Can anyone explain why Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, in the New York Post, are recycling a three-week-old story about large cash payments to Fred Thompson's son from Fred's political action committee?
It's possible that Morris is just slow on the uptake -- but it seems more likely that Rupert Murdoch wanted someone to put a hit on Fred. Why would that be?
I know Murdoch has cozied up to Hillary Clinton -- but has he really put all his chips on Hill? Is he really planning to attack every Republican challenger to her, on the assumption that her election is inevitable?
I've been assuming he's still hedging his bets -- he'll go easy on her if he thinks she's the all-but-certain victor in November, just the way he cozied up to Tony Blair when Labour's rise seemed likely in Great Britain, but his Plan B is to bash her if she falters, because Hillary-bashing will sell a lot of newspapers and draw a lot of eyeballs to Fox News. But is he being more meddlesome than that on her behalf? Is this the beginning of a campaign to put the hurt on Fred, on the assumption that Fred is likely to be a very strong challenger?
Or is he trying to help another Republican? (Rudy?)
Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but it sure strikes me as odd that one of the top Hillary-haters would say bad things about a guy many people tink could pose a strong challenge to her. And three weeks late, at that.