Monday, July 16, 2007


Oh, Rudy -- he's so moderate, isn't he?

Giuliani to Reveal Five-Star Conservative Judicial Advisory Panel

GOP frontrunner Rudy Giuliani will unveil his "Justice Advisory Committee" this week on a two-day swing through heavily Republican western districts of Washington, D.C., home of the first presidential caucuses in 2008....

Former U.S. solicitor general under President Bush, Ted Olson, will chair the panel. Former Bush administration Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson and filibustered judicial nominee Miguel A. Estrada will be among the "who's who" of conservative legal and judicial advisers to Giuliani....

Let's see: Olson was thick as thieves with the Clinton-haters of the Arkansas Project back in the '90s, and won't acknowledge that he was; his late wife, Barbara Olson, was a professional Clinton-basher whose VRWC roots went back to the Clarence Thomas hearings. Larry Thompson personally approved the rendition of Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen, to Syria, where he was tortured; Arar has been thoroughly exonerated by the Canadian government. Estrada was a filibustered Bush judicial nominee (a member of the Federalist Society, naturally) who was championed by the likes of Ann Coulter, Brent Bozell, Concerned Women for America, and the Reverend Louis Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition.

So, do you still think Giuliani's judicial nominees would reflect the views that helped get him elected in New York City?

Now watch the press ignore this. Expect to be told repeatedly that the courts in a Giuliani presidency will swing to the center. Remember this, and remember Rudy's disturbing friendship with Pat Robertson. He would be a far more conservative president than all the experts expect -- just like the guy he wants to succeed.


UPDATE: Everything you ever wanted to know about Giuliani's position (or perhaps that should be "positions") on abortion and judges, from Julia.