You probably know that yesterday President Bush gave a speech in Salt Lake City in which he made a rare (for him) acknowledgment of U.S. casualties in Iraq. But did you know that nearly one-fifth of the speech -- approximately 600 words of a 3,500-word address -- was given over to banter?
I really enjoy coming to these conventions. Members here come from all walks of life and you do vital work across our country. I know firsthand the spirit of the VFW. I was raised by one of your members -- (applause) -- a proud veteran of Post 4344 in Houston, Texas, former President George Bush. (Applause.) Where is that mighty Texas delegation? (Applause.) Behaves yourselves. (Laughter.) ...
I appreciate John Furgess. I appreciated working with him for the past year. He's a good, honorable man, and he's represented the VFW with distinction and class. It takes judgment to be the President of an organization. And so when I first saw John this morning, I realized he was a man of good judgment. He said, "You've got to understand, Mr. President, most of the people are really excited to see Laura." (Laughter and applause.) ...
I got on Air Force One down there in Waco, and they told me that we had a special guest on our plane. I said, well, who is it? They said, well, it's Orrin Hatch. I said, fantastic, glad to give the fellow a ride. (Laughter.)...
They must have changed the immigration laws here in Utah, because they allowed the Idaho Governor to come across the border. (Laughter.)...
Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech? No banter.
The Gettysburg Address? No banter.
Bush finally acknowleging that a lot of blood has been in his Iraq War?
Banter. Lots and lots of it.