Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Is This What America Voted For?

I wasn't going to comment on this most recent development regarding the naked partisanship and warped ideology of this administration, but, added to the pile of amassing evidence indicating just how pervasive has been it's infiltration and destruction of anything scientific, rational and presumpatively unpolitical in government, I thought this latest contribution merited at least highlighting, lest by my silence I become complicit in this administration's malignant endeavors.

That, and John Cole's assessment of the same, forced me to reflect a bit more on the true scope of this administration's hostility towards modernity, progress, and the democratic ideals of a free society.

What's all the more goofy about this, and the Attorney firings, is that these were all Republican appointees that eventually ran afoul of the conservative agenda or were severely circumscribed in their professional practices by it.

And what's even more disturbing is how these sorts of developments spring from an issue-less politics and campaigns where a candidate's sex or good-drinking-buddy appeal somehow trumps matters of substance. And in the case of the past six years, the effect is proving already to be disasterous but still ignored as a new election cycle is on us.