Friday, January 25, 2008


Brokered GOP convention, baby! Maybe it's really possible -- according to Rasmussen, Huck's not dead:

...The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Georgia finds Huckabee with 34% of the vote followed by McCain at 19%, Romney with 16%, Ron Paul with 12% and Rudy Giuliani in fifth with 11%....

And in Alabama:

John McCain and Mike Huckabee are tied for the lead in Alabama's Republican Presidential Primary. McCain and Huckabee each attract 27% support while Mitt Romney is a distant third at 15%....

Romney might be picking up a big chunk of the Fred Thompson vote outside the Bible Belt, but perhaps his satanic evil scary Mormonism is preventing him from getting a similar boost in God's Country. And maybe God is telling Bible Belt GOPers to listen to Rush regarding John McCain, but not Saint Huck.

I sure hope so.