Wednesday, August 07, 2013


There have been plenty of racist signs and slogans at tea party rallies over the years, but some who've looked at tea party rallies have determined that racist slogans actually aren't all that prevalent. If that's true, it's probably because shrewd political insiders -- FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity -- guided the teabaggers from the movement's early days and urged participants to tone the offensiveness down a smidge.

Those same insiders also provided lots and lots of money, along with networking opportunities and free publicity. And so the tea party became a real force in American politics.

What about newer grassroots anti-Obama movements? Well, they don't seem to be getting the cash and advice. Especially advice:
Hundreds of protesters wielded signs, chanted slogans and argued with each other Tuesday outside Desert Vista High School in Phoenix, while President Barack Obama spoke about housing and the economy inside....

Racially-charged sentiment infused the protests and split the crowd....

Obama foes at one point sang, "Bye Bye Black Sheep," a derogatory reference to the president's skin color, while protesters like Deanne Bartram raised a sign saying, "Impeach the Half-White Muslim!"

... “He's 47 percent Negro,” shouted Ron Enderle, a 77-year-old Chandler resident....
What group was behind this protest? It appears to be a little-known one:
A grassroots group with thousands of members is planning nationwide protests August 6 calling for President Obama’s impeachment.

The group, "Overpasses for Impeachment," has gained steam since launching in mid-June and now appears to have a presence on all 50 states....

The organizing has been done mainly via the group's Facebook Page, which has spawned Facebook groups in all 50 states....
The group also has a non-Facebook site. The list of rallies at the site includes a link to a video of this Phoenix protest. (None of the nasty stuff shows up in that video.)

The group may have racist elements, but it seem, well, pathetic. The crowd in the video is sparse; the chants are at the level of "Obama sucks!" And when you click from the group's site to its gofundme page, there's this bit of sadness:

Wow ... only $999,076 to go to reach that $1 million goal!

Sparse crowds, racist slogans, and no money. The tea party minus Koch and Fox News would have equaled this.


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Jim Basler said...

Wrong to think the Tea Party is racist. That is like saying the Democratic Party is racist. We could go through many examples throughout history where Democrats came down on the wrong side. The Tea Party is all about fiscal policies. We don't care what color somebody is. More than likely non-Tea Party people showed up at some of these rallies to hijack and substitute the message. Those among us that are reasonable also don't believe the whacks that show up at Democratic Party functions are representative of the whole. It is wrong to generalize.

flaglover said...

Sorry to disappoint all of you liberals, but the Tea Party is alive and very well. Thank you. I do not care what color you are... but if you don't love the United States of America and don't like the constitution, or the Bill of Rights. Then go somewhere else! I love my country and trying to preserve it. With no help from the spend and tax mentality. Along with all the lies and the race baiting. By the way it was the Democratic party who started the KKK and Abraham Lincoln who abolished slavery. Stop it already. Do your research and actually read. Find out the real truth.

Unknown said...

Tea Party folks are patriots that value Freedom over free stuff. You can keep fantasizing that there's a right wing conspiracy behind us. But you're wrong. The tea party is the purest grass roots organization. It's full of parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. To date, you have only seen the tip of the Tea Party iceberg - and its already too late for your liberal, titanic federal government to avoid its doom. Change is coming. America shall be restored!

Unknown said...

Yep, the left is "scared" of the "TEA PARTY" and all our members.

G Monk said...

We have just begun to fight...

kustomx said...

What we need is LESS infantile journalistic rhetoric out of the mouths of the (O worshipping) ignorant and a consensus on the facts of a treasonous Gov't.

Unknown said...

Which race does the Tea Party hate? I'm a white guy and the meeting I went to had a lot of African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians as well as Caucasians.

pat78 said...

TEA Party strong! We're inclusive, pro-life, conservative, pro-U.S. Constitution. We're opposed to liberty and freedom thieves like communists, La raza, Black Panthers, pro aborts, etc. We're coming to take our country back!

Unknown said...

Obama is a disgrace to America. He is mentally unstable and not fit for duty. He is a TRAITOR many times over. He is in denial of crimes that's he has authorized or committed. He is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood a KNOWN terrorist organization and is supporting their efforts in Egypt and Syria. He is also supporting Hamas and Al-Qaeda. Obama care will cost billons of jobs and lives. He does not follow constitutional law, he walks all over the Congress and Senate with his use of executive privilege, I am not a racist. As a matter I voted for him in the 1st election, which I now regret dearly. This man is demon possessed which I can prove beyond doubt. The democratic party is failing the American people and is turning America toward Socialism. I am a member of the TEA PARTY and we are not cowards or weak. We represent the true Spirit of American and support GOD and Country and will defend the US Constitution and the Bill of Right to the death if necessary. Obama has demonic power over you liberals. Any other president would have already been IMPEACHED for the crimes that Obama has done ! STOP all foreign aid period until America gets back on it's feet financially. Close all borders. NO Amnesty period and I demand the Immediate IMPEACHMENT of President Obama, Eric Holder, Nancy Peloski and Joe Biden for TREASON and high crimes and misdemeanor's and demand that articles of Impeachment be started. If you support Obama you support Socialism and Islam. Rev Dr. T J Carter

mbh2mt2d said...

Dearest Auntie Snow...the list has been posted may times on Facebook and anywhere you would want to find it. It is growing as we speak....That all entails you know how to read and think for yourself as opposed to believing what is shoved down up your butt by the MSM. Wait let me DO like have smoke blown up your butt....

Unknown said...

You lefties are so sad. You should be arm in arm with the Tea Party to get back our Constitutional rights that this administration has been whittling away. Besides the many great points made by others for impeachment, how about Fast and Furious? That alone would have sunk any Republican administration, but since you libs think it's all fine to arm Mexican drug cartels to kill Americans and innocent Mexicans.

It helps with your anti gun agenda, so the end justifies the means?

dbwhoaz said...

You WISH the Tea Party was dead! They are the only ones who are actually paying attention to what's going on. No grounds for impeachment? How about Benghazi? How about the sequester? How about every under-the-table executive order that this man does behind the backs of Americans? Wow, the list for grounds of impeachment just goes on and on. It's only the kool-aid drinkers that are too drunk to see what's right in front of them. This jackass has single-handedly handed our future over to HIS "muslim brotherhood". It's going to take America a LONG time under non-democrat leadership to recover from this debacle!

Kangawoosong said...

The tea party is alive and well. Tea party members come from all races and backgrounds. The liberals on the left are the real racists.

Unknown said...

I don't have much time to argue with ignorant liberals.. The Tea Party is not nearly dead obviously and the conservative movement is on the rise.. Thank the Obama Administration for lighting the match as the fuse is lit... Benghazi scandal is exposed and people will go down, The IRS is next which may take until after this administration but it will come out and people will be held liable.. Obamacare hell even congress wont accept their own doings with it. It will crumble I hope and can any liberal on here argue that it shouldn't? I thought not!!

Lungs said...

T.E.A. = T axed E nough A lready
Tea Partiers are motivated by color .... we love black. We want ALL levels of government to operate IN THE BLACK. We don't care what a person's color or culture or creed is but do care about their character, honesty, and willingness to insist on AFFORDABLE government at all levels.
DEBT kills families and businesses and it has killed and is killing communities, counties, states, and our nation.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and back a certain group or organization, but the tea party is far from racist. I don't know where people come off as calling us that, we stand for the Constitution and are trying to protect all Americans civil liberties by voicing our opinions and trying to bring about change. Our eyes are wide open and we see through the lies our President and government are trying to push on upon us, how every chance they get, they are trying to strip away certain amendments that our fore fathers put in place to protect us from leaders who abuse those laws. We are there to protect you, the people, and if you all can't see what is going on right in front of you, then you are already brainwashed and a servant of this administration. Lets not forgot Benghazi, the IRS scandal, Fast n Furious, and other things that broke that last few months that obviously our government is covering up. I know most of you are rather intelligent people, and I hope one day soon you break away from the chains that bind you and defeat the demons that plague not only our nation, but the world. If we don't fight now, there may be nothing left to fight for

Michelle said...

Racist is a term used when no other descriptor can be used. Patriots-keep up the great work! We must be irking them since racist is the only word left to use!! This country will be back on track if we true Americans stick together.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm not a Democrat or Republican. I'm an American and I want my country back. The "Taxed Enough Already" group is just right for me. I'm a TEA Party Conservative.

Unknown said...

I will pay for your transportation out of my country. I will even help you pack your bags. I hear China is nice.

Unknown said...

I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. I'm an AMERICAN. I want my country back, so I will join the "Taxed Enough Already" or the TEA party. So that makes me a Tea Party conservative.

Unknown said...

To answer your question "Aunt Snow".....have you read the book "Fast and Furious" by Pavlich? If not, I recommend it highly, and then you just might understand one of the reasons (and only one of the many) why we "Tea Party Patriots" want that man (and I put that mildly) that you so "laughingly" call president impeached. I love my country, and my fellow Americans, do you? If you answer yes to that question, then you must want him impeached too!

Anonymous said...

want to see a true red blooded american patriot in action? send a few queers & lesbos ,..and 2 or 3 sheet wearing muslim bitches ,..& toss in a couple black panthers over to my house and start their racial,.non american,..non GOD fearing,...BULLSHIT SMACK WITH ME & I,LL SHOW YOU HOW A PISSED OFF NOT GONNA TAKE YOUR BULLSHIT LEFT muslim AGENDA,MAN OF GOD WHO HAS A MEAN ASS RIGHT HOOK TO BACK UP HIS MOUTH

Unknown said...

You liberals are all the same you say everyone and every party that disagree with Obama is racist. Well if the tea party's racist the Jane Fonda wasn't a traitor, Obama is Jesus reincarnated, and America is screwed.

Unknown said...

The Tea Party is racist? I dont think our leaders and heroes like Herman Cain, Dr. Ben Carson, and Allen West would agree. Liberals have to continually tell lies like this try and make the conservatives look bad. Nice try.

Unknown said...

You liberals are all the same you say everyone and every party that disagree with Obama is racist. Well if the tea party's racist the Jane Fonda wasn't a traitor, Obama is Jesus reincarnated, and America is screwed.

audrey said...

So sad, the liberals have done more for making people dependent on the government hand outs than anyone else. Sharpton and others including Obama and Oprah keep racism and hate alive. The Tea Party supports The Constitution and Bill of Rights, freedom to work, right to bear arms and we are not going away!

claypigeons said...

Tea Party, Texas, and Constitutional America strong! I denounce all true racism, no matter in whose heart in which it festers! HM2 (FMF), USN, OIF 9.1

TCOPES World said...

Those of us who adore american values, the most unique constitution in the world and limited government have finally awoken. if you want to fundamentally change America it means you don't like America. The left will bring culture warfare, racism and everything they can to bear to defend their cause.

Anonymous said...

I was a leftie that hated the tea party, then i actually started listening to them and what they had to say, and even though i am not a member i do vote for conservative candidates believe in the movement and will never go back to believing the liberals. Just like the this article nothing but lies.

lcjack said...

Weak? No! There are MILLIONS of us who are fed up with our government, and we are speaking out! Liberals like you would LIKE to belittle any resistance to your ideas, but the reality is that we are not buying the corruption of this liberal, ivory tower government, and demand change!

madeuce42 said...

Are u saying AL, Jesse, The Clintons Barack are Not racist I could say alot about your boys but their actions and words speak for themselves. Aunt Snow You will get your answer if you stop asking other people like yourself who are afraid of asking the right people .Watch Fox
News, Hannity, Judge Jeanine Pirro NOT MSNBC, obama is Not even a Citizen of This country and that makes hin a criminal to begin with.
check with some honest economists and you find out about our collapse . You were made fools of by Obama and are not man or woman enough to admit it to yourselves

Unknown said...

Personally, I could care less what Mr Obama's skin color is- his skin isn't doing any damage to the country. It's the contents of his BRAIN I can't stand! It may sound cliche', but taking money from affluent Americans to give to the masses only makes the masses MORE dependent on government handouts, and LESS likely to try to better their positions in life. If you don't get to benefit from your own labor, why work? And by the way the LAST thing this country needs is 11 million illegal aliens competing for too few jobs!

Unknown said...

Wishful thinking by the left... The most racist people I know are "progressives"

BullDog USMC said...

Obviously you and those you represent have a severe case of Colon Regional Ileitis, causing a severe blockage resulting in your being completely full of shit.

Unknown said...

"Fast & Furious", Benghazi, ACORN, IRS, NSA, Black Panthers, wiretapping of AP and Fox reporters, drone surveillance, and the list goes on like a bad year. Impeachment is long overdue!!

Unknown said...

I attended several Tea Party rallies and I didn't hear or see anything racist. I found the events to be positive and empowering.

Bahar Hart said...

The only thing I have to say about these leftist libtard liberals is the only thing they're good for is "TALKING OUT OF THEIR ASSES" just like all the Dumbocrats & from the Obozo Administration including Obozo himself.

Unknown said...

Only some moronic brain fart would say that the Tea Party is weak Come next election we will show you how weak we are by voting out all of the liberal politicians

Christopher Russo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm a Tea Party patriot! We are not dead and are NOT racists!! In fact, I am the mother of bi-racial children (yes, my son looks a LOT like Obama), and even they hate the racism displayed by Obama and Holder and Jackson and Sharpton. We stand for smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and PERSONAL responsibility! This president is demanding that liberals live on the government plantation, so when black Tea Party members express their disagreement with the Obama policies, they are CRUCIFIED by the liberal media and black liberals!! The Tea Party MUST succeed or there will be no America!!!

Christopher Russo said...

I love TEA.

Denisue said...

We are still fighting for the true American way.

I-do-not-sit-on-the-fence said...

Is there anyone who could disagree with the fact that we Americans have been taxed to the death of our bank accounts (or wallets, if we don't have enough money to have a bank account)?! I am amazed at the number of people who feel Obama is doing a good job. I don't care what he color he is (oh wait! and I'm a TEA Party gal...and I'm not racist...hmmmmm), he is turning this country into a dictatorship. A long time ago someone of great intelligence said "Impeaching Obama would cause riots all over the is never going to happen." Impeachment is not about color, it is about getting rid of a president who does not uphold what he promised - to defend and stand by the Constitution of this great Nation. By the way, not of some other nation's, but THIS Nation! And where did someone get their numbers when they say the TEA Party is a small, pathetic organization? Go check your facts again. We get stronger every day, minute by minute! More and more people are coming to their senses! Like musicalhorse said..."unstoppable"!!

Unknown said...

We believe in God, guns, family values, traditions, Republic, and freedom. And we the people are willing to fight for what this Nation has been founded.

leucanthemum b said...

It seems to me that, far from curling up and dying a quiet death, the TEA Party is continuing to be a proactive force against government overreach, e.g., the lawsuits against the IRS. Even against the most intimidating agency of the federal government, they are standing in courts of law to halt further abuses of those government powers.

Naturally, since they're working to stop the government from robbing us ALL of our Constitutional rights to our hard-earned property, our guaranteed free speech, and all that other unnecessary stuff, you call them racists and losers.

I totally get the logic in your argument.

Unknown said...

The TEA Party actually represents mainstream America! Like it or feel free to leave!

Just beginning said...

Smile and wave and wave. Liberals, communists, or socialists whatever you want to call yourselves, you have awakened a sleeping giant. We will never rest, never quit and never fail. You can ridicule us, call us names, and push us but know that every action you take will only make us more resolved, stronger and larger...bring it.

Shirl said...

Wished you Libtards would wake up, I want you to see what your beloved president is doing. He commits tyranny, lies to every one, kills( Benghazi), never does his job. Is this what you praise? He's giving your money away. Hope you like the spread the wealth around?

Unknown said...

Racists? Really? Common, when are you libs going to grow up. Turn off the MSNBC and go out into the real world where real people are...and look around.

chucklane said...

You are wrong... Color doesn't matter, content of character is what matters... I support the Constitution as does the tea party... Deal with it.

WandaRN said...

I am always amused when I read Liberal posts announcing the Tea Party Movement is weakening. Sorry to burst your bubble but we are alive and well One more thing, being a patriot does not make one racist.

Josh said...

I remember when I was a liberal.... It's hard to grow out of it, but once you do you'll never understand how foolish it is. For most is when they look at a tax bill... Liberals usually don't have those.

I'll keep my guns and liberty. You keep the change.

fedupinGA said...

I found your blog interesting reading, but you are a little off base. We have learned from you left wing nuts and have decided to play the same game, as Obama found out this week. Well, you have not seen any thing yet. you have heard of the silent majority, well you just wait. With a lying SOB like Obama in the White house, we will finally be able to take back the leadership of this great nation, and mend the damage the last eight years has caused. We will be removing quiet a few Republicans in 2014 as well as Democrats and finish the job in 2016. All we need to say right now is, "you aint seen nothing yet baby"......

Josh said...

I remember when I was a liberal.... It's hard to grow out of it, but once you do you'll never understand how foolish it is. For most is when they look at a tax bill... Liberals usually don't have those.

I'll keep my guns and liberty. You keep the change.

Josh said...

I remember when I was a liberal.... It's hard to grow out of it, but once you do you'll never understand how foolish it is. For most is when they look at a tax bill... Liberals usually don't have those.

I'll keep my guns and liberty. You keep the change.

Unknown said...

A history lesson for the sheeple. Republicans are responsible for the freeing of the salves. Lincoln was a Republican in case you missed this in history class. Republicans have always been the party for the people. And always will be, rinos excluded. The Democrats are the party that started the kkk. The kkk would not only harrass and intimidate blacks but also Republicans to stop us from freeing slaves.

Unknown said...

Perfectly said, Leslie, and let's not forget "Fast and Furious"! I just finished reading the book, that gives documented FACTS. That alone is a HUGE impeachable crime!!! Makes "Watergate"look like childsplay. I litterly got sick to my stomach, and bawled my eyes out reading that book. Nobody will ever be able to convince me that Obama isn't the most corrupt, evil president America has ever had. You Obama supporters will eventually see his true colors, but, I'm afraid by then.......IT WILL BE TOO LATE!!!!

Unknown said...

LOL...WHO wrote this????!!! Obviously someone who has no facts about the TEA PARTY or what is going on in this administration!!! "Just Because" ????? Wow, How about Benghazi for starters...NSA...Fast and Furious...Arming the Enemy!!! And then there are issues like the immigration reform bill. That Kool Ade must be a mighty fine potion. Put the cup down and start learning some facts, and enough with the Race is really getting old. Your buddies Al and Jesse you can thank for that as well as obama!

Charlie Mac said...

I believe any informed person of anywhere near normal intelligence would quickly come to understand from reading your comments that you do not understand anything about the Tea Party or Americans who believe it is time to return to the America of the constitution or why.

Kit Ehrman said...

"No More Mister Nice Blog" author, the only good thing about your blog is the title, which is kind of catchy. For the rest, you have no idea what you're talking about. The Tea Party is not racist. It is very much alive and well and apparently scaring the sh*@ out of the left. And Rhinos, you're on the chopping block, too. The Tea Party is gaining strength every day thanks to a president who is doing his best to ruin this country, trample on The Constitution, and change the world order to suit his Marxist point of view. As for impeachment, you have your head in the sand. Obama should be in prison for treason. He let four Americans die in Benghazi. Did NOTHING to help them when they were under attack. Wake up!

Unknown said...

Amazing how a liberal Waco site like this that claims the Tea Party is weak or dead and 90% or more of the post here are Tea Party Members defending the Tea Party. There are so many impeachable offences from obummer the only questsion is where to start? As for being racist, are you crazy? We're the ones that freed the Slaves, We're the ones that gave you the civil rights act, We're the ones that gave you the right to vote. Note all of these were opposed by the democrat party. We want to restore Constitutional Law and this country's foundation.

Weavetobreathe said...

I'm not a member of the tea party but I believe after reading this garbage I need to become one. The lies and misconceptions of what really happens in the real USA continue. I have listened to the man we are forced to call the president lie and cover up and each day the story changes while people blindly follow him. He make stupid comments and he isn't called out on them instead the press corrects them and say he misspoke. Unbelievable. If he was George W then he would have been ridiculed to the bitter end but because he is the maker of the kook-aide he is given a pass by the very people that he tried to gag. Absolutely ridiculous. GO TEA PARTY!!

Weavetobreathe said...

I'm not a member of the tea party but I believe after reading this garbage I need to become one. The lies and misconceptions of what really happens in the real USA continue. I have listened to the man we are forced to call the president lie and cover up and each day the story changes while people blindly follow him. He make stupid comments and he isn't called out on them instead the press corrects them and say he misspoke. Unbelievable. If he was George W then he would have been ridiculed to the bitter end but because he is the maker of the kook-aide he is given a pass by the very people that he tried to gag. Absolutely ridiculous. GO TEA PARTY!!

Weavetobreathe said...

I'm not a member of the tea party but I believe after reading this garbage I need to become one. The lies and misconceptions of what really happens in the real USA continue. I have listened to the man we are forced to call the president lie and cover up and each day the story changes while people blindly follow him. He make stupid comments and he isn't called out on them instead the press corrects them and say he misspoke. Unbelievable. If he was George W then he would have been ridiculed to the bitter end but because he is the maker of the kook-aide he is given a pass by the very people that he tried to gag. Absolutely ridiculous. GO TEA PARTY!!

horsebear said...

You folks best wake up, Obama is squandering money on our enemies while spying on law-abiding Americans.
He ignores the constitution that he took the oath to uphold. Obama has no respect for this countries history, its military, nor the Americans born here or naturalized who work or invest wisely. Obama has no moral compass pandering to practices that ultimately contributed to bringing other nations to their own destruction.
His medical plan is costing folks money that many do not have much of, my sis is paying much more in co-pay for any drugs she needs.
The Tea-party is alive and well for which I for one am grateful.

Unknown said...

This Blog is RACIST! look at all you RACISTS! RACIST RACIST RACIST.
I've always wanted to use the Liberal fallback for all arguments!
Goodnight you skinny EMO commie cowards! Oh yea your all RACISTS lol
Hey how do you hide money from a Hippy? you put it under the Soap!

Unknown said...

Author By Fred Dardick
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Considering the sheer volume of illegal and impeachable offenses committed by Obama and his cohorts over the past couple of years, the House will be very busy indeed.
Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, falsified documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters ...
Obama’s refusal to release his long form birth certificate ... Obama’s college records, ... would also contain information regarding his dual citizenship status.
Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders ...
Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships... and the forced closing of ... dealerships located in areas that did not vote for Obama.
Unsubstantiated firing of ... Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson’s misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant.
Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama’s healthcare bill ...
Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare coverage...
Attempted bribery of Rep. Joe Sestak with job offers to get him to drop out of the Senate primary...
Directing the EPA to unilaterally set carbon emission standards, thus bypassing Congress...
The Obama administration’s statement that a panel of experts had agreed with their plan for a 6 month Gulf Coast drilling moratorium, when ... none of them had supported the measure.
Bullying BP to set up a $20 billion slush fund ...
Implementing a third oil-drilling moratorium ... creating a de facto Gulf Coast offshore drilling ban in opposition to two judge’s rulings.
Establishment of a commission to investigate the Gulf Coast oil spill that contains not one oil industry expert and whose transparent purpose is to push a partisan political agenda rather than investigate the cause of the disaster.
Obama’s policy of intentionally not securing our nation’s borders, in opposition to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution ... holding border states and residents politically hostage during a time they are being overrun by a narco-paramilitary invasion.
Department of Justice illegal race based policies regarding voter fraud ... dropping of voter intimidation charges against 2 Black Panthers ... in Philadelphia and the stated intention by political appointees to ignore voter crimes committed by African Americans, Latinos and other minorities.
Department of Justice purposefully allowing some states to continue their disenfranchisement of military personnel ... more than 17,000 military votes that were not counted in the 2008 election because ballots had arrived after the deadline.
Recess appointment of Donald Berwick as head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ... signaling that Congress’s constitutional obligation to vet presidential appointees means nothing to Obama. The same can be said of the 30+ Obama administration czars.
Spending $23 million of taxpayer money through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to support a constitutional referendum in Kenya in spite of the Siljander Amendment, which makes it illegal for the U.S. to lobby for abortion in other countries. The Kenyan referendum was partially written by Planned Parenthood and is designed to legalize abortion in that nation.
The canceling of 77 properly filed oil field development contracts approved by the Bush administration..., preventing the extraction of up to 3 trillion gallons of oil buried under Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and North Dakota, more than enough to end our dependence on foreign oil and supply the U.S. with its energy needs for hundreds of years at current consumption rates.
Investigations by the Department of Homeland Security to determine the political affiliation of people making Freedom of Information Act requests and the subsequent delay and even altogether ignoring of requests made by Republican affiliated individuals.

donnav said...

When you don't "get" it, by all means call us racist, ignorant, whatever else sounds good to you. Won't stop the simple fact that the TEA PARTY members are all alive and kicking. We aren't going anywhere because we don't want to see our country drug down any further than it has been already.

Shipping / Receiving said...

On the plus side, not many people are falling for the old "Donate here to impeach the president" scam.
Or maybe they're just too broke.

NMsly said...

Why are you placing so much stock in Obama? He is, after all, just a man - no more, no less...just, simply, a man. Leftists praise this man like he can do no wrong. Don't you see that there is something wrong with that mentality? It makes you close-minded, vulnerable, and UNABLE to view a situation objectively. Tea Party members respect the Constitution and the rule of law and do not place any man above the law. If you can't accept that, then don't. But at least be honest about it and stop using race as your excuse to foment hate.

Unknown said...

get used to us. we are taking our country back from saul alinsky and that community organizer who is corrupt

Unknown said...

More liberal bullshit. Democrats are the party of lying, fear and creating dependency. They hurt minorities more than anyone. Let's try practicing empowerment and stop working from the deficit model.

Jonathon Richard said...

AGREE ~ "Grounds for impeachment? Um, how about Benghazi for one? The Anointed One can have an aircraft carrier at his personal disposal for his $100 million dollar African paid-by-the-taxpayers extravaganza, but our DIPLOMATS are DENIED assistance when US soil is UNDER ATTACK? Um, how about classifying the TERROR ATTACK at Fort Hood as WORKPLACE VIOLENCE? Really? Not even Postal workers shout "Aluah Akhbar!" when they lose it. President Nixon RESIGNED because of WATERGATE, yet no one DIED at Watergate. Um, how about SPYING on the American people AND the media (which they've apparently given him a pass for). Um, how about EXECUTIVE ORDERING US TO DEATH? I'm surprised he HASN'T been impeached yet. NO other president has EVER gotten away with what Obama has gotten away with. It's shameful, and it's treasonous. He SWORE to UPHOLD AND DEFEND the Constitution, not tear it to shreds." LESLIE

Unknown said...

Tea Part is weak? Wishful thinking, that.

Becky L Wall said...

Liberals must live in a vacuum if they do not recognize the wrongs that Obama has done and is doing. I don't care what area one looks at -- the economy, Obamacare, his cold attitude and coverups regarding the Bengazi deaths, his groupie behavior with movie stars, his waste of taxpayers' money taking vacations, his lax attitude toward terrorists, his allowing illegal immigrants to use up taxpayer resources and to take over the country, etc. The dark forces of evil have clouded the vision of liberals. They have compassion, but it is misplaced. They have a semblance of good but the outcome is evil.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Credit Repair RX said...

Ah, the racist charge. Always ready, in the back of the proverbial liberal quiver of fallback tactics. Andrew Breitbart publicly offered $100,000 to anyone who could produce a reliable video of a tea party rally with racial epithets. No takers. The Tea Party is only getting stronger by the month. Obama's popularity is now around 42%. I predict you will see just how strong the tea party is next year.

Unknown said...

Hmm. I notice that none of the signs in the photo are racist and I've never witnessed any offensive behavior at a Tea Party rally. We, like the Sons of Liberty, are the true Patriots, standing in the gap for the Founding Principles. If that offends you, you have defined your position and determined your priorities.

Unknown said...

We are far from being weak. We don't shove things down people's throats or cry like babies when we don't get our way. Strength is being able to control yourself. Liberals have no idea what that means.

Anonymous said...

More liberal bullshit. Democrats are the party of lying, fear and creating dependency. They hurt minorities more than anyone. Let's try practicing empowerment and stop working from the deficit model.

Lisa said...

Racist...I don't think so! Quite the opposite. I believe in equality. Maybe you should look to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and oh yeah Barry himself! All they want to do is stir the racial pot every chance they get. Barry/Obama and the others just want to divide our country and they're doing a pretty good job of it. And as for impeachment and imprisonment...where do I start?! Breaking the Constitution, Bengahzi, arms to the Muslim Brotherhhood and Al Quida, spying on innocent Americans, Obamacare, gun control or 2nd amendment rights...etc. Just to name a few. Educate yourself and stop drinking the Kool Aid. God Bless the USA!!!

Anonymous said...

I find it amusing when Patriots show their love of country, love of their fellow patriots, love of their faith in God, they are the ones who are the threat. And we must be a big threat to the few who spew the falsehoods about average everyday Americans. Say what you want about us because our numbers are 3 or 4 times that of people living in some kind of sunshine, lollipop, and rainbow fantasy dream world. I stand with my brothers and sisters and am proud to be a Tea Party Patriot.

Granny Sue said...

Anyone with a little knowledge knows that Tea Party Patriots are far from being racist. Apparently, you didn't notice that there are African-Americans in our ranks. We simply want our country back and the Constitution adhered to. If you think we are weak, you are kidding yourself. My advice is to educate yourself on a subject before blogging.

Unknown said...

Make no mistake, our strength is an unavoidable by-product of standing up for our country...when you hold something dear, it becomes important, and when it becomes important, you fight hard for it. We are plenty strong, you dear, wee-brained people...we've only just begun to flex our patriot muscles.

Unknown said...

Make no mistake, our strength is an unavoidable by-product of standing up for our country...when you hold something dear, it becomes important, and when it becomes important, you fight hard for it. We are plenty strong, you dear, wee-brained people...we've only just begun to flex our patriot muscles.

Anonymous said...

Why is it liberals can make baseless claims and call names but we are the ones under attack?

Unknown said...

Shows how much the liberal progressive peckerwoods know. That old double standard and hypocrisy never fails to rear its ugly head. The Occupoopers left a wake of destruction, local businesses were left decimated. Every time a liberal group gets together, it turns into one big criminal endeavor. If you really get your facts straight, conservatives pick up after themselves, unlike the progressives. Nice try douche.

chefdan said...

pssssst......we're everything your liberal parents warned you about....

Unknown said...

Your fairy tale and obvious blindness is about to stare you in the face. The Tea Party did not die, it only got bigger. We are true Americans. We don't stomp our feet and scream obsenities or lie through our teeth. We gather our strength and unlike the libeeral plants you put into a few tea party gatherings that your crap for brains media happened to video tape it. YOu only fool the sheep not the true Americans. The only racists here are you communists.

Roger Courtney said...

Selective enforcement of the law of the land. Fast and Furious. Benghazi tragedy. Gun Running. IRS politically motivated intimidation and harassment of American citizens. NSA illegal metadata collection. Questionable constitutional eligibility of the office he occupies. Failed foreign policy. Disdain for small business and the working class. The list goes on and on. I am a Tea Party member. I judge a person by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Obama has failed this country, his office, and the American people.

Unknown said...

Make no mistake, dear wee-brained little people, we are very strong..only just begun to flex our patriotic muscles.

Unknown said...

You crooked liberal criminals think Tea Party people are weak and racist ???
Every one of you liberal snobs, who conveniently ignore every single crime odumbass and his cabinet commit, are the most gutless people on Earth...
Come down out of your Rich Ass Gated community, and debate anyone who has a grasp of the facts, that are incontrovertible...
Yeah, like that's ever going to happen...
But then I guess I can't completely fault you, you get your news from liars, cheaters and thieves, who would never put facts and data in any story, truth doesn't serve their purpose...
Yeah you worthless, criminal coward... Come knock on my door and see who is afraid

Michele S said...

. Progressive Liberalism IS and will be the insidious cancer of this country. The tea party is patriots who will save this nation from destruction.

GaryD said...

Thought it was pretty much on the mark.

The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

And the folks who are paying for the free stuff want thefree stuff to stop.

And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

Now... the people who are forcing the people who pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that the people who are PAYING for thefree stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

So... the people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.

Larry M. Reed said...

The Tea Party is still growing daily and those believing in the presidents agenda are dropping like flies.

Fjrjarmo said...

The only thing that I consider should go left is NASCAR . Another patriot here saying the tea party is alive and strong . Libs, don't know what they don't know .

Unknown said...

The problem is the liberals such as those writing this "story" ignore facts no matter what they may be. Talking to you people is like talking to a 2 year old wanting a cookie. You refuse to see the facts and only believe what you want to see no matter how unrealistic it may be. The Tea Party live people, get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Hello I am an American, Why is there so much divisive attitudes in our country that separate us as a people.
Im not here to judge, you simply are terribly misinformed about who and what the conservative people stand for MLK.....Conservative.......Abe Lincoln Conservative.....Me I am Mexican and proud of my heritage and the Tea for standing up to the cest pool of garbage we call the Obama Administration my friend get a clue we are many, and we are free.So when you call the Tea Party racist you are obviously deceived by your own device and lies you choose to believe. God and Country forever.

R1verGurl said...

lying about Benghazi, the IRS scandal and attacking the press. unauthorized use of the military in Libya and Syria. Congress is also looking into his involvement the unauthorized use of the military in Libya and Syria and the Fast and Furious scandal.

violated the Constitution by violating the 1st Amendment, the 4th Amendment and the 10th Amendment (and may have violated more). Congressmen told WWN that the President took an oath to uphold the Constitution and he is bound to do so.

the President must seek Congressional approval before using military force. Now he says it was OK because he had international support.

the Constitution clearly states “any use of military force by Obama without explicit consent and authorization of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, Section 4.”

Unknown said...

You apparently drank the Koolaid. As usual libs don't bother with facts. How is hope and change working for you. Like gas going from 1.85 to 3.55 a gallon. How do you feel about new refineries. In 1958 communists said they would defeat America with environmental issues. Y'all are just doing the work for communists.

Shipping / Receiving said...

Okay, I'm convinced. You're strong, fine. And America is great except for those motherfucking bastard leftists who run everything.
No one is ever going to read these comments.

Unknown said...

There is nothing more gutless, and afraid than an American liberal...
You and every single one of your privileged, protected friends are liars, cheats, thieves and criminals...
The facts and data are available to all (except the things that odumbass is hiding in his secret files), and the Tea Party people, that you're scared to death of, have the guts to actually get off of their butts and research their positions, and the crimes that are being committed by your kind...
Come down out of your gated, privileged tower, and knock on my door some day... We'll see who's afraid...
We'll see my little pretty...

Mad as hell said...

So you want to know why we want obama, holder, napolitano and hilary imprisoned? Here it is ... Border Agent Brian Terry, Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, Andrew Breitbart, and I can go on and on. How dare they (or any of you idiots posting here) tell the American people that these DEAD AMERICANS are phony, or a distraction, or don't make a difference?? Shame on all of you!

Unknown said...

my father told me "everyone's a liberal until they grow up and become successful"- and he was right.

rosmia said...

Tea Party weak? I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong.

abstowe said...

I suppose this is a great way to raise ratings on your blog. Just as the MSM uses any method it can think of the raise it's own sorry ratings.
The Tea Party is a group of EVERY COLOR American Citizens intent on saving America from the clutches of the Left.
Take a good, hard look at Detroit. A city completely destroyed by liberal politics and policies. In my opinion, Obama is intent on destroying America - family by family, city by city, neighborhood by neighborhood. He is NOT acting alone. He is just supported by an insane group of people who refuse to look at history and learn from it, assuming, instead, that THIS time, we can do it better. THIS time it will end much better.
In the words of a true American Patriot.... Give me LIBERTY or give me DEATH!

Unknown said...

Tea Party member is the most "American" of all the people living in this country. We believe in the Constitution and are willing to stand and fight for the rights of all our citizens...even one's like you dear blogger.

Just Wondering... said...

You haven't seen anything yet...We are stronger than you think and what makes us great is we truly believe in the USA!
And did you like the obummers tribute to muslims today and the $195 million hunamanitarion aide gift to Syria, bringing the money to Syria to 1 BILLION DOLLARS while Americans go homeless and hungry. Misguided agenda.

alexanderholmes2 said...

fuck offf libtards you are as weak as your grammar just live this planet because every single day you and your mf king obama ruining our and every country

The Truth said...

Leftards simply echo the daily lie and wait for the next day's lies to be disseminated for regurgitation.

Unknown said...

Actually we don't want him impeached. We want him jailed, but we have to start somewhere. Many are afraid to show up to these events for fear of being judged....or worse, offed by Obama's secret clan. I personally don't care what color his skin is, he is a terrible president and needs to go. Sooner the better.

Lisa said...

Want a "FEW" reasons for impeachment???

Unknown said...

Before the Tea Party, I just went to the polls. Now I voice my opinion, do research and make a difference. I now fully appreciate and employ the privileged of being an American citizen and am engaged in our political process.

Unknown said...

Obama Care is a nightmare, everyone's premiums (except for our leaders) are going to triple. Americans died in Bengazi because both President Obama and Hillary were "BUSY". The IRS is targeting conservative groups because Obama asked the director to do it. And the NSA is listening to all of our phone calls and monitoring our internet. The Tea Party if far from dead. They are alive and well and We WILL vote the bastard out in 2014!

Marinemom2 said...

The leftist progressives are definitely outnumbered. Tea Partiers are strong, patriots who love their country and want to save her from those who are out to destroy her and everything she stands for. They do not resort to name-calling or insults. We speak the truth and yes it does hurt for those who cannot handle it.

ricketyruss said...

Dead? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Hank said...

Tea Partiers want the truth to come out about things like the people's money going to unions and corrupt politicians, embezzlement, murder, gun running, falsified birth certificates, corruption in our government, numerous coverups, granting/or not granting status to an organization based on their political affiliation, American citizens who need a helping hand getting the benefit of our tax dollars and not people who want to see us dead - for Allah's sake. We want to have the answer to these questions and more for our children's sake and our children's children's sake; and we are not going away.

Why do liberals berate us for wanting the truth. Wouldn't you want it from a President you didn't vote for, trust, or agree with?

Anonymous said...

our forefathers would be shooting by now. tea party is alive and well.

Anonymous said...

Why spend time talking about a dead party? Let's discuss Obama and how he is growing jobs, fixing the economy, etc. While we are at it...would someone tell our president that our gulf ports are not located in Jacksonville, Savannah, etc. as he stated on Leno? Apparently he knows our geography as well as he knows how economics work! Another thing he can do...blame Bush for moving those ports!!!!

Unknown said...

I am so tired of the racist remarks. This is not about racism at all. But of course anytime a black person is caught committing crimes everybody thinks it's a racist thing. Such is not the case with President Obama. He is a National Security threat.He has committed TREASON and High Crimes and misdemeanors many times over and yet nothing is being done to remove him. Now if this was any other President he would have been impeached long ago and he wouldn't have gotten elected a 2nd time. But since he is a Black man people are afraid to impeach him. Why is this? Has threats been made to the congress and senate of retribution if they impeach him? Have they been threatened by the Muslim Brotherhood or the New Black Panthers ? Have they accepted Bribes not to impeach him ? Are they afraid of civil unrest and riots if he is impeached? Have the United Nations made threats if he has is impeached? The fact is there is something going on to keep him from being impeached. Apparently we have a bunch of COWARDS IN OFFICE and I would say the most of the are Democrats being paid off by somebody because they definally aren't representing their voters. I assure you the TEA PARTY will get to the bottom of this scheme. We have just begun to fight and when we find out the truth about everything the public will KNOW ! We want our country back ! The Tea party is growing every day !

Anonymous said...

Why spend time talking about a dead party? Let's discuss Obama and how he is growing jobs, fixing the economy, etc. While we are at it...would someone tell our president that our gulf ports are not located in Jacksonville, Savannah, etc. as he stated on Leno? Apparently he knows our geography as well as he knows how economics work! Another thing he can do...blame Bush for moving those ports!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why spend time talking about a dead party? Let's discuss Obama and how he is growing jobs, fixing the economy, etc. While we are at it...would someone tell our president that our gulf ports are not located in Jacksonville, Savannah, etc. as he stated on Leno? Apparently he knows our geography as well as he knows how economics work! Another thing he can do...blame Bush for moving those ports!!!!

Crystalidaho said...

You are a borish moron sucking at the racist teat. Liberalism really is a mental disorder. Just keep drinking that koolaid and be a good little minion.

Unknown said...

Exactly what is your issue with our Constitution. It allows us to civilly debate and decide, or even gridlock if the decision isn't well supported. It limits the power of government - why do we need 38 czars? Never did before! It offers a chance to hold the government accountable to its citizens. All TP principles. We are hated and maligned as racist homophobes by DEMs and party crashers by Rove Repubs, yet I don't hear much support for what's going on in D.C. right now. Make up your mind and take a stand already - like TP'rs have.

Unknown said...

Exactly what is your issue with our Constitution. It allows us to civilly debate and decide, or even gridlock if the decision isn't well supported. It limits the power of government - why do we need 38 czars? Never did before! It offers a chance to hold the government accountable to its citizens. All TP principles. We are hated and maligned as racist homophobes by DEMs and party crashers by Rove Repubs, yet I don't hear much support for what's going on in D.C. right now. Make up your mind and take a stand already - like TP'rs have.

Anonymous said...

weak? you mealy-mouthed progressives haven't seen anything yet. What's right is right. Ideas matter.

Ken Heise said...

Fool! Your type is the only nasty stuff we have to put up with. The tea party movement once was called the silent majority, but we are silent no more, and we have more educated blacks in our ranks than you do in your ranks. Yours don't work, ours do, so have little time to act like Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton. Ours matter, yours make noise

Unknown said...

Democrat voters haven't the forethought to consider what happens if a different party continues the Obama policy of ignoring equal protection under the law or using all departments of government to financially destroy their political opponents. What if it WAS you being audited for donating to Obama?Turning a blind eye is setting you ALL up for disappointment

Anonymous said...

I don't know where the author of this blog gets his "facts", but I'm guessing it's from Chris "Tingly Legs" Matthews or Melissa Hairy Armpits. I have to give the author credit though, he wrote some funny stuff. I laughed really hard.

For Aunt Snow (is that a cocaine reference?), I'll give your FIVE reasons to have Obama impeached: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glenn Doherty, Sean Smith and Brian Terry (border patrol agent). Don't make me list the IRS, the NSA, etc. etc. And I DARE YOU to say those 5 men are "phony".

Stuart said...

You can laugh all you want but the Tea Party is bigger than ever. Just because they aren't led by a mob mentality like the liberals are doesn't mean that they are weak.

The claims of racism are as weak as when the first claims came out and were never proven. We could point out actual racism on the part of the left. But, of course, it wouldn't matter. You aren't open to facts, only emotion.

Anonymous said...

I'm a TEA Party supporter!

Unknown said...

I love how liberals yell racist when conservatives speak up? Thing is they do not realize that the democrats are the party of the Jim crow law, started the kkk and voted against every equal rights legislation that was passed? Democrats support abortion yet the huge majority of abortion clinics are in minority housing areas now why is that? Answer: The founder of planned parenthood Margaret Sanger was a self proclaimed racist and communist there is a photo from history of Ms. Sanger meeting with the women of the KKK? So for all you liberals out there we conservatives are not racist it is your own party however that is.

Unknown said...

My dislike of the current president has nothing to do with his color and everything to do with his policies and coverups.

Heidigirl943 said...

The TEA PARTY is the only hope for this nation. Protecting the constitution of the united states! GO TEA PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ken Heise said...

We've seen idiots at our gatherings too, and they are your bunch trying to give us a bad name, but you better snap a photo quickly before you are politely escorted to safety by a group of our friendly folks...

Molon Labe said...

Keep drinking the cool-aid. Sad for you.

Unknown said...

Well bless your poor little misinformed heart. Just make sure you are prepared for November. You will see what the Tea Party of the People is capable of. Just make sure you're wearing an adult diaper when it comes down!

Daymoon said...

It is obvious that you know nothing about US history and facts about how this country was founded and the beliefs and ideals of our founders and all the patriots that followed.
Like most liberal/progressives you want the government to spoon feed you at the expense of others. Talk about self centered and selfish.
It is about time you progressive leeches start being responsible for your own actions like we who believe in individual achievement and less government intrusion do.
You have been brainwashed and are slave to the progressive/communist mantra. Get a REAL history book and open your eyes.

NeilC said...

The Tea Party is Racist because...? Oh yeah Obama is half-white. I forgot. We MUST be racists. We hate ourselves and love having our money be wasted and not be able to make a decent living while Washington takes more and more from us. I can see why it's so wrong to want common sense.

Anonymous said...

How exactly can you dislike a party that is about protecting individual rights and lowering taxes? There is wisdom in age and the fact that the liberal party is getting younger just goes to show that they lack the wisdom needed to make responsible decisions. You cannot entitlement your way out of poverty. You cannot expect people who are happy to live off of the government to just get up and get a job and want to better themselves. You are all fools if you think any of this current system will work. Real change is needed not the rainbow and sunshine promises but actual hard choices and budgets that hurt but keep the lights on for the next generation. Its time to grow up and be responsible. That is what the Tea Party stands for and if you had any wisdom you would beg for the help of the grown ups to dig you out of the mess you are making.

Unknown said...

Tea party are NOT racist. I know I'm not. The core purpose and foundation is to get government back on track. Here is the pledge of the Tea Party.
The Tea Party movement supporters share similar core principles of supporting the original U.S. Constitution as the founders intended of limited federal government, individual liberty and freedom, personal responsibility, free markets and ultimately giving the power to the States and to the people. The Tea Party as a movement is not a political party and, instead, is about reforming all political parties and government to follow the core principles mentioned above.

How can you argue this!!!

Always Right Anyways said...

Seriously? The author should have been pro-choiced.

Unknown said...

Democrat voters haven't the forethought to consider what happens if a different party continues the Obama policy of ignoring equal protection under the law or using all departments of government to financially destroy their political opponents. What if it WAS you being audited for donating to Obama?Turning a blind eye is setting you ALL up for disappointment

Fed up patriot said...

Conservatives are tired of the Liberals and rhinos the time has come for us to make a stand and we are going to do it you are about to see how weak and powerless we are so get ready to start crying in your defeat!!!!!

missingjesus said...

Oh no the Tea Party is not dead as you can see. We are still growing and still going! And we will not stop until we get THAT MUSLIM out of office and politicians start doing right by America. It's not about race and if you were smart you would realize we have a MUSLIM in the WhiteHouse! And believe me he doesn't care about the people of this country and that is inclusive of the blacks too! So see there guess he isn't being racist either. Wake up and start checking into what he is really doing!

Unknown said...

When a group of people, let's say the democrats in this instance, are so self-righteous that they choose to overlook logic and common sense to adopt a third grade policy of name calling and hate mongering (no offence intended to third graders), the more mature minded of the two simply realizes that it's a waste of time and energy to get baited into pointless conversation with the intellectually or logically stunted and more productive to utilize that time towards actual action that can lead to real positive change. Although I will add that it can be amusing at times.
The Tea Party is alive and well, and the atrocities of this administration only continue to fuel the fire.

Unknown said...

I grew up during the Vietnam war era. The very first time I ever marched in a protest, it was a Tea Party protest. The people that I know who are conservative support the Tea Party, as opposed to the Republican party. I believe that the Republican Party will be taken over by the Tea Party over the next two years. That new conservative party will support only a solid conservative like Rand Paul for President. I do not see the Tea Party weakening at all, in fact, I see more and more people disgruntled with the Republican Party, and support the Tea Party. We will see a huge upswell and massive change between now and 2016, and whomever is the Liberal candidate will not be able to overcome that enthusiasm.

Scarlett said...

I've heard this typical liberal lie for years, and it's still the same...a lie. An "Impeach Obama" sign is not racist. It's amazing to me how the only ones who cry "racist" at every thing they don't agree with are Left-Wing liberals.
Why should Obama be impeached? Well, let's see...the largest number of "executive orders" ever signed by a dictator...uh, "president". Obamacare..."Free" healthcare...really? I don't know about you, but this ridiculous socialist law is already costing me an arm and a leg. Benghazi. NSA. Guns to Mexico. His inability to tell the truth. Vacations, vacations, vacations. Destroying the American economy. Need I continue? Bail-outs, spending more money than ALL the presidents before his first 2 weeks of his reign. Michelle. Attorneys who continue to block ANY information that would prove or disprove, his citizenship.
I suggest you pull your head out of your butt, stop listening to Piers Morgan or Chris "Shivers" Matthews,find your brain and hopefully re-train it to think.

Foxieladie said...

When one's perspective fails to observe a common truth then you fail miserably at communication and reason. The Tea Party will fight on for your rights and mine. This is just the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Your type is so clueless.

Mudduk said...

The tea party dead you wish. The tea party racist again you wish explain the people of color with them as well as sponsors and co-founders. As far as why this administration is corrupt let me count the ways,Benghazi,fast and furious,NSA,IRS just step away from the fool-aid and eventually you will see the damage being done by this over sized out of control federal government The Tea Party is about preserving We The People not the egos of the few in DC that think they are better than We The People

Unknown said...

The left has got to come with a better argument than racism. I am not even going to dignify it with any commentary. I wish that the left would wake up and start caring about their country, their kids futures, their money, their morals. Sincerely, Those Of Us Who Are Awake.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Candyman said...

Hahahahaha! Tea Party dead? You are so pathetic that you would have to improve to hit stupid!

D.A.Ford said...

(Flex. Flex. Flex.)

Unknown said...

Tea Party is Racist??? How's Black employment doing after 5 years of Obama?? 9% to 16% and that's with far more "dropping out"!/entry/why-arent-africanamericans-outraged-at-obama-over-economy,51d4c55dda27f5d9d0f1d16c/2

Unknown said...

I fear for our Country because of the decisions made by the Obama administration. I could care less what they look like! They are anti American and should be fired.The Tea Party understands that.

Unknown said...

Tea Party is Racist??? How's Black employment doing after 5 years of Obama?? 9% to 16% and that's with far more "dropping out"!/entry/why-arent-africanamericans-outraged-at-obama-over-economy,51d4c55dda27f5d9d0f1d16c/2

Dr. Rice said...

Logical Fallacies Abound!
You should have to post that warning at the top of your post because you just don't have it right. The Tea Party doesn't have a color. It is also not opposed to any race. The Tea Party is opposed to the entitlement-driven corruption that we see in the White House and by the rhetoric-poisoned followers of this administration. We - the Tea Party Movement - will gladly trade any conservative and logically-minded person for president for the president we have now; that is to say that we have a problem with President Obama and this administrations overspending, entitlement harvesting, propagandizing bologna and NOT with his skin color which is 50% black. Give me Herman Cain or even Allen West for that matter.

Ackley said...

You are obviously scared of the Tea Party.... And rightly so.

Unknown said...

It's funny, when libs talk about the Tea Party, the left is always looking for a party, an organized group with a leader and speech writers and people seeking power, when we are not a party at all. The tea party is in our hearts, and you can just as well call us Americans. The left is trying to start a rumor that the tea party is dead and somehow, we will all feel demoralized and slide into a hole. I never had anybody call me or ask me to go anywhere. I just packed my bags and went to rallies. I didn't even know who the Koch brothers were until I heard libs mention him.
We have transitioned, since Obama began taking our rights away, from an angry group of people who were very loud and seen in large numbers, to quietly organizing and doing so smartly. This is probably where you get your encouragement. You don't see us like we used to be. But you will see what we have been up to soon.

Mamat said...

I thank God of the common sense American's of the Tea Party that want to preserve the land of the free and the home of the brave as it was given to us via the sweat and blood of our forefathers!

Jeff G said...

Thanks for checking in with us. The Tea Party is still alive in the doomed Democratic stae of Illinois. We are just waiting for the state to totally collapse from the most corrupt state government in the nation. News flash.... Barack learned everything from the same bunch of morons that scuttled Illinois

Unknown said...

If you're a patriot the brain-washed left call you a racist. The Tea Party is here to stay and growing everyday! We won't be stopped!

Xyz123 said...

At least the Tea Party has freedom loving, constitution supporting Americans involved. Not muslim, anti Amercan, lying odumbo supporting fools. Anyone who thinks he has done anything good for this country needs to have their heads examined. He has done nothing but cause more division in this great nation. Has made America looks foolish to all the rest of the world. Tea party is like a bear coming out of hibernation...

deb said...

Liberal reply to anyone that has a differing opinion:
"Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up"

Unknown said...

the tea party has no color except for red , white, and blue. We are Americans Period. I dare you to go to a tea party meeting or demonstration and go with your mind, ears, heart open....what you THINK you know is false. We are the citizens of our beloved country! A country in distress due to the agenda of a man who never ever cared about us or our country. He has worked diligently from day one to destroy what made America the best country in the world! I hate to say it BUT the memories of all of our beloved countymen is long...we will not forget those who worked with and aided and abetted this imposter as he has worked to destroy our country...Like the French underground did to those who helped the Nazis, we too will remember EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU with your ALL your lies, thuggish behavior, and most of all for allowing those who did this to flourish!! I pity you when your house of tyrranical cards tumbles down....

Jimmy Bagadonuts said...

We're Racist Tea Party Members ?? Really?? , The left knows why Obama won the 2008 election, His Color !!! And many of the blacks came out to vote just because of that fact. The 2012 election was fraud just like Obama and his Presidency.

Unknown said...

Amen. Conservative constitutional thinkers. Freedom of religion (not freedom from religion). States rights. Proper use of American tax dollars. Sound economic policy. Tolerance. Balance of power. God bless the Tea Party.

Unknown said...

I see that many have asked, "what crimes, they never say"... Using the I.R.S. as a political weapon is one of the charges used to impeach Nixon. Hmmmmm.... If Bush Had been stupid enough not to have assets within striking distance of one of the hottest locations in the world (Benghazi) the Liberal nut jobs would have called for his head on a stick but because it was the anointed one... they say nothing... and then there is 136% of the registered (yes... I said 136%) voters in one precinct and every one of those votes were for Obama... not even one for Romney... yet no voter fraud investigation was launched... Yes. the Tea Party will have all the votes it needs during the mid term election.

Unknown said...

Amen. Conservative constitutional thinkers. Freedom of religion (not freedom from religion). States rights. Proper use of American tax dollars. Sound economic policy. Tolerance. Balance of power. God bless the Tea Party.

Glenn said...

Having been involved in Tea Party activities since they started, I have NEVER seen a single racist sign, slogan, or action. Period. It has been about reclaiming our nation, restoring our freedoms, limiting government, and resurrecting our Constitution. With that as the backdrop, there's too much to be done to worry about being racist or divisive.

Unknown said...

this trickle you speak of is becoming a roar...a roar that will be heard from all points in our beloved country, and when it becomes a tsunami that you cannot hide will undo all the unconstitutional wrongs that the imposter in chief and his criminal thugs have perpetrated against us, our country and for uneducated naïve people like you who do not deserve it this wave of freedom loving patriots will save YOUR freedoms TOO!!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry but I still haven't seen the racist signs yet.

Unknown said...

I think the leave a comment broke. I wrote a comment and it has never shown up. I guess there's a limit for contradictory opinions.

Ms. Liberty said...

I'm not a Tea Party member; I'm actually a registered Democrat but I did not vote for Obama in '08 or 2012. I actually recognize BS when I hear it, so I knew from the beginning he was incompetent and stretched the truth. He has played the American public for fools and the compliant media just lap up his rhetoric. HE has caused more issues with race than any other POTUS in my lifetime. Please stop whining about race and one alive today was ever a slave or slave owner. FOCUS on what is best for our country not individual groups. Obama should be impeached for Benghazi; he and Hillary Clinton have the blood of Chris Stevens and three other brave Americans on their hands. They had repeatedly lied starting out with blaming a video and now Obama has authorized the changing of names of 30 government officials who were on the ground the night of the attack. In addition, these people are being relocated to various regions of the country. This is a coverup and a tragedy -- not a phony scandal. BUT, if that's not enough reason for some folks to impeach him, what about the IRS scandal and the fact that these people are going to have access to our most private health care records -- are you crazy? This is ludicrous. It too is no phony scandal. What about the NSA, Fast & Furious, the list goes on and on. WAKE UP...and now before his time in office is even up, MSNBC is floating Hillary's name as his replacement...if Amnesty and ObamaCare become a fact, this nation is as we have known in will be gone...forever...he promised change but I doubt this is what the majority of Americans had "hoped" for. He is without a doubt THE WORST POTUS EVER.

Terry Mitchell said...


catpaddle said...

My vote is alive and well!

Unknown said...

Tea Party going strong and making a difference. We are not the ones making fun of people and calling them names. Bigotry comes in all forms, shapes and colors and you sir are at the heart of it. I suggest you look at the writing on your blog before you cast the first stone. The Tea Party dosen't care who you are or what color your skin is. We want the government (no matter who is running it) to stay out of our Bill of Rights, our Constitution and our wallets....Simple as that. Pretty straight forward if you ask me, oh that's right to ask someone is to become an informed blogger. That would wreck your creed "My mind is made up don't confuse me with facts"

Claire said...

Racist, is the poor excuse for liberials when they don't have a good argrument to your truth. They think they can shut us up just because they call us racist for having a mind of our own. Well guess what you can call me racist all you want, I know what I am and what I'm not. Doesn't hurt me a bit. You're not shuting me up so try again. They got nothing on Obama's defense but excuses, playing the race card and blaming everyone else for his failures. They can't except the truth that people are fed up with his policies and failures, and we are too smart to fall for his lies.

SumasWidow said...

You have things more than a bit twisted. WE Conservatives, whether officially Tea Party members or members of other Conservative groups, have the upper hand because we know what the U.S. Constitution says. We stand behind it and in absolute defense of it. We hold our liberties --all of them -- as undeniable and irreversible rights. We value life -- all of it. And we will fight with all we have and give our lives when necessary to protect all of this.

Anonymous said...

2014 will tell if the Tea Party is dead. As for that rally in Phoenix, there would have been a lot more people there except for the fact that most Tea Party people have a job.

Unknown said...

The Tea Party is here to stay and Aunt Snow, how about Treason or Domestic Terrorist he and his goons are not only disrupting our way of life but putting fear into Americans by removing rights from our constitution. You people are blind and you need to open your eyes and ears. he hates America and everything it stands for. He needs to go back to Africa or Hawaii or where ever the hell he says hes from. It changes every time his in a different conversation.

Unknown said...

Aunt Snow is typical of the Low information liberals that say " I always wait to hear what the supposed grounds for impeachment are - and "just because" seems to be the only thing they can come up with. " Well lets inform her At least. Using the I.R.S. as a political weapon was one of the charges used to Impeach Richard Nixon... Voter intimidation (Black Panther with a baseball bat outside a polling place) is overlooked by his hand picked justice department leader (Holder). if it had been a white supremacist with the bat charges would have been brought against him.. That is Racist... If Bush had been stupid enough to not have assets close to the hottest region in the world and had American Diplomats killed... the Liberals would have screamed for his head on a stick!. How many more examples would you like? I have at least a dozen more... If this blogger believes that the tea party is gone... Just wait for mid term elections.

Unknown said...

I give to the Tea Party and I am proud to stand against everything Odumbo stands for!

Virginia Patriot said...

Sorry to burst your warped bubble but there are MILLIONS of pissed off Americans who actually care about how this country is steadily deteriorating under the King's regime...we actually care about fellow Americans who are killed and left to die unnecessarily and if that isn't enough, our pathetic "leaders" create these stories and cover ups that are relentlessly repeated by the leftie Carnie parrot enough times so the minimally educated can buy into it. I cannot believe I'm actually wasting my time on Mr Nice you can see here, you have made a serious error in ASSuming any Tea Party member has anything but the best intention of returning this beautiful country to the state it was in before we started catering to traitors and terrorists.

FairTax Fanatic said...

Judging any group by individuals actions is like saying that all liberals are racist like Charley Rangle, they're all adulterers and liars like Bill Clinton, and they are all unpolished like Joe Biden. The Tea Party is passionate about freedom and liberty. The fact that you try so hard to discredit them means you fell threatened by them.

Sharon said...

You sir, have NO idea how strong we are. Just wait and watch.......Obama and his crooked pals have wakened a sleeping giant.

Michael said...

Liberals drink the koolaid... we drink the tea.

Unknown said...

"a link to a video of this Phoenix protest. (None of the nasty stuff shows up in that video." possibly it isn't there because you made it up.

rwhiteside said...

Sad but true --Liberals are liars. Never can they enter a debate and withstand the truth. They never have anything substantive to offer, so when their narrative weakens and weakens some more, they resort to whining, yelling and name calling, not to mention violence at times. Quite a caricature they've evolved in to . . .and for supposed adults too. Yep,sad but true.

A Patriotic Family said...

Racist, I think NOT! If it weren't for the liberal media and the low culture hip hop artists on tv, the N word would have never made it into my household!!!!! Tea Party advocate, ABSOLUTELY! We're firm believers of the Constitution of the United States of America. We're 100% Patriotic Americans and disgusted by the liberal idiotic agenda of what has taken hold of the democratic party. How sad you have become.

Mt. Adams views from Denny said...

It really does matter that the Tea Party is here to provide the voice of Americans who are fed up with reading daily what was assured last week, last month, last year etc. never is realized. The Tea Party anticipated and formed in response to empty rhetoric. This movement will mature and grow because there is no other party to turn to for representation.

Unknown said...

I'm a Tea Partier and I'm not weak. I'm civil, not silent, I have morals, I love my fellow man, I listen to arguments but I won't be bullied to back down to liberalism. The Liberals time is over.

AllergyNurse said...

The most important thing is that Obama isa FRAUD and that he got in due to massive FRAUD, he is NOT an AMERICAN and is living a FRAUD everday and he knows it and still has the balls to live a LIE everyday and once it is proven EVERYTHING he has ever done will be un-done and considered a FRAUD! He is leading OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and our UNITED STATES MILITARY AND IS A FRAUD!!!!

John Castle said...

Well, this blog article is about half past pathetic. Just another instance of proof that when statists can't rebut the argument of the opposition, they resort to attacking the opposition itself.

Unknown said...

The Tea Party is not only alive and well, but we are going to get behind libertarians like Rand Paul who believes in the US constitution, unlike Obama the commy.

A Patriotic Family said...

Racist, I think NOT! If it wasn't for the liberal media and the networks promoting the disgusting hip hop culture, the "N" word would have never made it into our home. We are firm believers of the Constitution of the United States of America and all that it stands for...if that categorizes us as part of the Tea Party, then by all means....we're proud to be part of the movement! How sad it is to see what has become of the democratic party moolayed by a liberal culture of idiots.

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