Monday, October 02, 2006


So anyone who supports gay rights and criticizes Mark Foley is a hypocrite:

If there were an Academy Award for Hypocrisy, the surefire favorite for 2006 would be the Democratic Party....

We have a Republican man in Congress who sent e-mails to teenage boys asking them what they were wearing, and an entire party, the Democrats, whose primary constituency, besides the teachers' unions, is homosexual men and lesbian women. I hope it won't come as a surprise to anyone that a big part of male homosexual behavior is interest in young boys. (Take a look at anyone renting
Endless Summer next time you are at the video store.)

Don't get me wrong. My very best friend is gay. I have many gay friends and they are great people. But how the Democrats, the party of gays, can be coming down this hard on a MC who's gay is simply beyond belief....

Besides, according to Stein, Foley wasn't a predator -- he just "had a romantic thing for young boys."

(Oh, and Stein also says Democrats can't criticize George Allen because Robert Byrd was in the Klan half a century ago. But all good Republican apparatchiks say that.)


Stein presumably wrote this before it was revealed that Foley tried to arrange a rendezvous with a teenage page, writing, "I would drive a few miles for a hot stud like you.")



"It's more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction."

--Mark Foley on Bill Clinton, 9/12/98

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