From AP:
A U.S. Army officer's 90-day prayer campaign to win the war on terror starts today and runs through Thanksgiving Day.
Maj. Danny Davis has served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wants Christians to pray daily for terrorist leaders to be vanquished, peace and a safe homecoming for America's troops.
On his Web site -- -- he asks others to join him on "a focused, intense prayer campaign" and then "see what God will do."
According to his Web site, Davis was deployed Monday to Qatar.
Here's the site.
And hey, what can I say? Major Davis doesn't seem to be blaming Democrats or liberals or peaceniks or Cindy Sheehan or Dan Rather for the fact that God hasn't smitten bin Laden, Zawahiri, and Zarqawi (the three terrorist leaders the major wants God to "end the reign of"); he seems to be the kind of Christian who sees all people as sinners, not just people who aren't like him. He doesn't seem to be trying to impose this on anyone who doesn't want to do it. And this doesn't seem to have government sponsorship. (Yeah, he works for the government -- but most of us work for somebody, and that doesn't mean our employers are responsible for what we say and do and post on our own.)
So hey, why not? Good luck to him. Hell, nothing Bush does is going to accomplish any of these goals.