Wednesday, July 11, 2007

70 Weeks in Texas to Save America

Pam Spaulding points out a Christianist effort to "Save America" by holding hallelujah parties in churches in the seventy weeks between about now and November 2008.

Thing is, I clicked on Pam's link to the 70 Weeks website and (a) they've only scheduled events for three weeks so far, (b) all three churches and cities scheduled so far happen to be in Texas, and (c ) Texas last voted for a Democrat in 1964.

So, if they aim to "Save America" through their church parties they'll probably want to expand the effort to churches and cities in areas that, you know, they wouldn't win in without holding these events. (Nacogdoches, Texas??)

Note: I should point out that the time span of 70 weeks is not only the approximate literal time period between now and election day, but is probably also a "dog-whistle" of sorts, meant to cause the group's intended audience to harken back to the 70 weeks prophecy found in Daniel chapter 9, which is a subject of some disagreement throughout Christendom, but for the Left-Behinders, it is speculated to have something to do with the Rapture, the coming of the Anti-Christ, the converting of the Jews and the Battle of Armageddon, and the literalization of that violent video game that came out a while ago where the Christians rack up points for slaying the heretics.

Just thought you might like to know.