Here's a tidy guide to the loutish anti-Muslim bigotry of Franklin Graham, from, of all publications, The Washington Times, in a story about the Defense Department's reaffirmation that Graham will preach at the Pentagon:
"We're not attacking Islam, but Islam has attacked us," the younger Mr. Graham said. "The God of Islam is not the same God. ... It's a different God, and I believe it is a very evil and wicked religion."
He refused to retract those remarks, and in response to demands for an apology said: "How come the Muslim clerics haven't gone to ground zero and had a prayer vigil and apologized to the nation in the name of Islam?"
He later told The Washington Times: "When people say [Islam] is a peaceful religion, don't tell me that. When a suicide bomber straps on a bomb, that's not a peaceful person. The Baptists are not doing that. Neither are the Pentecostals."
He just doesn't get it. He doesn't get that violent people acting as self-appointed agents of Islam are not equivalent to Islam itself. By the way, has any Catholic priest or Protestant minister gone to the family of Dr. Bernard Slepian and apologized for his murder on behalf of all Christianity?