Lieberman? Lieberman??
Oh, what the hell do I know -- just because he's a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, Jewish, Northeastern registered Democrat, can I say for sure the party wouldn't embrace him? Despite his stands, he'd probably do whatever the party wanted him to do as president -- not just on the war but on judges and a host of other issues -- just to piss off the Democrats.
(As for whether he'd do something like this, I believe his repeated statements -- he just said it again to Newsweek -- that he won't sever his remaining ties to the Democratic Party. Think about it: If you were an adolescent child of divorced parents in a joint-custody situation and you were able to play each of your parents off against the other every time you wanted something, and every time you wanted attention, would you voluntarily give all that up to go live with one parent and obey that parent's rules? That's Lieberman's situation now -- especially the "adolescent" part.)