So Rick Santorum held a town hall forum on Social Security yesterday, and, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, some older workers had the audacity to express doubts about the Republican plan. Cue the Free Republic crowd:
Seniors are one of the greediest and ignorant groups of people in this country right now.
I'd say many minds were closed....
Older folks simply can't process this info...
...they are stubborn obstinate old bastards that are concerned only for their own welfare.
I have talked with many and most are just ignorant of the facts and don't want to hear anything but AARP indoctrination.
These greedy geezers have nothing better to do than attend these town hall meeting. I wouldn't be surprised if the AARP is busing them to Santorum's town hall, followed by a stop at the casino.
I say let the greedy geezers kill this reform. When SS collapses, we won't have the Dems beating Republicans over the head with this cudgel any more. THEY will have killed it by not going along with these fixes until it was too late. As for the geezers, Alpo has more vitamins in it than tuna.