our national DC based radio show "The Capitol Hill Show". I know facts kill you leftists but, sorry, they are what they are. The tea party has never been stronger and is growing every day now that Americans are waking up to this radical administration and their tax, spend, regulate and target enemies policies.

Unknown said...

The Tea Party stands for Liberty and Intelligent Government something most liberals will definitely not understand.

Unknown said...

We are the true Americans hardworking and god fearing people, you can go top hell Libtards we,re going to stalk you.

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