Monday, April 21, 2003

Well, another blowhard entertainer has shot his mouth off about something he knows nothing about -- but this one's in favor of the war, so all the people who normally whine whenever a blowhard entertainer shoots his mouth off about something he knows nothing about are strangely silent.

The entertainer in question is aging skirt-chaser, B-list rock god, and sexual harasser of brainy androgynes Gene Simmons. He defends the war in the April 17 post at (A slightly bowdlerized version from Free Republic is here.)

"I could give a shit if there is or isn't a direct line [from 9/11] to Hussein. He had to go. Period. That regime wouldn't think twice about giving an extremist a suitcase filled with a dirty bomb," Simmons writes, neglecting to explain why soldiers in Iraq who were trying to kill Saddam and every last one of his lieutenants were not gassed or nuked by "that regime."

There's more, lots more.