I strongly demur from the view that Clinton hatred exceeds Bush hatred by any measure. Conservatives are more disgusted by Clinton; but they are not so blinded by their negative feelings that they don't appreciate Clinton's achievements, the centrism of his policy (when he wasn't surrendering his better judgment to interest groups), his brilliance as a politician. By contrast so-called liberals and leftists have a hatred of Bush that is so intense it reduces their view of him to absurdities -- he's a moron, a liar and evil.
--David Horowitz, "Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton? An Exchange Among Conservatives," History News Network, 7/25/05
Chat Moderator: What do you think of President Clinton?
David Horowitz: Clinton reminds me of Ted Bundy: a charmer, a seducer and a sociopath.
--CNN.com online chat, 9/25/99
As we enter the final six months of the Clinton-Gore era, it has become obvious to all but the willfully stupefied that this will go down as the most criminal, most corrupt, most cynical administration in American history.
--Horowitz column in Salon, 6/26/00
“[He] is the most wretched human being who has ever occupied the White House.”
--David Horowitz at Amherst College, 3/15/02