At the Daily Howler, Bob Somerby notes that Maureen Dowd-ism with regard to Hillary Clinton isn't confined to the op-ed page of The New York Times:
Yesterday, Hillary Clinton went door-to-door in a Las Vegas neighborhood. "Reporting" on this monumental event, Jennifer Steinhauer worked on her novel. Go ahead -- enjoy a good laugh. An editor waved this into print:
STEINHAUER (1/11/08): Both events, clearly intended to tap into Clark County's large Hispanic population, stood in stark contrast to Mrs. Clinton's last visit to Nevada, when she gave a stump speech from a stage far from supporters in a nature preserve and then departed majestically whence she came.
Somerby is upset about that la-di-da final phrase, but I want to bring up something he doesn't mention -- the part about Clinton being on "a stage far from supporters." Here's some amateur-looking YouTube footage of what I believe is the event in question, at Las Vegas's Springs Preserve, in October. What do you think? Far away from the crowd?
Also check out this clip, starting about 43 seconds in. And the photos at the end of this post at Clinton's campaign site. And this news photo. (UPDATE: This one.) What do you think?
"A stage far from supporters"? What is Steinhauer talking about?