What liberal book business? This is from Publishers Lunch:
Yesterday afternoon the Penguin Group announced the formation of a currently unnamed "major new imprint" that will focus on "books of political opinion and dissent with a conservative perspective." ... They plan on publishing about 15 titles a year....
But wait -- there's more. Publishers Lunch also points out that Random House's Crown division is upgrading its Forum imprint:
...The first title comes from Ann Coulter, who was of course already a general Crown author, and the line incorporates other previously announced titles like their joint venture with magazine and web site NewsMax. Steve Ross, who will oversee the line, has also acquired radio host Michael Medved’s RIGHT TURN and journalist Robert Novak’s memoir.
This is in case you're still not getting enough conservatism from Regnery, WND Books, Encounter Books, and the ever-more-accommodating big publishers in New York (who, of course, were always a lot more receptive to conservatives than conservatives wanted you to believe).
Oh, and there's this forthcoming title, also announced by Publishers Lunch this week:
Former US Representative and House Majority Leader Dick Armey's ARMEY'S AXIOMS: 40 Hard-earned Truths from Politics, Faith and Life, with a foreword from Sean Hannity, a collection of pithy lessons on politics, power, the role of government and world of work and life in general, interspersed with anecdotes from his own years on the Hill, to [be published by] Wiley, ... for publication in October 2003....
Can't wait for that one.