Among the "Merry Taxmas" e-cards you can send to legislators, courtesy of Americans for Prosperity, is this one:
Oh, yes: let's cut Medicare for ordinary Americans so we can save the plutocrats' tax breaks ... in the spirit of It's a Wonderful Life! Brilliant!
(And attention copyright lawyers: In addition to this, AFP also has e-cards that use images and taglines from Home Alone and A Christmas Story. So start suing!)
I miss irony, it was a pretty cool little concept.
Here's how I would put it:
'Evertime Congress cuts spending, another angel leaves this sad mortal coil, and takes wing.'
Unless it's military spending. But that probably makes General Jesus haz a big sad...
Every time a fireman is laid off so Old Man Potter can get another tax break, an angel gets its wings!
Americans for Prosperity seem to be waging a war against Christmas. Has anyone told Fox News?
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