A top U.S. military commander in Iraq says militant mortar and rocket attacks on Baghdad's fortified Green Zone have been more accurate over the past three months because of training in Iran.
Lieutenant General Raymond Odierno said Thursday there has been "significant improvement" in the capability of militias and their firings have been more accurate.
He said the military thinks "this is directly related to training conducted inside Iran." ...
--Voice of America
Yes, because only in Iran can a personal possibly develop the ability to fire mortars and rockets more accurately. Anywhere else on earth, it's impossible! There's no instructional material on the Internet! There are no purloined manuals available! No one on the planet truly knows how to aim these weapons accurately -- except Iranians!
The reason? There are magic beans that grow only in Iran that give superhuman mortar- and rocket-aiming ability to those who eat them. Evil Iranians mash up the beans and make them into hummus. Whoever partakes of the evil Iranian hummus will have rocket- and mortar-aiming invincibility!
Yeah, let's nuke 'em -- the fiends.