I almost missed this Robertson follow-up:
A day after calling for the U.S, assassination of [Hugo] Chavez, [Pat] Robertson speculated about biblical roots for Islamic terrorism.
Arabs and Muslims view themselves as descendants of Abraham's son Ishmael.
On Tuesday's broadcast of "The 700 Club," Robertson said, "The Bible talks about Ishmael as being 'a wild ass.' He's just uncontrollable, and it's almost like this seed of rebellion and uncontrolled anger has, you know, filtered into these people."
The founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network added that Islamic terrorists seem to be motivated by "a spirit of murder."
Full quote:
"The bible talks about Ishmael being a wild ass, he's just uncontrollable and it's almost like that seed of rebellion and uncontrollable anger has filtered into these people. There's an element of hatred and revenge that is just extraordinary, and you say they're deluded, there's poverty, this and that, 100 different reasons, but at the heart of it all it seems like to me, it's just the spirit of violence, the spirit of hatred, and a spirit of murder."
It's not clear whether, by "these people," Robertson means just Islamicist terrorists or all Arabs and Muslims. But one thing is indisputable: He's saying that they have an inborn taint that predisposes them to violence. This is a blood libel. (Though it should be noted that it's not original with Pat.)*
*URL possibly not suitable for work.