Friday, October 13, 2006

Another Republican who just pretends to care about the welfare of kids:

In Sex Arrests Hailed by Pirro, Little Jail Time

In press releases she issued over six years, Jeanine F. Pirro, the Westchester County district attorney, trumpeted the arrests made in Internet sex stings that her office ran.

...Now, as the Republican candidate for [New York] attorney general, Ms. Pirro has made her pursuit of these sex predators a central theme.

... a review of the cases shows that the overwhelming majority of people received sentences that let them avoid extensive jail time.

...Only eight of the [111] men prosecuted by Ms. Pirro were given outright prison sentences by judges, according to records from the district attorney's office....

Other district attorneys' offices ... seem more resistant to bargaining with defendants.

The Nassau County district attorney, Kathleen Rice, said that of the 40 individuals charged by her office since 2001 for trying to sexually entice minors over the Internet, 34 pleaded guilty to the initial felony charge and only one pleaded to a lesser count, harassment. Of the others, one was found guilty, one died and three cases are pending.

"When we have someone arrested on the top count, my general position is, absolutely no pleas," Ms. Rice said....

Pirro, as I've pointed out before, was Karl Rove's choice to run against Hillary Clinton.