So I guess the lead heckler of the Hindu chaplain who delivered a prayer in the U.S. Senate didn't want to be an obnoxious jerk -- he just had no choice:
...North Carolina Christian activist Ante Pavkovic says when he prayed loudly as Hindu chaplain Rajan Zed was approaching the Senate podium, he was "standing up for God" and paying tribute to America's founding fathers who openly named "Jesus" in their speeches and documents....
"My hope was that our prayer to the Lord God may have provided a shield, lest the wrath of God come down on our nation for allowing pagan prayers to false gods to be offered," he explains. "We just felt like we've got to go stand in the gap, and cry out to the Lord for mercy for what we're allowing in our government."
He just had to!
And he wasn't really being rude or anything:
The activist claims he and his family members did not shout or disrupt the Hindu man's prayer.
"We were praying," he asserts. "If our prayer disrupted anything, then so be it, but we were not shouting."
Don't believe him? Check out the audio clip here, where, just as the chaplain is beginning his prayer, Pavkovic and his relatives are clearly heard ... er, shouting. But not shouting shouting! And not in a disruptive way!
Well, actually, yes, in a disruptive way:
And they were not there to harass Zed, he says. "I don't want it to be mischaracterized as we were there just heckling this man. We were not," says the North Carolina activist. "We prayed to the Lord, and we were obedient to the founding fathers and the first few generations afterwards."
So, yeah, they were heckling him, but they weren't just heckling him. And anyway, it was in the name of the Founders and the first few generations afterwards. (I wonder which generation ruined it for Pavkovic. The one that fought the Civil War, perhaps?)
Incidentally, when he's not harassing non-Christians or trying to shut down abortion clinics, Ante Pavkovic argues for the inerrancy of the King James Bible on various Web sites. Hey, a guy's gotta have a hobby.