Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I was just looking at Marty Peretz's New Republic blog (yeah, I know, never a good idea). Um, what exactly does he mean by this?

There is a calculus to the Clintons trying to make Obama run as the black candidate. It is to stir up fear in one part of Hillary's constituency, white women and particularly older white women.

Oh, sure, the Clintons might be trying to stir up resentment of Obama on the part of white women, many of whom feel it's finally women's turn at the pinnacle of American power. But fear? Fear of what? Is Peretz saying what I think he's saying?

Well, that's paragraph #3 of Peretz's post. Here's how paragraph #1 begins:

Bill Clinton dozed off at the Convent Avenue Baptist Church in Harlem just as his wife was receiving the endorsement (or, more properly, the blessing) of Calvin Butts at Abyssinian Baptist Church, eight or so blocks away. This church had been the pulpit of Adam Clayton Powell Jr. -- "Mr. Jesus" to his congregation, member of Congress and husband to the politically fearless lefty (just one instance: as a witness before the House Un-American Activities Committees) and staggeringly sexual songstress of my youth, Hazel Scott, like Lena Horne. A randy fellow.

Ah, the wanderings of Marty's mind -- from Bill Clinton snoozing to Hazel Scott's sexual desirability and Adam Clayton Powell's randiness, in a mere two sentences. Peretz goes on to say he finds Obama "gracious," but it's clear to me that other thoughts cross his mind when he thinks about Obama, particularly in connection with white women.

The mind of Marty Peretz is a sick and twisted place.