Mark Tapscott at The Washington Examiner:
Should Sarah Palin be in Wisconsin this weekend?...
If the battle between Republican Gov. Scott Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature and the public employee unions of Wisconsin government is Ground Zero for the struggle for America's future, where is Sarah Palin?
... Palin has an unmatched capacity to motivate millions of Americans to political action. If ever there was a time to make use of that resource and demonstrate to the nation that taxpayers will no longer be silent, Wisconsin is the place and now is the time.
Where is Sarah Palin? ...
Please, Mark, don't tantalize me. I would be delighted if the shrill, snotty, polarizing Palin would swan into Madison and become the face of the counterrevolution, turning the whole thing into a quip-happy, Mean Girl self-pity party. Really -- liberals should be so lucky.
In fact, I'd love it if she showed up with her pal Glenn Beck ... and he showed up with his whiteboard and, for the benefit of the entire mainstream media, ran down his entire theory linking the Wisconsin protesters, Google, George Soros, the Muslim Brotherhood, the United Nations, the Fabian Socialists, and (no, I'm not making this up) Jon Bon Jovi. Really, Glenn -- the whole world is watching. I'd be delighted if the whole world got a good look at precisely what kind of reasoning inspired the movement that took over the government in Washington and all over America.
Could it happen? Can we possibly hope?