Saturday, August 20, 2005


AP reports on something I didn't know was being seriously considered:

Shiite lawmaker Saad Jawad Kandil said the division of Iraq's potentially vast oil revenues also remained unresolved, along with the question of whether federal units could maintain relations with foreign states.

Shiites insist that foreign affairs should be the job of the central government, while the Kurds prefer that each region have the right to maintain ties with other countries, Kandil said.

WTF? The Kurds -- it has to be the Kurds -- want to maintain a separate foreign policy?

Hey, neocons: Thanks a lot for all the regional stability.

(AP's lead, by the way, is that the Kurds might -- might -- drop their demand for the right to secede. I'm not sure which would make it harder to maintain a stable Iraq: a region that could legally secede at any time or a region that can't and therefore reserves the right to maintain a separate fifth-column foreign policy.)