Saturday, August 13, 2005

When journalist Steven Vincent was killed in Iraq, the Fighting Keyboarders of the Right embraced him as one of their own, kind of the way the Latter-Day Saints declare that certain dead people are Mormons.

I wonder this (from The New York Observer) it would give some of those right-wingers pause:

By 1990, [Vincent and his wife] had settled into a cozy East Village life together, and Vincent had begun making the transition from jack-of-all-trades to art-world journo.... he was also restless, anxious for something transcendent. For a time, he found it in the kaleidoscopic funhouse of the downtown fetish scene, where he often served as a "gentleman escort" for his friend the Baroness, a ruby-haired latex dominatrix.

I have no problem with that. Right-wingers? You have a problem with that?