(and Dick Cheney’s hot, too)
The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show ... New Kids on the Block ... the Backstreet Boys ... the 2005 State of the Union address....
What am I getting at? Well, just look at some selected posts from the State of the Union thread at Lucianne.com:
And the Cabinet Arrives....Condi looks wonderful and Rummy looks yummy!
Laura Bush looks good in that color.
IMHO, Laura Bush looks good in any color!!!
I love Cheney's half smile. It warms my heart.
I can't stop looking at Dick Cheney. I'm sorry, but I've had a crush on him since he was appointed defense secretary under '41. He truly is the thinking woman's sex symbol. Sigh....
Dick Cheney would be one of my top choices of who I would like to have dinner with - clever, witty, smart - and I too love his half-smile.
If any of you make a move for Dick Cheney (and you know who you are) I may have to hurt you. He's mine.
Want to drive a liberal right straight up the wall? Tell 'em you think Cheney is sexy.
They go mad.
Just seeing VP Cheney sitting there is so-ooo reassuring. What a man!
It's that Cheney smile that tells you he knows all kinds of secrets.
Dick Cheney is sexy. He's a man's man!
President Bush just thanked our First Lady, Laura Bush. How we love our First Family!
We have an awesome President and First Lady.
Beautiful Laura in her Purple suit. I am so proud to be an American tonight. God Bless George W. Bush!
he said nuclear
with all the stuff he has got about that word you would think he would shy away
not chief two stones
Fifty years from now, Mount Rushmore. This is the favorite president of my lifetime. I loved Ronnie, but I've felt connected to Dubya from the beginning, and he's never disappointed me yet.
My admiration for our President grows by leaps and bounds, and I am near tears with pride.
Trust in your President is absolutely everything. I trust President Bush implicitely!! I thank God every day that he is in office.
He wants to ban gay marriage!
The pundits said that he just said that during the campaign.
Now FAITH BASED agenda!
The dems must be ready to explode!
I just LOVE President BUSH
Thank you, God for this president.
My Goodness Mr. President!! Such a large 2x4 you're swinging tonight! He's certainly in a target rich environment!
W is walkin the walk. Yowser!
I just can't get enough of that word. FREEDOM.
I love George W! FREEDOM!!
He called out Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Iran.
This dude clanks when he walks!
We are witnessing history, folks. We'll be able to tell our grandchildren how we voted for this great man WAY back in 2004!
The RIGHT man at the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time. Go Dubya!!!!
And a new young generation of Americans learns what it’s like to have a REAL President!
The accomplishments of this president are approaching legendary status.
The very best president of my lifetime (60+).
That's it! I'm in tears! WOW! Go W!
I don't want this speech to end! I could listen to more of this, for hours yet!
This is, simply, a magnificent man and a magnificent speech.
President Bush is an absolutely extraordinary President.
I'm in tears too!
(By the way, as a point of comparison I went over to the Bright Eyes discussion board -- Bright Eyes is the band led by the current #1 pouty heartthrob in indie rock, Conor Oberst -- and the talk there is much less breathless.)
(Oh and the “If any of you make a move for Dick Cheney” post is from Lucianne Goldberg herself.)