There have been plenty of racist signs and slogans at tea party rallies over the years, but some who've looked at tea party rallies have determined that racist slogans actually aren't all that prevalent. If that's true, it's probably because shrewd political insiders -- FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity -- guided the teabaggers from the movement's early days and urged participants to tone the offensiveness down a smidge.
Those same insiders also provided lots and lots of money, along with networking opportunities and free publicity. And so the tea party became a real force in American politics.
What about newer grassroots anti-Obama movements? Well, they don't seem to be getting the cash and advice. Especially advice:
Hundreds of protesters wielded signs, chanted slogans and argued with each other Tuesday outside Desert Vista High School in Phoenix, while President Barack Obama spoke about housing and the economy inside....What group was behind this protest? It appears to be a little-known one:
Racially-charged sentiment infused the protests and split the crowd....
Obama foes at one point sang, "Bye Bye Black Sheep," a derogatory reference to the president's skin color, while protesters like Deanne Bartram raised a sign saying, "Impeach the Half-White Muslim!"
... “He's 47 percent Negro,” shouted Ron Enderle, a 77-year-old Chandler resident....
A grassroots group with thousands of members is planning nationwide protests August 6 calling for President Obama’s impeachment.The group also has a non-Facebook site. The list of rallies at the site includes a link to a video of this Phoenix protest. (None of the nasty stuff shows up in that video.)
The group, "Overpasses for Impeachment," has gained steam since launching in mid-June and now appears to have a presence on all 50 states....
The organizing has been done mainly via the group's Facebook Page, which has spawned Facebook groups in all 50 states....
The group may have racist elements, but it seem, well, pathetic. The crowd in the video is sparse; the chants are at the level of "Obama sucks!" And when you click from the group's site to its gofundme page, there's this bit of sadness:
Wow ... only $999,076 to go to reach that $1 million goal!
Sparse crowds, racist slogans, and no money. The tea party minus Koch and Fox News would have equaled this.
1 – 200 of 617 Newer› Newest»Lesson one in fundraising - establish reasonable goals, lest you demoralize your followers.
Either that, or set it at $1 million - if, and only if, you've got a really, really rich person, willing to cover the difference.
We have not even begun to reach "Peak Wingnut!"
Because every time you think we're close - they take that 'stupid-knob,' and crank it to yet another new level.
I always wait to hear what the supposed grounds for impeachment are - and "just because" seems to be the only thing they can come up with.
They also want "all of those who colluded with [Obama] in his crimes against the United States ... held accountable to the full extent of the law, with the maximum sentences handed down upon them."
For what crimes? They never say.
Ah, Steve, it all sounds good when they're chanting at a rally, or grumbling over beers among their likeminded friends, and no one ever questions them then.
Fifty three percent white dog.
No fear.
You leftists crack me up. Want to see racists? Go check out Congressman Charlie "Tea Partiers are white crackers" story.
You think the Tea Party is "dead" without your liberal boogeymen "the evil Koch brothers"? Then go check out The largest national tea party organization formed in 2009 with over 3 million active members and a 20 million social media audiece and a 1.7 million+ Facebook page. Oh and we raise $150,000 to $300,000 a month with the average donation being $43 from every day, Constitution loving Americans. Sorry no "evil Koch brothers" giving us a cent, but hey, if you can get them to give us a few million, we will certainly take it! And let's add that our group has a lobbyist now on Capitol Hill representing the people and freedom and our national DC based radio show "The Capitol Hill Show". I know facts kill you leftists but, sorry, they are what they are. The tea party has never been stronger and is growing every day now that Americans are waking up to this radical administration and their tax, spend, regulate and target enemies policies.
We are not dead by a longshot. We are just laying in wait. A great day is coming.
The Tea Party movement spontaneously formed in 2009 from the reaction of the American people to fiscally irresponsible actions of the federal government, misguided “stimulus” spending, bailouts and takeovers of private industry. Within the first few weeks of the movement, Tea Party Patriots formed to support the millions of Americans seeking to improve our great nation through renewed support for fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free market economic policies.
Aunt Snow dumb are you really that you think the answer to impeach him is just apparently only follow the media that supports mr obama instead of really digging in and getting the fact..pathetic at best and that is why your not worth the words you said..
The Tea Party is alive and kicking waiting until the right time.
Thanks for the press release, Tammy.
Gotta love it. It's OK for you to judge the Tea Party by misperception and the actions of a few but it's not OK to judge Obama himself by his own actions and words. Nice.
Ha, ha, ha You people are scared of the Tea Party and you should be. The Tea Party will get better and bigger.
Grounds for impeachment? Um, how about Benghazi for one? The Anointed One can have an aircraft carrier at his personal disposal for his $100 million dollar African paid-by-the-taxpayers extravaganza, but our DIPLOMATS are DENIED assistance when US soil is UNDER ATTACK? Um, how about classifying the TERROR ATTACK at Fort Hood as WORKPLACE VIOLENCE? Really? Not even Postal workers shout "Aluah Akhbar!" when they lose it. President Nixon RESIGNED because of WATERGATE, yet no one DIED at Watergate. Um, how about SPYING on the American people AND the media (which they've apparently given him a pass for). Um, how about EXECUTIVE ORDERING US TO DEATH? I'm surprised he HASN'T been impeached yet. NO other president has EVER gotten away with what Obama has gotten away with. It's shameful, and it's treasonous. He SWORE to UPHOLD AND DEFEND the Constitution, not tear it to shreds.
The Tea Party is not dead. Don't you really want to know why our US citizens were killed in Benghazi? Why were they abandoned?
Gotta love it. It's OK for you to judge the Tea Party by misperception and the actions of a few but it's not OK to judge Obama himself by his own actions and words. Nice.
I have also seen racist signs at Tea Party events. They have always been carried by left-wing plants, though. Yeah, I know, if you can't defeat their arguments, lie about them.
Tea Party isn't dead yet, it's just exposed! Ditch the Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity, and Citizens United, not to mention some of our elected idiots, and the Tea Party may be what it was supposed to be, not what it became. Those blindly defending the current path, you are part of the problem!
What evidence do you have for such outlandish statements? I have attended many Tea Party rallies and what I have seen are US Flags, what I have heard are patriotic songs, and who I have met are citizens of the USA who are working to improve their country. Please tell us how many rallies you have attended and where they were held -- I'm convinced by facts, not by name-calling. Why is it that when someone is losing the logical debate, he turns to "racist" as his reasoning???
The leftists will someday see the light of day and no that socialism has never worked and never will. Obama believes in redistribution of wealth and if that is not socialist , what is?
Why did the chicken cross the road?
It's Bush's fault and you're racist.
If Obama's coverups and schemes aren't grounds enough for impeachment to you, you lefties are more lost and blind than I thought. You can't honestly defend what Obamacare is doing to small businesses. If you want to see real racism watch Al Sharpton, that old fool is doing more to keep racial tension and division alive than anybody else. True Patriots to this country and it's values are far from few and weak. It's whackos like Hillary and Obama that are holding the US back.
Lions and Tigers and Leftists, Oh My! Oz is still alive in the Munchkin minds of those who believe the Tea Party has lost steam. I used to be a registered Democrat . . . until Obama's run for a 2nd term after his attempts at making this a socialist nation. Now I'm not a Democrat. Guess where my loyalties are now?! Aw, c'mon . . . even Munchkin minds could guess this one!
Hey... don't look now, but we are growing. Taxed Enough Already! We're tired of paying for everything that YOU (the liberals) want. If you want something, pay for it yourself. If you had a job and did something productive maybe you would also understand this.
Don't forget about those of us who are registered Republicans, who are going to vote Tea Party until the Republicans get a candidate who will have the courage to lead this country the way the Founding Fathers intended.
You haven't seen anything yet...We are stronger than you think and what makes us great is we truly believe in the USofA!!
There are 8 issues of Impeachment in my eyes others have gone as far as 22. The strongest one is Benghazi 4 Americans dead including the Ambassador. The only person allowed to give a stand-down order not to rescue the diplomats is the US President...That order cannot be given by any1 else......Why the steep cover up. And that is just 1 not to mention others the list is long because of the explanations. And to pin point specifics is just a long process....
By NO means are we weak, nor are we racist. We believe that OUR COUNTRY has suffered greatly by Obama being president, and I didn't capitalize President for a reason, he doesn't deserve the title. He is trying to destroy OUR COUNTRY, and arm his Muslim Brotherhood with our hard earned money. He is our to bankrupt us, and turn OUR COUNTRY into a government controlled country with him as our King. Obama is not my President, NEVER WAS, AND NEVER WILL BE.
If were a communist I'd be scared of the tea party also.
The Tea Party is strong and want less government! The President lied about Benghazi, NSA is spying on the American people, & IRS is targeting conservative groups. Plus he wants to give $195 million to Syria in addition to money we are already giving. In addition now we find out the NSA is spying on our emails. This man steps all over the Constitution which he is suppose to up hold. Don't even given started about the gun rights.
Week and racist. Well I am a new follower of the Tea Party. I can tell you that I used to be one of the other guys and I can tell you that I don't care what color you are . If you are a lier and a crook who only cares about your friends and all the fringe benefits while everyone else is suffering then you can bet that democrat or republican I will be at the poles the next election and you won't be getting my vote. If you have Tea Party views then you will get my vote.
Any time a liberal has no facts they just use the term weak, racist, etc. I am not a member of the Tea Party but I went to a rally to see what was going on. I saw blacks in attendance, who were as involved as other members. I may not be a member but I support the people they endorse and always appreciate the ultra liberals and their list, it helps me know who not to vote for.
If the Tea Party is so racist explain Niger Innis....
I'm not racist, I believe in Liberty for everyone. I also believe that if you won't work to support yourself and your family then you have made a decision that will cost you your comfort your whole life. I don't believe I should pay for your poor decision. As for racism, the US government has done more to keep the Blacks poor and uneducated than another organization, helped by race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton. I know that I am no better than any black man out there, so get to freaking work and prove I'm right instead of letting the government convince you that you are somehow inferior because of the color of your skin and can do nothing without their help.
The Tea Party is alive and well! Sorry to ruin your bashfest...
Yet another liberal know-it-all commenting on something he knows nothing about and hasn't bothered to research himself. What would Obama be impeached for? How about not enforcing the laws of the United States, allowing American citizens to be killed by his actions ( and inaction), perjury... It's not like there aren't grounds. Do a little research and stop listening to your pals for your information.
You Liberals are brainless morons... Even the Russians think you are nuts and BHO is the Big Nut.
I am racist against you stupid ass liberals, you are the most STUPID RACE in Existence. Why don't all you liberals move to a socialist country? That is what you like, so LEAVE. CRAZY IDIOTS
It's not dead- it's just beginning. Your article is a crock. No reason to impeach him??? Lol you just keep drinking the koolaid while the rest of us wont be deceived by this lying distrustful man people voted in for his skin color, not his character. Shameful
Tea Party AKA Suffolk 9-12 Project is alive and well on Long Island, very active with limited funding and very much non-racist. Personally, I am far worse off financially then I was 5 years ago! Wake up and smell the new voting machines as they tabulate a new beginning in 2016!
The Tea Party is far from racist. And even farther than dead. I laugh every time I read a story by the media about how radical the Tea Party is, yet fails to report on the radical socialist agenda being forced upon the American people by Obama.
The Tea Party is far from racist. And even farther than dead. I laugh every time I read a story by the media about how radical the Tea Party is, yet fails to report on the radical socialist agenda being forced upon the American people by Obama.
When will you low information leftists finally realize that we aren't going away.
Ditto drink some more cool-aid.
Ditto drink some more cool-aid.
The Tea Party is far from racist. And even farther than dead. I laugh every time I read a story by the media about how radical the Tea Party is, yet fails to report on the radical socialist agenda being forced upon the American people by Obama.
The Tea Party is far from racist. And even farther than dead. I laugh every time I read a story by the media about how radical the Tea Party is, yet fails to report on the radical socialist agenda being forced upon the American people by Obama.
Keep dreaming, Liberal thinking is if you say it enough it will come true!!!!!!!
Overpasses For Impeachment is a true Grassroots Movement in the simple fact that these are everyday Americans acting of their own accord without funding.
These people are on their own time and own dime.
No buses bring people.
No television or radio advertisements.
Just a Facebook page and a website.
The power of the spoken word, not paid "advertisements", prevails.
So all you lefties go on back to your sponsored "" paid for, compliments, Your Tax Dollars.
Tea Party lives and grows.
What a shame...everything has to be about race...but Obama uses race to separate and divide...he is a black sheep, not because he's black...because he has a black heart!!! The Tea Party is not racist...there are blacks, Asians, and Hispanics that are part of or started Tea party groups all over America!!!!! Quit putting race into's not the color of a persons skin but its the attitude of their heart!
"Just because" the list is a long one. Should the news media ever get off the bias and report the news, maybe low information people might gather a few thoughts. National debt, welfare, Obamacare, Benghazi, taxes, unemployment, 2nd Amendment Rights, economy, are a few things this administration has screwed up. Please don't blame Bush, that is far too old now. Just last week, NBC actually reported the GDP calculations has been altered by the administration to make it look like there had been growth. Really? Printing money, sure wish I could do the same! The impeachment issues lie with scandals in the government. How about Benghazi? Eric Holder's lavish vacations on the tax payers dime? Obama's lavish vacations? I could go on and on.....
It's interesting to see the comments from those that think they hate tea-party type people. If you talk to one of us in a real discussion I think you'll find more in common than you think (with the media telling you who we are and what you should think about us) We have many of the same concerns with our country as you.
I guess what I'm saying is that we should be trying to find common ground and language to agree on instead of letting the media set up the rules of hatred and separation.
Great job Todd but don't loose your head over it remember you cannot fix stupid until they decide to comprehend what they read....if they actually read.
How about Benghazi, fast and furious, several others. If you don't know why then you have been hiding under a rock. Libtards should fear the Tea Party LOL!
Ah the confusion of the Left. It can't take facts so it makes them up. Poor fools, you keep getting caught by your own lies but you never learn the lessons.
The Tea Party is alive and well, but we work for a living and don't blog from momma's basement. Thus, we don't make nearly as much noise as the bleating Left.
The Progressive (Hah, should be "regressive") Left is already in its decline. It's at the sa,e place as ancient Rome was just before it came apart.
hate to say this but we aren't dead by a long shot we are millions strong and will stay millions strong and as far as impeaching that piece of crap you call a president. Well to start with how about fast and furious or benghazi or last but not least the IRS scandal done under stubama's watchful eye. Hide and watch sheeple we are coming for him and his seat in office because you can't be a president of the United States if you aren't a citizen and he isn't a citizen another impeachable offense NOW AUNT SNOW THERE ARE THE REASONS TO IMPEACH STUBAMA
Racists? No. The truth is that everyone who considers a TP/Republican racist does so because that's what they've heard on the news. These are the same people who apparently don't leave their houses because doing so would prove they could work for a living.
Keep in mind that before you let ignorance rule your world, do your due research. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, and in fact the Republican party were those who abolished slavery. The republican party has always been about securing the rights of all citizens while the Democratic party has always worked to make the rich support the poor. That's great if your poor, but it also makes you lazy.
The Tea Party is made up of Americans who recognize our freedoms are in danger and are not giving them up without a fight! We are keeping our government accountable - as our Founding Fathers designed it to be.
- what happened at Benghazi?
- why is the IRS targeting conservatives?
- why do big businesses and Congress get a pass on Obamacare but the rest of us have to suffer with it regardless of what we want or think?
- why are we aiding terrorists with millions of $s when a supposed sequester is under way and we do not have the funds to operate our own govt?
- why are we not securing our borders? No other civilized country just lets illegals pour into their country at the rate we do.
These issues are only the tip of the iceberg!!!
No CEO would last long in their position with the same excuses this President has come up with for not performing his job adequately.
If the Tea Party does not hold him accountable, who will???
Tea Party Supporter. We would do more if we didn't have to run business, work long hours to pay all the taxes and tend to all the volunteer Church work we do.
I have NO problem with the President being a black man. It's the socialist non-Christian, non-patriotic views I don't care for.
I can endure it.
We are just normal people deeply devoted to the well being of our once great nation. We believe that all people (regardless of race, religion, gender) have the opportunity for greatness, under the Constitution of the USA, with less government and greater individual freedom for all. There is no hidden agenda;you would have more success finding demons by searching your own "regime's" closet. We are here to stay.
Were not putting up with your childish tactics anymore. I'm tire of supporting you. Go educate yourself about facts from reliable sources not TV.
It's interesting to see the comments from those that think they hate tea-party type people. If you talk to one of us in a real discussion I think you'll find more in common than you think (with the media telling you who we are and what you should think about us) We have many of the same concerns with our country as you.
I guess what I'm saying is that we should be trying to find common ground and language to agree on instead of letting the media set up the rules of hatred and separation.
Hmmm. Our LOCAL tea party tried to welcome BHO on the road by our airport in Kern County where he was courting Hispanic farm workers (in memory of Cesar Chavez, a reasonable, hard working, peaceful leader pleading for much needed reforms). Our thoughtful signs were totally ignored as his motorcade took him off his Jumbo Jet and he was allowed to drive across the Tarmac to a usually chained off exit. Read what the original Tea Party was trying to do. Deja Vu all over again. When in the course of human events....
It's interesting to see the comments from those that think they hate tea-party type people. If you talk to one of us in a real discussion I think you'll find more in common than you think (with the media telling you who we are and what you should think about us) We have many of the same concerns with our country as you.
I guess what I'm saying is that we should be trying to find common ground and language to agree on instead of letting the media set up the rules of hatred and separation.
The only racist people I see are liberals, Jesse jackson and al sharpton. Oh and the people who tried to riot in oakland kalifornia but failed. Tons of black on white crime and the " racist" tea party says nothing. One legit shooting ( the jury agreed) and all white people are racist if you dont just adore obama. Its people like you who dredge up a non issue of racism to try and reach a goal. Either money ( sharpton and jackson) or power. Obama and liberal dems.. ifbracism was such an issue why in the world did the " justice for trayvon" ralies die out so quick. Keepndrinkingnthe coolaid. Youll be rewarded soon.
Oh by the way the Impeachment movement just getting stronger and to think it is just the beginning!!!! Thanx for the publicity
Were not putting up with your childish tactics anymore. I'm tire of supporting you. Go educate yourself about facts from reliable sources not TV.
I didn't know Obama was giving away websites as well as free phones now? Good job on being so hypocritical that you literally made an entire website to express your point of view,and the best part is the only ones who even see it are the people you are attempting to ridicule. Also good job being a part of the problem in regards to erosion of rights,morals and economic common sense. A left winger is the last person who should give anyone financial tips. Your financial tips include raise the amount of money you can borrow so you can line the pockets of your special interest groups.When that runs out raise the taxes. When that runs out attempt to force registry firearms and tax them and attempt to invoke insurance on firearms(which is an inalienable right). Good job being a hypocrite as well as an idiot.
All I ever hear from progressives is emotional outbursts and shouts about how unfair everything is. No basis in reality, no solutions, just whining and complaining, while promising other peoples money as a solution. Tea Party isn't going anywhere, and watch out because here comes the Libertarians. The GOP is going to be changed into a party that is actually conservative again.
Oh yessss
George Orwell warned us of this administration in his fictional book 1984 now his book is becoming reality ,mind you it was a scary book ,to think our government is doing the same things in the book.The real sad part this has already happened in our History the same events happened to the Germans and they all thought this will never happen to our country ,but it did hence we had world war two,Obama is following in Hitlers footsteps and the sad part is liberals are to stupid to realize that he wants to be a Dictator and is trying to abolish and or sidestep our great Constitution and Bill of Rights the very Documents that protect us from any president from becoming Dictator see you do not understand he actually works for the American people "We The People " hence forth we can fire his poor excuse for a President who is to represent us not take us over .TEA PARTY is alive and well and will oust and jail this joke of a president
This is the best you have? lol keep your blinders on if that makes you sleep better at night but, the rest of us will keep our eyes wide open and hold those in charge fully responsible for their actions and as it seems their inactions as well. Thank you from the Tea Party. Strong and gaining momentum daily.
If the Tea Party was such a non issue, then why would you talk about it in your blog? Is that what Liberals waste their time doing, discussing non issues? Boy, im glad I've been an Immigrant who has been registered Independent for 40 years now. The Tea Party makes more sense than the blithering idiots that embraced "occupy" movement.
Yup you left liberals keep thinking that the Tea Party is dead or irrelevant. Yup your right about that, no threat at all but wait!!! Why do you guy devote so much time and effort to putting it down and saying it's dead??? Dismissing us is only going to get you bit! Don't Tread On Us!!!
Nver been a racist, never will be. Imagine my surprise to find out that I am because I believe in the Constitution! (funny my black grandchildren don't seem to think so when I love on them)
The Tea Party was brought about because of the belief that government has Taxed Enough Already. Simple basic. Cute.
If you liberals want to live in a socialist utopia, go to Europe...oh wait, they are FAILING! Sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money to run the fine (not) ideas you come up with and people who pay for other people to live without working get tired of paying for it. TEA Party dead? No way!
If you are going to attempt to be a blogger, you should at least attempt to get your facts straight. You don't see any racist signs and slogans at tea parties, because there aren't any. Obama doesn't need to be impeached because he's black (or half- as liberals tend to "forget"), but because he has broken the law and lied to the American People on so many different occasions. Benghazi comes to mind- he is the President of America..and where was during the long hours of the night our embassy was attacked? Well , if you don't know, you are among the rest of this country- no one knows where he was as our embassy staff was getting tortured and killed. Where was he the next day as the international crisis played out?..oh, yeah, I remember- on his way to a Las Vegas fundraiser. Then his administration lied about it for 5 days! Just one of many, many examples of what a pitiful president he has been. My 14year old has more integrity than he has shown in all his time in office. He is a disgrace to America and I support ANY impeachment process that takes place. The tea party is alive and well and gaining strength. I am not a tea party member- I am an independent- but I am very close to becoming one(A tea party member). The more I see and read behind the "left", the more they prove to be uneducated and "uninformed". If the media was not in the presidents back pocket (making media a laughing stock- no impartiality at all), Obama would not be in office now.
um, preferential treatment towards blacks is just reverse racism....Which IS racism. Ignorant Liberal.
It never fails that whenever a liberal Koolaid drinking Obamanite wants to say anything to or about Tea Party or other conservative groups of people, they use insults, lies and rhetoric fed to them by the Democrats. I see no difference now. Surely you can do better to argue your point as an author without the pettiness? Or...maybe not.
Why do you think we are turning to the people? Because this is a country that was founded by the people for the people! Not by the government for the government. The Tea party and the people in it, are sick of being taxed in to slavery! Then again, aren't. We all?
What an illogical bunch of nonsense. There have been as many or more racist signs at the Occupy rallies. Does that make the Occupy "movement" racist?
Sorry Sparky,
The Constitution of The United States is alive and well.
We on the right refuse to let it be folded,spindled and mutilated.
The Tea Party is far from being dead, and it is not in any way a bad movement as this liberal 'wing nut' blog tries to paint it. The Liberal Religion with Saul Alinsky as their prophet is just as phony as the Muslim religion with their 'peace loving god and prophet'.
What grounds for impeachment? How much room do I have? Let's just mention the citizenship requirement qualifier? Orly Taitz just released proof that Obama applied for a college loan as a foreign student and a citizen of Indonesia. But Im afraid no one will take that seriously. They just want something to complain about when the evidence is right there.
We'll give up the Koch Brothers when the left gives up George Soros.
Oh and don't be surprised if we take back the Senate in 2014!
You think the Tea Party is dead? LMAO
Wow, this is the most ignorant racist article, I've ever read.
You sir are high. Stop pretending to be a journalists. Get a real job for about 20 years then may be you will no something about the tea party
Right on.
Liberal commies once again prove how ignorant they are. "Low info" is putting it nice.
Because they want to divide citizens, Obama is wanting for a US civil war again...You know when you got a good leader because he unites people not make them turn on each other
You guys on the left need to learn to define racism as something other than "people I disagree with."
What grounds for impeachment? How much room do I have? Let's just mention the citizenship requirement qualifier? Orly Taitz just released proof that Obama applied for a college loan as a foreign student and a citizen of Indonesia. But Im afraid no one will take that seriously. They just want something to complain about when the evidence is right there.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Typical response from the left: "It's Bush's fault and you are a racist for asking the questions!"
The Tea Party is alive and well, organized and determined to be the grass roots effort to vote out of office any politician, Republican, Democrat or other, who does not support the founding principals and defend our constitutional rights.
It's a now known fact that all the liberal media coverage has been fed to them by the soviet bloc and funded by the kgb, all anyone has to do is read the book "Disinformation" by the spy chief himself, and what's worse is how guilable you ill informed idiots are, too bad you only see and hear what's fed to you by the media, not only is the Tea Party alive and well, both parties in power are deperately trying to win us back.............NOT!!!
Do you notice how vague liberals are with their claim that conservatives have not declared their concerns. It's obvious they haven't taken the time to listen or read them. We have specific concerns if you care that our country solve it's problems.
By the way, only a couple of those signs could be classified as racist. The "Don't re-nig America" sign is racist. The rest may be somewhat insensitive, but they're not racist. The one that says "I'm a bigot, I'm a racist, I'm a Teabagger" is obviously a leftist plant, and if you can't see that then you have serious credibility issues. Beyond that, the liberal definition of racism is so broad that anything could be classified as racist if you're paranoid enough.
The Tea Party is not only "NOT" dead, it isn't weak or going away for that matter. The Tea Party movement is America's best last hope for survival. It took a Tea Party to create this country and it will take another to regain it from those that would seek to destroy her.
I've met a few racists in my time, but all but one of them were black, so what's your point?
I am affiliated with three Tea Party Organizations. None of them received a dime from the Koch Brothers thank you.What are gounds for impeachment? Number one on the list is failure to execute the laws of the United States of America, There are dozens of examples.
So tired of the stale, lefty's rhetoric. Wake up, people! What's wrong that you can't see what is happening to our country? We are diminished globally, economically, morally, and even our unity as a people has suffered. I observed the Civil Rights Movement and those principled humanitarians that worked so hard to set our country on the right track would roll over in their graves to see the rampant racism shoved down our throats by this administration.We are not white, we are not black - we are Americans.
This has to be the dumbest blog I have ever read. I feel less intelligent now than when I started. It's kind of like the same old offensive whine from the same old whiny failing crowd of miserable people.
I have been a registered Republican for 2 1/2 decades. I attended my first Tea Party meeting last night. I assure you...The Tea Party is far from dead but growing exponentially every day. Just watch! We are from every walk of life, and every political party. We are fed up with the perversion of our Constitution. WE ARE STRONG!
What a joke of a blog post. I'll never get that 2 minutes back.
Liberals are pathetic like this. It's just fine for Libs to peddle race - using whatever color will advance their agenda. You guys pushed the race crap as soon as he became the nominee and made an issue so you could say "See! see! We told you they're all racist" Liberals are great at sweeping generalizations.
I agree with Darkwolfe! The Democrats are certainly quite capable of demolishing their own party with the lies, inaccuracy and porous acts passed trying to grasp any & all votes they can create, to stay in control! As far as racist; we could definitely learn how to be racists from the prime democrats, such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and yes, even Obama. Don't you think we have enough race problems without Obama stirring the pot with unnecessary comments such as those he made. The jury decided Zimmerman's fate, shouldn't the president uphold our legal system? Democrats progressive???? Regressive really sums them up!
The reasons for impeachment have been stated clearly . The first one would be treason, aiding and abetting the enemy - Muslim Brotherhood, Syrian rebel arms into a variety anti-American terrorist groups. The list would go on and on. Congress does't have the guts to do their job. NSA, CIA must have a bunch on them.
From my experience most of those holding racist signs have been progressive plants. All racism I've seen has been by the left.
Dead, eh? I don't think so...
And as for Aunt Snow - here's the list of Barry's Constitutional infractions that would have put him and his cabinet all in federal prison ten years ago, but that was before Obama's jack-booters took over.
So wait no more Auntie:
This is one of the funniest blogs I've read lately, thanks for the laughs...
Thank GOD we have the Tea Party. They're the only ones keeping socialists in line. How'd that whole Russia and Hitler thing turn out for socialism? We'd be there by now if it weren't for the Tea Party. God bless 'em.
Love it
The only thing pathetic are the terrified liberals who are scared to death of the Tea Party and it's overwhelming power so they think they can weaken it by just wishing it so.
Racism in only present at rallies when an undercover liberal shows up planted by the democrat party.
The tea party stands for a limited constitutional government and limited taxes, reduced spending. Liberals added the racist tag because the tea party opposes a black socialist bent on spending this country into oblivion. What a joke this "author" is..pathetic is more like it.
Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakahn, Spike Lee and so many others. All Democrats, all Racists!!! If you don't like what the left is pushing or agree with their ideology and beliefs,,they label those people as racists! I have found that those that point fingers and call racist,,are the biggest racists themselves!
The Tea Party is alive and well. Thanks for checking in on us. See you in 2014.
The Tea Party is not a lobbyist movement growing wirhin closed doors. It is a movement of patriots... "We the People..."will stand on our ground.
Detroit. Nothing else to say
I'm a registered Republican that is sick of the Rinos in my party of choice! Therefore I notified my local and state party that until they return to the conservative values and platform that made me want to join them...I would be sending all of my contributions to the Tea Party and I would be supporting Tea Party Candidates! It's about the Constitution Stupid! If you are an elected servant and you refuse to uphold your oath of office to defend our Country, our Constitution, and uphold the Rule of Law, then you are going to be replaced in up coming elections. The sleeping giant of this nation is awake and is taking countermeasures to ensure that the American People,their freedom, and the freedom of their posterity will survive and thrive even if we have to start all over from the bottom up! Be very afraid you liberal commie scum!
Yup Mike very true al you have to do is comprehend what you read but all they go by is what the liberal media bolsters out to their followers
Lets start with fast and furios then Benghazi to name a few. Lying straight faced to the dead, killed b6 inaction. Blaming a video for the attacks handing guns to terrorist. Then we can talk about the shredding of our Constitution. Spying on American citizens without warrants. Obamacare forcing us to purchas3 a service. DRONE attacks. Naming Patriots as terrorist. Bankrupting our country. Causing purposeful pain and inconvenience to Americans because of the sequestor that was not necessary to pay us back for not giving him his way. Paying of protestors with tax payer money to feed the racism war. Ill3gal recess aoppointments. This of coursese is just to name a few crimes.
The Tea party lives and grows!
let's see..grounds for impeachment..Obamacare(how's that working out for you?), trillions of new debt, sleeping on the job..literally (Benghazi), dereliction of duty, giving gazillions to 'green' failures, that's just off the top of my head. I could go on. Wake up.
The Tea Party is alive
Who is considered a bigot or a racist? Anyone winning an argument with a liberal! Lol!! Isn't that sad? Poor excuse...try again. Team Tea Party!!
The more errant and inappropriate leftist comments issued, the stronger the Tea Party becomes. It's certain indication that the extreme left feels the pressure!!! May God bless our country.
What a moron!
You are either delusional or a moron if you think the Tea Party is weak and ineffective. Right now this country needs a very strong Conservative Tea Party member to bring us out of this debacle that Hussein Obama has gotten us into. The liberal press, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC are his lap dogs and lay around panting at his feet. There is not a single reporter working for any of their news organizations right now. Case in point, Obumer made several gaffes on the tonight show last night and nobody reported them. If it had been George Bush they would have been all over it; but total silence. Don't kid yourself bucko, the Tea Party is alive and doing very well and will continue to do so.
TREASON to answer some of your questions. Weak? Never, we will stand and die for our beliefs. Will you? Racists? Not, hablamos Espaniol and many other languages. We see colors in shades of red white and blue. We are very tolerant but keep pushing us and see what happens.
racist? let's see - there was more diversity at Tea Party rallys throughout the nation than in any of the occupy protests; There was no destruction of property by the Tea Party folk; Have never seen any proof of racism w/in any tea party group; but I believe the Black and Hispanic Tea party groups have experienced such from liberal groups and individuals. The occupy movement WAS funded and directed by G. Soros and friends, was NOT a grass roots movement - which is one reason I believe so many libs are angry that the Tea Party movement truly is grassroots - and is not funded as they claim. Nor is the Tea Party made up of any one party registration - but of Repubs, Democrats, Indep's, Green Party, etc. Still have not seen an explanation why the occupiers did not join in w/the Tea Party who - well before the creation of the occupy movement - were protesting the bail outs, favoritism towards Wall St./Banks,etc. It is almost admirable that the writer of this blog has enough self confidence to not care that he has now revealed his extensive ignorance to a large number of people.
Wishing does not make it so! No matter how many times you and others like you try to convince yourselves that the tea party is powerless, it is not going to diminish our growing strength. Nothing like a corrupt democratic administration with its numerous scandals to motivate us for action. Hold on to your misconceptions but we're not buying them. We've only begun to fight.
I prefer the Tea Party to the socialist actions of the current administration and President. He is so anti Christian and just blames others, just like a child does. Take responsibility, make a difference Mr. Obama.
I am just sitting back laughing at you libs.... Who will be the first to die when your gov't cuts you off? What President has enough money to take million dollar trips telling everyone else to give up their money, but not spending his own? Which party waste all their time bashing, yet crys when they get bashed? Really hope you wake up before it's too late, but really don't care either way because God shall be your judge.
lol, bet ya feel stupid for trying to pass this off as a piece of intelligent writing.
I am just sitting back laughing at you libs.... Who will be the first to die when your gov't cuts you off? What President has enough money to take million dollar trips telling everyone else to give up their money, but not spending his own? Which party waste all their time bashing, yet crys when they get bashed? Really hope you wake up before it's too late, but really don't care either way because God shall be your judge.
It is the Tea Party voters that cleaned your clock in 2010. You have no credibility with you filthy bagger comments. Without your low information (idiot) voters your side could never win. Even those idiots will know they are getting screwed soon.
I am a real person in Iowa. I was a teacher and observed first hand the downfall of what was once a great education system before the federal government had a department of education. Everything the federal government does that is not specified as a power of the federal government by our Constitution should be shut down. The Tea Party stands for appropriate taxes spent in an appropriate way which includes a balanced budget. There are no "phony scandals" they are real. Look for the pictures online of Ambassador Stevens posted by the terrorists that show him being sodomized with a cattle prod. He died a horrible death while someone told our military to stand down. And Hillary says,"in the scheme of things, what does it matter?" And Obama said it was because of a video! Lies, lies and more lies.
I am a real person in Iowa. I was a teacher and observed first hand the downfall of what was once a great education system before the federal government had a department of education. Everything the federal government does that is not specified as a power of the federal government by our Constitution should be shut down. The Tea Party stands for appropriate taxes spent in an appropriate way which includes a balanced budget. There are no "phony scandals" they are real. Look for the pictures online of Ambassador Stevens posted by the terrorists that show him being sodomized with a cattle prod. He died a horrible death while someone told our military to stand down. And Hillary says,"in the scheme of things, what does it matter?" And Obama said it was because of a video! Lies, lies and more lies.
It is typical uninformed hacks like you that continue to be mesmerized and lulled into a false sense of security with what is happening to this country.
Instead of sitting in your basement, in your boxers, spewing non-sensical BS; while living off welfare and your parents. Why don’t you get up put on your big boy pants and get a job and then, just maybe, you’ll understand what is really happening.
Otherwise I suggest you get a big cup of “shut the f@$# up” and quit your whining. Because those of us that truly understand are sick and tired of your constant race baiting and hate talk.
Having been to several Tea Party rallies, one of them very large, I have never seen or heard anything remotely racist. Some time you should actually visit one for yourself, instead of sucking the Koolaid and believing everything you read on the internet and see on the news.
You nailed it no need to say anymore
HELLO...not dead...not racist...just love my country and do not want to see it destroyed by the left. WAKE UP people and stop lying about the Tea Party - this is completely a grass roots movement with moral convictions and a love for our Constitution. You need to stop telling lies and actually LISTEN to what we are saying - you might learn something useful instead of just slandering and telling lies.
I agree with George Pertuit said...
Ha, ha, ha You people are scared of the Tea Party and you should be. The Tea Party will get better and bigger.and Leslie McKelvey said...
Grounds for impeachment? Um, how about Benghazi for one? The Anointed One can have an aircraft carrier at his personal disposal for his $100 million dollar African paid-by-the-taxpayers extravaganza, but our DIPLOMATS are DENIED assistance when US soil is UNDER ATTACK? Um, how about classifying the TERROR ATTACK at Fort Hood as WORKPLACE VIOLENCE? Really? Not even Postal workers shout "Aluah Akhbar!" when they lose it. President Nixon RESIGNED because of WATERGATE, yet no one DIED at Watergate. Um, how about SPYING on the American people AND the media (which they've apparently given him a pass for). Um, how about EXECUTIVE ORDERING US TO DEATH? I'm surprised he HASN'T been impeached yet. NO other president has EVER gotten away with what Obama has gotten away with. It's shameful, and it's treasonous. He SWORE to UPHOLD AND DEFEND the Constitution, not tear it to shreds.Not to mention the Obama Care is crap and social security that i have paid for all my life now having to pay again... no way he had lied to the USA and all it's people . it is stated he was not born a citizen of the USA ..
Obvious your prejudice and have feelings of resentfulness of any expressing of their Constitutional right to assemble and redress. Your disapproval is your right, but Tea Party has the right and Constitutional mandate to express publicly their disapproval. You Call the Tea Party bigots, Sir I think you need to look at yourself of your values and accusation, Evidently your are in no position to rant when you don't know what a real racist is. This nation is taking a fast turn for the bad, and you are in the dark not knowing what really going on.
You are extremely misinformed! For whatever twisted reason, you WANT to believe the Tea Party is NEED to believe the Tea Party is racist, mean, intolerant; when, IN FACT, the Tea Party is 100% the opposite! Why don't you try an experiment and do YOUR OWN research! Go to a Tea Party meeting or rally and see for yourself instead of simply drinking the koolaid! We have absolutely NOTHING to hide! Members of the Tea Party are honorable and live with integrity. However, if you've never been exposed to those virtues, then you may not undertstand what's happening. In which case, that would be a crying shame...
You are the racist.
You seem to be blind to reality. Not only is the Tea Party not weak, but we will outlive you and your blog.
Apparently you have bought into blatant lies from the un-American administration currently in power.
Wake up and get a clue.
I pray the scales fall from your eyes and the truth becomes evident to you.
I don't belong to the Tea Party, but I wish the Republican Party would more closely align with the Tea Party. I'm so close to joining!
I don't understand why people hate the Tea Party. They are about preserving America. If you don't like it then please travel to another country. I'm tired of people being ok with our rights being stripped slowly from us. I'm tired of people being to ignorant to know morals, values, and American History. I'm tired of people letting our government push us toward a police state. You have no idea the true meaning behind patriotism and being a Tea Party member. You have no idea what racism is. You have no idea on how this country was meant to be run and you have no idea what true freedom is.
The demise of the Tea Party have been greatly exaggerated. Much to the radical lefts chagrin. Being the racist I am I'm thinking Alan West for president! Or maybe Dr Ben Carson....
Couldn't have said it better
The Tea Party is making the some people nervous it seams. They try and say we are going away, but we're not. It seams we grow every day, and we're here to stay!
I am not a racist nor do accept anyone that is . I am an American citizen and love my country and The God Who has blessed us with the freedom we cherish . This freedom and our prosperity that men labored and died for so that we could enjoy it for us and our children , is being stolen from us . We are indeed Taxed Enough Already and the man that is our president right now is doing either a very incompetent job or is very evil and knows exactly what he is doing . I believe he is not interested in preserving our capitalism that has served to make us the greatest nation on Earth . I pray he resigns and or is impeached and removed from office and a better man elected in his place. I like Mike Huckabee for 2016 . I would support a Huckabee/West ticket . The Fair Tax is the only thing now that could possibly rescue our economy now , if it is not too late . God bless you. Jesus loved us and died for our sins and arose from the dead and is now preparing a place in Heaven for all who have , " repented toward God and have placed their faith and trust toward The LORD Jesus Christ " (Acts 20:21 )KJB. ( Acts 16:21; John 3:3,16; Ephesians 2:8,9; I John 5:13)KJB
Liberals are the useful idiots of progressives. Progressives are fueled with hate and intolerance. They vilify anyone who disagrees with their ideology. The Tea Party are freedom loving Americans that are tired of taxation without representation. They wouldn't have even come together if the government wasn't always digging in their pockets for money and telling them how to live their lives.
The democrats have been in charge of a lot of things for a long time .. Detroit, Cincinnati, California, just to name a few ... and everyone of them is broke ... just because you don't get your way, suddenly Rangel calls us all "white Crackers" ... and black kids claim "this is for Trayvon" as if Trayvon gives a shit ... It's time you wake up, smell the coffee, and understand that there is no such thing as a "free lunch" and sooner or later, will will run out of other peoples money ... being liberal is fine, but being stupid is just stupid.
weak because I miss my America, land of the free, home of the brave ?
Racist, no way. Success? I guess we will all see. god is our guide, who guides the liberals?
See not every Dem. is bad some are just waking up.....we just keep getting stronger by the minute
Just keep believing what you spew as the truth and disregard those footsteps behind you that sound like they're getting closer...
The Tea Party is alive and well. I believe in the Constitution and I raised my right hand and swore to uphold it when I enlisted in the Marines. I took the same oath as Barry, Joe and Congress. The only difference is I still honor my oath.
Semper Fi.
Is it racist of me to state that the WH resident had a WHITE mother. He can deny it all he wants, but he is bi-racial. And guess what?? I don't like the white part of him either. The Tea Party is not dead and we are not racist. We care about our country and want to see it go forward upholding the principles our forefathers fought and died for.
If people want abortions then they should pay for them not my taxes going to something I am so fundamentally against. If people want to donate to planned parenthood and such to keep abortions available then fine but don't use taxes to offset this evilness. If people insist on helping people that have made bad choices in their life then donate to causes that do this. Dont use my tax dollars to support lazy asses sit on their asses collecting payment for being a lazy asses. Most of these people have nicer things than people that work 12 hrs a day. Not with my tax dollars. I dont want to pay for idiotic studies on duck penis and elephant interactions with humans. Donations to the company's or institutions not taxes.
The tea party people, and others like them, are trying to prevent the liberals from making the U.S.A. look like Detroit and Chicago.
Why in the world would you think the tea party is weak? Sorry, dude. It's growing because of the policies of the liberal left, and the arrogance of this administration, who wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the butt. One cover-up after another. We patriots want our country back from the lunacy of Obama's hope and change.
Speaking of Racist; What about Mr. President? He calls for Blacks to stand together in the election. Isn't that racist? Well lets see what would happen if a person like Eisenhower or Clinton tries to use a call for Whites to stand together. A black person is shot and killed by a white person in a fight and gets called "not guilty" and what happens? Mr. President goes on national TV and insights riots all over our country. Did anyone go on TV and insight riots when O.J. got off? Don't tell me there is a consistent standard. Opra W. gets bad service at a department store and she calls it "Racist"; come on, Opra, tell it like it is - bad service; not a hate crime.
We will see if all the lies that are being told by the "Liberals", will wake up America. God is our guide. I am not quite sure who guides the current regime and I will not guess. We shall see my friend, we share see!!!!!!!!
Hmmmm, no matter what (liberal) network I've seen covering Tea Party events, they have never shown any "racists" signs. I wonder why that is? Oh wait, I know. It's because they don't exist. They just exist in the minds of ignorant, liberal bloggers.
Tea party folks don't have to resort to name calling as liberals and progressives enjoy doing. We are strong and our time will come to kick butt and take names. Go ahead and keep your head stuck in the sand or any other dark area.
Jeff that was eloquent
Most of those "racist" banners were carried by liberals who thought they would be cute and make the tea partiers look bad. Liberals are so bust denigrating anyone who disagrees with them, I am surprised they have time to do anything else.
Keep you wishful thinking to yourself.
So now I'm a racist because I support the Tea Party? Good grief. You liberals are your own worst enemies.
I'd vote Libritaran tea party Republican even Democrat if the person stuck to the constitution, small government fair taxes and securing our borders
It's not about the color of the POTUS's skin. It's about his betrayal of the American people, and his violation of the Constitution on numerous counts. I'm a Tea Party member, am not a racist, and we want Obama impeached.
I am so happy that the Tea Party was founded! It exits for the millions of us who are fed up with politicians who are all the same. I am not racist, I live in a black neighborhood. We are hard workers, who love our country! Why the rumors and the hate-speak? What are YOU afraid of?
The author of this article must have had his balls cut off. He seems to think that money is the show of true strength and not our numbers. You surprise me sir, considering you have little to no testosterone and that is a documented fact, that you even wrote this piece of crap article. Put the F'n race card away already, your liberal attitudes and racial bigotry's are destroying MY country and dividing people who used to be united for what was good. You would be happier in some third world muslim country so why don't you just leave.
Tea party participants are true Americans who believe in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the USA. If we do not stand up, when none of our elected officials will, we are not true Americans and many military have died in vain. I will stand with the Tea Party, refuse to give my DNA and refuse to be implanted with anything. To me it is a tag from the beast and Revelations is beginning. I will stand with God and my countrymen for freedom, privacy the right to bear arms, right of worship God, etc. In God we trust. Semper fi.
I am an Independent voter and was a Democrat for most of my life. However I have been so disappointed in the Democratic party. It is not the party for the people anymore. I am aligning myself with the Tea Party.
What a double standard. Dem's use the N word and people rally sympathy saying she's miss understood. But Republican's defending the Constitution is "Racially-charged sentiment." Zimmerman answering a specific question about someone's race is racist but Trayvon, God rest his soul, says "Cracker" and that is not racist, it's slang. Oh and the "white" guy with guns at the Obamacare rally there to kill the President, pan camera back, isn't white. I wish that guy would sue MSNBC.
Just because of this article I am opening a chapter in Puerto Rico lets see if the Tea Party is dead or not we just keep growing
"All politics are local"
Remember that when you think the national Memestream Media has _any_ information about the T.E.A. Party.
If you don't bother to research what you write about, then all you're doing is resonating in the echo chamber.
Every one of the (few) racist signs at tea party rallies are held by leftist plants and LaRouchbag Dembiciles. Every. Single. One. All we want is freedom, liberty, and a government that abides by the Constitution. Why does that frighten you people so much? We believe this country needs some work. Your side believes this country needs to be 'fundamentally transformed'. You people cannot argue with ideas, so you demonize and call us "racists" and "tea baggers". Saul Alinsky would be proud.
TEA Party weak? I think not. Over the last 5 months our local group has grown from ~ 300 to over 1200 active, participating, VOTING, pissed off members. And from what I understand, this is occuring across America. I was in Philly and I visited a local TP group. They have also grown a lot. Their newest members are mostly comprised of private sector UNION workers. They are pissed off. I see this country swinging far right to cut the spending to Zero!
TEA PARTY is about America not against it like obummer and his what ever you call it wife.. you want to see racist look no futher than king obummer naacp those are racist..
At this point in the game, only a gutless wonder would still be riding Obama's bandwagon. I think he's proven beyond a doubt, what we Conservatives already knew, he's a lot of talk and no action. (unless golfing counts as an action). I'd laugh, but he holds my children's financial future in his hands, and it's looking bleak. It'll take years to undo his damage.
We are racist if we don't agree with your idiotic liberal views? Please obtain some intelligence (liberal and intelligence are oxymorons I know).
I am so sick of the "racist or bigot" mantra of the left. You know your facts are wrong, yet you consistently defend them as if they came from God himself! Oh wait, I better not mention GOD or I might hurt your sensitive feelings!
The left has NO idea the lion they have awaken with this sorry excuse for a POTUS. It's time true patriotic Americans take back this WH and the Congress. It will take years to repair the damage the Democrats have caused to this country. Shame on you (the low informed voter) for electing someone who had no idea what he's doing and it shows in his arrogance and bad policy. This man has divided a nation more than anyone in his position Ever has. We need a true patriot who believes in this countries history and stands strong behind the Constitution of which our founding fathers fought to obtain. The Tea Party will turn this mess around in 2014 and in 2016. Count on it! After Hillary's Benghazi fiasco, I hope you Democrats select her as the Presidential runner, it will be SO nice beating her.
America has never succeeded because of weasels like you. Go ahead and call apples oranges. The socialists love it. In the meantime, go back and re-read from the history book you obviously learned nothing from the first time around. THE TEA PARTY IS NOT "DEAD", BUT READY TO TAKE THIS NATION BACK, ON BEHALF OF ALL PATRIOTS.
I am part of the Tea Party and anyone who has problem with the Tea Party can kiss my butt.
Tea Party in 2014 and 2016! I'm sick of these leftists trying to destroy the Constituion and my beloved America. Heads will roll.
The sleeping giant has awakened and his name is "The Tea Party".....
The Tea Party is composed of America loving, constitution loving, freedom loving Americans. There are all races of people in the Tea Party. They believe in a strong military to protect us and a small federal government that does not try to destroy us and our beliefs. I love the Tea Party. They are PRO-AMERICA. Anyone against these values, is against AMERICA and would be considered an enemy. The Tea Party is strong and growing everyday!
I helped organize a local Tea Party and I can assure you the people I worked with in this endeavor are not racists. They are patriots who are concerned about their country and about what the future holds for their children if we continue down this destructive path. You obviously know nothing about the Tea Party other than what the liberal media and radicals have spoon fed you.
Congressional members are getting an earful from the "weak" tea party members as they visit their districts. This is a groundswell movement ... unstoppable.
Ridiculous! People who never got involved in politics, are now stepping up and speaking their minds. Tea Partiers are true Americans. We are fighting for YOUR rights, Mr. Liberal, as well as our own. We've only just begun
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