Thank you, Eric Alterman:
Has anyone yet asked Lieberman point blank: "Sir, if elected, will you promise to serve out your term and refuse any appointment offered to you by a Republican president, and thereby open your seat to a Republican appointment by the governor?" If so, please let us know.
Alterman notes the fact that the new Bob Woodward book says Andy Card had Lieberman on a list of possible Rumsfeld replacements right after the '04 election -- but Lieberman-for-Rumsfeld has also been the subject of significant speculation every few months since then.
Lamont should ask, soon and often. This would certainly explain why the Republicans ceded the race, and why Lieberman is comfortable saying flat out that, if reelected, "I am going to caucus with the Democrats." (It's an easy promise to keep if he'll be out the door almost immediately.)
(Via the Sideshow.)