Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Holding a memorial service for your dead preemie? Atrios points out that his state's junior senator, Rick Santorum (R - Sanctimony), did that after his wife had an emergency delivery in her 20th week of pregnancy -- but hey, that's not even original, and this guy went him one better:

Years ago, when [Allen] Quist's first wife died while nearly seven months pregnant, Quist had the fetus removed from her body and displayed in an open casket so his family could properly grieve for an unborn child. It was one of a series of revelations from the '94 campaign--another was Quist's assertion that men had a "genetic predisposition" to rule the household--that torpedoed his [gubernatorial] primary bid after he'd been endorsed at the last GOP convention. It also fueled the notion that he is unelectable in Minnesota.

--City Pages (Minneapolis-St. Paul), 6/24/98; emphasis mine

A 1994 Minneapolis Star-Tribune story points out that Quist remarried a mere six months after the death of his wife and prop ... er, fetus.

I grew up Catholic. Nobody I knew ever did anything like this.

(Meanwhile, it's nice to see that Santorum is catching flak for anti-gay remarks -- not that it will in any way deter him....)