Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Is this for real? I think it is:

Yup, it's a Christmas tree with a cross embedded in it, just in time for Year Whatever-It-Is in the War on Christmas:

Boss Creations, a new holiday decor company, has introduced the new "CHRIST-mas" Tree, featuring the unique trait of a trunk in the shape of a wooden cross. Company owner Marsha Boggs says the tree was specifically designed to counter the "war on Christmas."

"When I became a Christian a few years ago," says Boggs, "I was appalled by the secularization of the Christmas holiday. When retail stores started substituting 'Happy Holidays' for 'Merry Christmas,' and schools began calling their Christmas programs 'Winter Plays,' it all seemed ridiculous to me. That's why we have created products that remind people what the Christmas season is really all about - the birth of Christ."

... A portion of the proceeds of all "CHRIST-mas" Tree sales will go to support the American Center [for] Law & Justice, ... as well as to the Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.

(ACLJ was founded by Pat Robertson. Liberty Counsel is affiliated with Jerry Falwell's organization.)

The BossCreations Web site doesn't seem to be working* (this is a different Boss Creations), but the Twitter feed is up and running. One tweet links a video for an insufferable song by the band Go Fish called "Christmas with a Capital C"; it's about keeping Christ in Christmas, or else, and it manages to be cloying and hectoring at the same time. The video includes patter from Christian-right comic Brad Stine that's really 100% hectoring -- if there's a joke in there, I missed it. (For more on Stine, see my earlier posts.)

But, um, that tree. Once again, the wingers are turning religious belief into an arms race. And maybe that's the way it's going to go until 2013, when President Palin lights the White House's first CHRIST-mas tree.

(Via Right Wing Watch.)


*UPDATE, THURSDAY: The Boss Creations site is back up. (H/T: PurpleGirl in comments.)