Hat tip to: Racialicious
A few weeks ago I blogged about the father of Giuliani's South Carolina campaign chairman, (the one who was arrested for possession of cocaine) who apparently has a turbulent racial history. CNN didn't feel like it was important to illustrate how turbulent. This is what they said then:
Arthur Ravenel, a former U.S. Congressman and state senator, has his own controversial history. A supporter of flying the Confederate flag on the statehouse grounds, Ravenel referred to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) as the “National Association for Retarded People” at a flag rally in 2000, according to the Charleston Post and Courier.
Arthur Ravenel later said he inadvertently mixed up his words and apologized to mentally handicapped people for comparing them to members of the NAACP, according to the newspaper.
Yeah well apparently Mr. Ravenel has come out his face more frequently than CNN reported. Aside from being a defender of the Confederate flag, Mr. Ravenel is apparently a favorite a large white supremacist organization. From Diversity Inc.
- As a member of Congress, he said a white committee chairman was "operating on black time"
- [Ravenel spoke] in 1993 to the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC), the country's largest white nationalist organization—which, according to The Post and Courier, opposes "all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called affirmative action"
This is what the Anti-Defamation League has to say about the CofCC:
Advances its ideology by inflaming fears and resentments, among Southern whites particularly, with regard to black-on-white crime, non-white immigration, attacks on the public display of the Confederate flag, and other issues related to "traditional" Southern culture.
And I always thought Giulani would lose the GOP primary in the South. With campaign staff like this, he might just do okay after all. The Giuliani campaign lists Arthur Ravenel Jr. as one of their regional chairmen.