As a Reagan White House attorney in 1984, John G. Roberts criticized three Republican congresswomen for supporting the "radical" idea of "comparable worth" to create pay equality between men and women....
"I honestly find it troubling that three Republican representatives are so quick to embrace such a radical redistributive concept," he wrote. "Their slogan may as well be 'From each according to his ability, to each according to her gender.' "
The criticism, a parody of a Marxist slogan, came in a Feb. 20, 1984, memo that Roberts wrote to his boss, White House counsel Fred Fielding....
"It is difficult to exaggerate the perniciousness of the 'comparable worth' theory," Roberts wrote. "It mandates nothing less than central planning of the economy by judges." ...
This detail is also buried in the middle of a Washington Post story on the latest Roberts document dump. Here's another amusing morsel from that story:
... he once advised two Methodist ministers how to skirt the U.S. Flag Code in order to display religious flags and insignia above the American flag, writing, "If some church gives its flag the place of prominence over the Stars and Stripes, the pastor is hardly going to be sent up the river."
It's a violation of the Flag Code to put God above country? Yup -- see section 2(c):
No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy.
Hmmm -- must be some liberal/commie plot to drive religion from the public square. Anyway, Roberts knows that a Higher Law requires Americans to be as ostentatiously religious as possible, so he apparently advised the ministers on the proper form for illegal conduct, just as Jesus would have wanted him to.
The Post also tells us what the good stuff is -- i.e., the stuff we still can't read:
Among the memos that are absent is the only one written by Roberts in a box of documents about the Bob Jones University case, in which the Supreme Court ruled that it was legal to revoke the school's tax-exempt status because it prohibited interracial dating; a memo he wrote on presidential pardons; and 20 of the 27 pages in a box of documents on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
But I don't really care about the Post's lead, which refers to Roberts's approval of a letter of support from then-President Reagan to a group of right-to-lifers who were holding a memorial service for a collection of aborted fetuses. This had become a legal battle because the anti-abortion group wanted to gain posession of the actual fetuses, which had been found at a California lab. But a court ruled that the group couldn't have the fetuses, and the memorial service proceeded without them. Yes, Roberts, in his memo OK'ing the Reagan letter of support, referred to the memorial service as "an entirely appropriate means of calling attention to the abortion tragedy." That tells us that Roberts thinks abortion is a "tragedy"; well, no surprise there. As for the memorial service, well, it's a free country.
(Newsday link via DU.)